Israelophobia, newest form of the oldest hatred The distinction between hating Jews and hating Israel is bogus ; Melanie Phillips

Antisemitism is a rotten term for the “longest hatred” that targets the Jewish people. For a start, there is no such thing as “semitism” to be “anti”.

The word “antisemitism” was invented by a 19th-century Jew-hater, Wilhelm Marr, who wanted to invest this prejudice with the spurious characteristic of race in order to appeal to a society that increasingly defined itself in scientific terms.

Today, with Jew-hatred having reached unprecedented global levels, the inadequacies of “antisemitism” are becoming ever more manifest. Many wrongly believe that it’s just another form of racism. Few understand that it’s a uniquely paranoid, deranged and murderous mindset.

Because Judaism and the Jews are so poorly understood, few recognise that this unique people is victimised by a unique prejudice. And few acknowledge that the prejudice changes shape as societies change.

Used for the sake of convenience, “antisemitism” fosters further misunderstanding over the issue of Israel. People assume that prejudice against the Jewish people is against Jews as people. Few understand that Judaism isn’t a private confessional faith as the west understands religion to be.

They don’t realise that Jewish religious identity is rooted in the land of Israel, where the Jews were historically the only people for whom it was ever their national kingdom. So they fail to grasp that Israel is at the very heart of Judaism. Denouncing the right of the Jews to the land is to attack Judaism itself.

But because “antisemitism” is associated with bigotry against Jews as people — and specifically with genocidal Nazism — individuals bridle when it’s used to describe their hostility to the State of Israel.

In other words, demonising Jews and wishing they would disappear from the world may be beyond the pale, but demonising Israel and wishing it would disappear from the world is just fine.

In his new book Israelophobia, published next week, Jake Wallis Simons takes this false distinction apart. The Jew-hatred that is now at epidemic levels throughout the west focuses overwhelmingly on the Jewish homeland

Simons, the editor of Britain’s Jewish Chronicle for which I write, does an outstanding job detailing the astounding tsunami of falsehoods, distortions, double standards and vilification engulfing Israel. Although atrocities and human rights abuses are taking place all over the world, this obsessional campaign is directed only at Israel, the sole democracy in the Middle East.

Mitch McConnell Agonistes The Beltway double standard on the health of public officials is something to behold.

You can tell who’s loved and hated in Washington by the way they’re treated when they have a health issue. President Biden stumbles through his first term, and is tripping toward another, with nary a notice from the Democratic-media complex about his obvious physical and mental decline. But GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell freezes up twice in five weeks before the cameras and he’s supposed to resign forthwith.

Mr. McConnell, who is 81 years old, clearly isn’t the same since he fell and suffered a concussion in March. His speech has long been slow but it seems more labored now. The moments when he has frozen for 20 seconds or so, and had to be helped by colleagues or aides, are difficult to watch.

Yet colleagues and others who have seen him after those events say he was alert and engaged. His doctor issued a statement on Thursday saying he’s able to continue his regular schedule. “Occasional lightheadedness is not uncommon in concussion recovery and can also be expected as a result of dehydration,” Dr. Brian Monahan said after he conferred with Mr. McConnell’s neurology team. If that’s the proper diagnosis and Mr. McConnell can still do the work, then he has no need to step down as leader.

Washington’s double standard on the health of politicians is also something to behold. Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman ran for the Senate after suffering a stroke and he still struggles. The press ignores it. California Sen. Dianne Feinstein didn’t know her aides had sent out a press release saying she wouldn’t run for re-election in 2024.

Then there’s Mr. Biden, who stumbles repeatedly, blurts out inanities and non sequiturs, and sometimes doesn’t seem to know where he is on stage. But because Democrats don’t want a primary fight, and they fear Vice President Kamala Harris could be their 2024 nominee, everyone is supposed to ignore Mr. Biden’s infirmities. Whatever his issues, Mr. McConnell doesn’t have to negotiate with dictators like Xi Jinping or take calls at 3 a.m.

California’s ethnic studies mandate cannot be fixed The Jewish groups that welcomed a letter from Gov. Gavin Newsom about avoiding bigotry are betraying the community. The courses are an invitation to antisemitism. Jonathan Tobin

You would think that everyone understands that you can’t defend the Jews while supporting something set up to help promote antisemitism. Yet apparently, that basic truth is being ignored by those who ought to know better.

