Olive oil is not only a food product but a commodity that is extremely valuable. BDS leader and ISM activist Paul Larudee, who has laundered and transferred funds through a fake business called Arlington Market, has also been involved for several years in selling fake “pure Palestinian extra-virgin olive oil” he bottles here in America. The bottling is done by hand, by as many ISM activists Larudee can sucker to work for free for him to do so. He arranges “olive oil bottling parties” where he gets BDS and ISM activists (other Israel haters) to work for free bottling the olive oil that he sells at street fairs and especially on the Internet to benefit “Palestine.” Larudee’s makes a fine living by selling fake olive oil he claims is the product of “poor Palestinian farmers.” Over the years, he has also developed this lucrative business to raise money to also fund Hamas and the BDS movement.
Olive oil fraud is such a good business that even the Mafia has been involved in production and exploitation. Some trade experts have stated that more money can be made selling olive oil fraudulently than can be made with drugs. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Larudee, who should have been jailed years ago for aiding and supporting terrorist groups such as Hamas, continues to operate his olive oil scam in blatant violations of U.S. laws. What’s also distressing is that U.S. law enforcement, from the FBI to the FDA has been feckless in doing something about it.
The Israeli government controls exports of agricultural products from the Palestinian Authority (West Bank and Gaza) due to threats of terrorism by poisoning. Palestinian terror leaders have tried on more than one occasion to poison the Israeli water supply, so the Israelis take this seriously.
Despite Laurdee’s advertised claims that the olive oil he sells is made by poor impoverished Palestinian farmers merely trying to eke out a living, the olive oil that Larudee and company have been hand-bottling in the US is not what he says it is. Israel until recently, in fact, did not allow the exportation of raw olives or olive paste from the Palestinian Authority’s controlled territories for security reasons. This does not stop Larudee from falsely advertising and labeling his bottles as containing “cold pressed pure extra virgin olive oil” from “Palestine.”