To a social justice warrior, there is nothing so awful as a white male. For one like Linda Sarsour, that is especially true, which she recently illustrated at Dartmouth College.
On May 12, during a question and answer period with Sarsour, someone in the audience asked a question about a tweet Sarsour made regarding genital mutilation survivor Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Arab Christian Brigitte Gabriel.
In that tweet, Sarsour said:
I wish I could take their vaginas away – they don’t deserve to be women.
The Daily Wire reported on the question, and Sarsour’s response:
The young man confronted Sarsour:
Hi. So, um, this question is really important because I believe that women’s rights are also human rights. So I really want to know: under what circumstances it’s acceptable to say that “I wish I could take their vaginas away. They don’t deserve to be women.” Just to give that context, that’s one of the tweets off your Twitter.
There was a long pause while Sarsour decided how to mitigate the effect of the truth being thrown at her. She finally responded by evading the question:
So, let’s give some context here, because, y’know, we have — Uh, this is an event organized by an Asian American, right? Let’s just get — let’s get some context to what is going on here. Celebrating a community, right? Talking about communities of color who are being directly impacted by this moment and I have a young white man in the back who is not directly impacted by any of the issues I mentioned.
That elicited applause from the supine audience, which apparently didn’t care about the massive hypocrisy of a woman posing as a fighter for women’s rights who had called for literally ripping away the vaginas of women that she hated.
Sarsour continued by astonishingly claiming she never issued the tweet: “A copy and paste that he got from a right-wing blog. He doesn’t even know if it actually came from my Twitter account because he has a screenshot of it. He never actually went to my Twitter to see if it’s actually there. Right? That never happened. ”
Never happened, huh? Then what’s this?
A screenshot of Linda Sarsour’s tweet.
Sarsour then tried to deflect the criticism by pretending it was simply a case of saying “stupid s***” when one is younger — yet she never disavowed the sentiment in that tweet.
She could have simply apologized. But she didn’t. Instead, she simply argued that people say things that may be “stupid” — but of course, she alone gets a pass on what she said and did in the past.
Meanwhile, the progressive movement she so proudly supports has ruined people for saying and doing much less. CONTINUE AT SITE