The Jewish Public Affairs Committee of California (JPAC) has put itself in just such an impossible position. The group, which serves as the body tasked with defending the state’s Jewish community to the government of the nation’s largest state, is stuck in a contradiction.

On the one hand, it knows that it should mobilize whatever influence it has to push back against the way California’s ethnic-studies mandate in the public schools is being used to promote hatred for Israel and antisemitism by left-wing activists who dominate the educational establishment, including school boards and teachers unions.

On the other hand, as a group whose liberal politics tie it to the prevailing orthodoxies on the left that produced this problem, it feels equally obligated to defend the ethnic-studies mandate despite the way it has been used to attack the Jewish community.

JPAC has sought to ameliorate the problems created by the passage of the ethnic-studies mandate by the California legislature in 2021 and the creation of a model ethnic-studies curriculum by the state board of education even before that. But all it has done is to make it even harder to accomplish the one goal that ought to be embraced by those who care about defending both the Jews and core American values of liberty and equality: scrapping the entire program.

The latest twist in this long-running battle concerns a letter that has been issued by the California Board of Education to the 1,037 school districts around the state that, according to the ethnic-studies mandate law, have the authority to come up with their own curricula to implement it. The letter cautions the districts that some ethnic-studies materials that vendors have circulated discriminate against individuals or communities. It also reminds them that their courses should not reflect “bias, bigotry or discrimination.”

JPAC can rightly claim credit for using its political influence to force the board to issue the letter with the approval of Gov. Gavin Newsom. The problem it is trying to address is real. Much of the material is being used in classrooms by radical left-wing groups like the ones promoting “Liberated Ethnic Studies” in districts such as the city of Los Angeles. These curricula are based in critical race theory and promote antisemitism by depicting Jews and Israel as “white” oppressors.

Pakistan: Muslim Mobs Hunt Christians by Uzay Bulut

Hundreds of Christians fled their homes on August 16 when, in the eastern Pakistani district capital of Jaranwala, Muslim mobs started an anti-Christian riot, vandalizing churches and setting churches and Christians’ homes on fire — all based just on an accusation that a Quran had been desecrated.

At least 20 churches throughout the city were set on fire and more than 400 homes belonging to Christians damaged.

“Two Christian individuals are accused of desecrating the Quran. People are demanding life imprisonment, but the accusation is false. They have done nothing. The accusation was fabricated by an Islamist group, Tehreek-e-Labbaik.” — Faraz Pervaiz, a Christian Pakistani asylum-seeker who fled to Thailand after being accused in Pakistan of blasphemy for criticizing political Islam, reporting through his sources on the ground, August 2023.

“On August 16, 2023 a woman carrying these documents with torn pages of Quran knocked the door of Raja and Rocky, later be accused of blasphemy. When they opened the door, the woman started shouting at the family and accusing them that you have desecrated the Quran. The family was shocked. Meanwhile this woman started making loud noises to wake the people up. ‘Raja and Rocky has committed blasphemy,’ she was shouting, ‘and you Muslims are sleeping!'” — Faraz Pervaiz, August 2023.

The Muslim mobs then started attacking Christian homes and churches; the Christians fled and slept outside to avoid being burned alive, Pervaiz said.

“Christians are sleeping under open sky now. They are helpless. They get no support from any organization or the Government. They get no food support, and no new shelter is provided. They are starving. They are too scared to go back to their homes. They fear being killed… The police were helping the perpetrators and the vigilantes. There was no military intervention to stop the attacks. …The newly elected Prime Minister of Pakistan has condemned the incidents, but Christians need help, which he could have provided. But he did not because he knew that entire Muslim community would stand against him.” — Faraz Pervaiz, August 2023.

To urge Muslims to hunt down Pervaiz, mullahs in Pakistan have led demonstrations where the crowds were encouraged to chant: “There is only one punishment for insulting the Prophet. Sever the head from the body! Sever the head from the body!”

In 2019, Pervaiz’s home address in Bangkok, Thailand, was revealed in a video released on social media, with calls to every Muslim to find and kill him and his family. Several mullahs also attached fatwas to the video calling on Muslims to kill him. Posters with his photograph were plastered across many cities, including outside mosques and government offices in Lahore and Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad.

