Is poll-leading Hillary Clinton the Ghost Candidate? By Joseph Smith

No crowds, no sales, no signs, no inspiration. Something doesn’t add up.

Hillary Clinton is all but measuring the drapes for the Oval Office, but some things in this campaign don’t add up:

Trump supporter Wayne Allen Root paints Hillary Clinton as the political equivalent of the “ghost cities” of China that no one lives in:

This reminds me of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. She exists, but are there any real people behind her? Are you certain anyone is voting for her?

While Trump rallies are “once-in-a-lifetime experiences … like Woodstock for working-class conservatives,” Hillary is lucky to draw 200 people.

No one buys Hillary’s books or campaign gear, either. Root tells of a friend who found only Hillary gear at the airport gift shop and, on inquiring, was told that the Trump hats and shirts that come in twice a week are sold out “within hours.”

Hillary’s gear? They can’t give it away.

… This doesn’t appear odd to you? Hillary is leading in the polls, but no one attends her rallies, no one buys her books and no one buys her merchandise[.] … She is a candidate whose own supporters don’t like her.

… Hillary is the “Ghost Candidate.”

V.P. candidate Tim Kaine is equally uninspiring, drawing just fifty people to a rally last Friday in Miami. Mr. Kaine spoke from the back of a pickup truck with a street-art poster for a back drop, and the estimate of fifty attendees appears to include organizers, a few photographers, and at least two children well under voting age.

Yet Mr. Kaine may be one dizzy spell from the Oval Office.

Ed Klein, author of several books on the Obamas and the Clintons, has a column out on Mrs. Clinton’s maladies.

Mr. Klein reveals that President Obama and his senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, “have been so worried about Hillary’s health that they recently offered to arrange a secret medical checkup for her.” Mrs. Clinton refused the offer, fearing that “a leak to the media would prove fatal to her presidential campaign.”

America’s Most Honorable Men Stand with Trump By Karin McQuillan and Carol Greenwald

When Hillary Clinton’s media tried to make Trump’s crude sexual banter the centerpiece of the last debate, Trump pivoted to national security and once again said how proud he is to be backed by 200 generals and admirals.

These are among America’s finest, bravest, most admirable men. Seventeen medal of honor winners endorsed Trump. So did fifteen brigadier generals, thirty-four major generals, eighteen lieutenant generals, forty-one rear admirals, six vice-admirals, and three 4 star generals and admirals.

Such men do not put their names down for a candidate and a cause without serious thought.

This is what they signed their names to on the choice between Hillary and Trump:

The 2016 election affords the American people an urgently needed opportunity to make a long-overdue course correction in our national security posture and policy. As retired senior leaders of America’s military, we believe that such a change can only be made by someone who has not been deeply involved with, and substantially responsible for, the hollowing out of our military and the burgeoning threats facing our country around the world.

For this reason, we support Donald Trump’s candidacy to be our next Commander-in-Chief.

For the past eight years, America’s armed forces have been subjected to a series of ill-considered and debilitating budget cuts, policy choices and combat operations that have left the superb men and women in uniform less capable of performing their vital missions in the future than we require them to be.

Simultaneously, enemies of this country have been emboldened, sensing weakness and irresolution in Washington and opportunities for aggression at our expense and that of other freedom-loving nations.

In our professional judgment, the combined effect is potentially extremely perilous. That is especially the case if our government persists in the practices that have brought us to this present pass.

For this reason, we support Donald Trump and his commitment to rebuild our military, to secure our borders, to defeat our Islamic supremacist adversaries and restore law and order domestically. We urge our fellow Americans to do the same.

This letter from our military leaders to the voting public was organized by Major General Shachnow.

Did Iran Launch Missiles at US Warships? By Stephen Bryen and Rear Admiral Norman Saunders

A big question surrounding missile attacks against two U.S. ships ( the USS Mason and USS Ponce) is whether it was the Yemeni rebel Houthis (also known as Ansar Allah) who did it? Or, instead, did Iran carry out the attacks? A related question is what were these U.S. ships doing near the Bab el-Mandab straits in the Red Sea? The Ponce is, admittedly, an at-sea forward staging base.