Meanwhile, Pakistani Islamists have placed a bounty on Pervaiz. The Tahreek-e-Labbaik political party announced the first bounty of $62,000 in 2015. The next year, a cleric doubled it to $124,000. Pervaiz told Gatestone that many Islamist parties in Pakistan have placed a bounty on him; the amount now totals $400,000.

The UN and other members of the international community seriously need to reconsider their relations with the government of Pakistan. It is a systematic violator of human rights and a major supporter of Islamist terrorism. A government that treats its minorities so unjustly and inhumanely needs to be held to account.

Chicago TV Crew Mugged While Reporting on Robberies Ben Wilson

A TV news crew covering armed robbers in Chicago were themselves robbed this week, as the city continues to struggle with a surge in crime.

The two crew members, a reporter and photographer for Univision Chicago, were standing on the street in the city’s Wicker Park neighborhood on Monday when two vehicles pulled up and three masked men with guns took their equipment and belongings, according to USA Today.

The identities of the victims have not been released, but police reported that they were not injured. No arrests were made as of Tuesday morning.

The story is the latest example of Chicago’s struggle with crime and violence. Dozens of people are shot and several killed on a weekly basis.

Crime increased by 38 percent in the month after Democratic mayor Brandon Johnson took office in May. In late July, robberies were up 17 percent compared with the same time last year, according to police data, and were up by 30 percent in the past three years.

A Democratic Chicago alderwoman asked gang members this month to limit their shootings and murders to the evening hours.

Democrats And Republicans Have Been Talking About School Reform For Years While Everything Has Gotten Worse By: Auguste Meyrat

On education, both Republicans and Democrats are out of ideas as schools continue to crumble.

One important takeaway from the first Republican presidential primary debate was that every candidate shared lackluster views on education.

The GOP has not developed a coherent position on this crucial issue. Sure, they have a few talking points: They want to abolish the Department of Education, break up teachers unions, protect children from leftist radicals, and implement some kind of school choice. But this doesn’t come close to a comprehensive vision of an issue that affects all Americans and will largely determine the trajectory of the country’s future. 

Assuming the candidates received their wishes, how would this work out? In all likelihood, this would mean that the federal government would save billions of dollars by offering fewer grants to needy college students and underprivileged schools. Teachers in all states would lose their leverage in negotiating a fair wage and better working conditions. And a whole new industry of education scammers would crop up to con unwitting parents out of their school vouchers.

These ostensible “reforms” could be made without such negative outcomes — and I’ve argued for some of them myself — but only if the reformers did their homework and took the time to understand how these systems and processes worked. 

Unfortunately, the Democrat Party is even worse on education.

RFK Jr. STILL Pushing 20% in Dem Primary Polling Despite Constant Attacks, Censorship, Smears By Ben Bartee

Biden 60% Kennedy 19% Williamson 10%

A recent poll conducted by Big Village CARAVAN assessing Democrat Party voter preferences in June 2023 found that the Brandon entity is sitting at 60.3%, RFK Jr. is at 19%, and Marianne Williamson is at 9.7%. “Someone else” gets 10.9%.

This means that just about 40% of his own party’s voters actively oppose the re-nomination of Joseph Brandon and endorse other candidates — nearly unheard of for a sitting president. And this is without any debates and with the entire corporate state media in his corner.

Biden’s Border Crisis Fuels Massive Spike In Retail Crime

As retailers reported their quarterly earnings this month, a phrase that kept cropping up is one you probably never heard before – “organized retail crime.” It has spiked enough that it’s eating into profits.

Turns out that, by throwing open the southern border, President Joe Biden has created a booming business for Mexican cartels ripping off U.S. retailers – although you’d never know it based on the media blackout of this trend.

Target, Dollar Tree, Foot Locker, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Nordstrom, and others recently disclosed that organized retail crime – or ORC for short – is hitting their bottom lines.

Dick’s Chief Financial Officer Navdeep Gupta said that the sports retailer lowered its profit outlook for the year in part because “the number of incidents and the organized retail crime impact came in significantly higher than we anticipated.”

Dollar Tree said it is keeping more of its items in locked cases or removing them altogether as organized theft climbs

Just last week, 50 criminals swarmed a Los Angeles mall and made off with $300,000 worth of stolen goods. A news report suggests that they were following orders from organized crime or gang members.

“There’s no doubt that there’s a lot of … criminal organizations behind this. Some of it involves gang members; some of it involves people that are what you would identify as professional retail thieves,” Deputy Los Angeles Police Chief Alan Hamilton told NBC News on Sunday. “It runs the gamut, and there is a black market for purchasing these items, unfortunately. … The same people [are] then turning around and committing these acts again, over and over again.”

The National Retail Federation says ORC cost retailers close to $100 billion in 2021 – a significant increase from the year before – and that money eventually comes out of consumers’ pockets.

Clarence Thomas Discloses, the Media Opposes The justice’s 2022 filing confirms the Journal’s debunking of ProPublica’s botched April story. James Taranto

One reason Americans don’t trust the media is that politically biased reporters routinely adulterate the news with tendentious language and prepackaged opinions. The result is crude propaganda—lousy opinion writing and unreliable information rolled into one and deceptively packaged as straight news.

Here’s an example from CNN (emphasis mine): “Justice Clarence Thomas disclosed Thursday that Republican megadonor Harlan Crow paid for private jet trips for Thomas in 2022 to attend a speech in Texas and a vacation at Crow’s luxurious New York estate, as ethics questions continue to rock the Supreme Court.”

What actually happened is too mundane to rock anything: The Judicial Conference of the U.S., which regulates judges’ financial disclosures, changed its rules regarding “transportation that substitutes for commercial transportation.” A private plane trip is now considered a gift, which is subject to disclosure, rather than “personal hospitality,” which isn’t. The rule took effect in March, and Justice Thomas complied with it for his 2022 form.

This week’s coverage is another demonstration that disclosure is a mug’s game. If you follow the rules perfectly, “ethics experts” will fault you for failing to disclose when it isn’t required and for what you disclose when it is. Gabe Roth, who heads an outfit called Fix the Court, tells CNN that although Justice Thomas “says he plans on more closely following the disclosure laws moving forward, his penchant for living a lifestyle few of us can only dream of [sic] is not reflected in today’s report.” Mr. Roth adds that the justice “should go back and amend earlier disclosures to recount the full extent of the lavish gifts he’s received over the years.” The connection with judicial ethics is unclear: As CNN notes in passing, Mr. Crow has never had business before the court.

Justice Thomas’s 2022 disclosure form also vindicates my reporting last April on a real-estate transaction that ProPublica—which styles itself “an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism with moral force”—attempted to spin into a scandal.

Hurricane Ron DeSantis If he can do the executive job, maybe his skill at small talk is immaterial.

Ron DeSantis spent Thursday visiting rural Florida counties hit by Hurricane Idalia, and during his morning news update the Governor was in command of the details. “As of 6 a.m. today,” he said, “there are approximately 146,000 power outages reported across the state,” but thousands of borrowed linemen were at work, and 420,000 accounts had already been restored.

As of the night before, Mr. DeSantis said, authorities had done about 40 successful rescues. “All state bridges, including the Cedar Key Bridge, have been cleared, and that happened within 12 hours of landfall,” he added. Schools? “Thirty of the 52 districts that closed during the storm are open today, and an additional eight will be open tomorrow.” Fuel, water, tarps? “All that stuff we have an abundance of, and we’ll be providing that as needed.”

The driving winds in Florida’s Big Bend region were enough to rip off roofs and topple a gas-station canopy. Yet worse appears to have been avoided because Idalia hit mostly rural areas, after a forecast of its path that Mr. DeSantis called “pretty doggone accurate.” The contrast is with Hurricane Ian last year, which was predicted to hit the Big Bend but veered into Fort Myers and killed about 150 Americans.

Mr. DeSantis received high marks for his handling of that disaster, in particular after the state Transportation Department made swift emergency repairs to two bridges the storm damaged, stranding thousands of residents.

Hurricane Idalia cleanup isn’t over, and perhaps there will be hiccups. But if there aren’t, we’ll know it by what we don’t read in the national press. The Governor will get no credit for success.

This seems to be Mr. DeSantis in his element, examining the figures, the emergency response plans, the Covid-19 statistics, and then synthesizing it into government policy. Everyone knows an introvert like this, and the flip side of the personality type is that Mr. DeSantis, now a 2024 presidential candidate, has proved less than adept at making small talk with Iowans.