Iran has been harassing U.S. ships in the Persian Gulf for some time, and on each occasion the Iranians appear to have been bolder in what looks like a naval game of chicken. So much so that most recently Iranian fast boats equipped with missiles and torpedoes literally parked in front of the U.S. destroyer Nitze, forcing it to alter course to avoid a collision. But that is not nearly as serious the as events that unfolded starting on October 1st. Early in the morning the Houthis fired a C-802 missile that hit the HSV-2 Swift, a very fast and relatively large catamaran ship originally built by Incat in Australia. Acquired by the U.S. Navy in 2003, the Navy’s Sealift Command operated the vessel for ten years. Then it went out of service in 2013, replaced by another Incat-built catamaran. In an unusual move, in fact a strange one, the Sealift Command leased the Swift to a UAE organization called the National Marine Dredging Company. According to various news reports, the Swift was shuttling supplies and passengers between the UAE and Eritrea on the one hand and Aden on the other. So-called independent experts speaking on Iranian TV say that the Swift was moving troops from a training base in Eritrea to Aden, controlled by the Hadi government (Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi) backed by Saudi Arabia and its allies. According to Aden, the ship was evacuating wounded persons and bringing in humanitarian supplies.

The problem is that the Swift was nowhere near Aden. It was just off the coast of Houthi-controlled areas north of the Ban el-Mandab close to the Port of Mocha.

As acknowledged by the Houthis, they fired on the Swift and caused almost catastrophic damage. There is a video of the attack that appears to have been made from a small skiff. The video shows the missile launch and the missile hitting the target. The Swift is very close by. What follows is a terrific explosion and fire. The Swift did not sink, but it did burn. According to reports from some of the crew who survived the attack, another small boat fired at the survivors with a machine gun as they fled the Swift. The Houthis declared they used a C-802 missile to hit the Swift.

David Singer: Trump thrashes Clinton on Ending Sexual Violence in Syria and Iraq

Mainstream American media’s obsession with groping allegations against Donald Trump going back twenty years or more has papered over public discussion of major policy differences between Trump and Hillary Clinton on defeating Islamic State and end the horrific sexual violence perpetrated on women and children in Syria and Iraq for the last two years.

In a stark report to the UN Security Council on 30 September – UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon warned:

“ISIL [Islamic State] continues to systematically use sexual violence against Yazidi women and girls in Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic, as well as against other minorities caught up in the conflict. Even though some women have managed to escape their captors, around 3,800 abducted Yazidis were still missing at the time of writing. This is a matter of grave concern. Those who have escaped have described the appalling conditions under which they were bought, sold, traded and abused. Both girls and boys are advertised online and traded for weapons, suicide vests, cars and a range of other commodities. Thus far, no formal mechanisms have been established to secure the release of those held captive by ISIL. Those who have managed to escape have done so with the help of their families and smugglers or by taking advantage of other opportunities. Some have resorted to suicide as their only escape. The children of women who commit suicide, or who attempt to escape, are beaten or killed as punishment”

You have to search high and low to find any American media discussion of these highly disturbing revelations.

America and Russia have become embroiled in these conflicts raging in Syria and Iraq and both bear a major role in ending this ongoing dehumanisation of women and children.

Yet American media has not critically examined Trump or Clinton’s views on what each would do under their presidency to defeat Islamic State and end such reprehensible sexual violence.

Co-operation with Russia to achieve these objectives – as espoused by Trump – has been rejected by Clinton, who promises to follow President Obama’s resolute refusal to co-operate with Russia in defeating Islamic State in Syria since November 2015.

Clinton made her policy crystal clear in the second presidential debate:

“It’s also important I intend to defeat ISIS, to do so in a coalition with majority Muslim nations.”

Who these Muslim nations are and how Clinton intends to defeat Islamic State in Syria without Russian co-operation remains unexplained. It is a pipedream the American media should be grilling her on every day until they get an answer.

Trump however indicated in the same presidential debate that he would welcome co-operation rather than confrontation with Russia:

“I don’t know Putin. I think it would be great if we got along with Russia because we could fight ISIS together, as an example.”

FBI Documents Show State Department Fought Classification of Clinton Emails Released pages suggest official pressured government bureaucracy into marking few, if any, emails as classified By Devlin Barrett

A State Department official in 2015 tried to keep the Federal Bureau of Investigation from marking a Hillary Clinton email as classified, according to documents that reveal the extent to which officials sought to reduce the number of messages judged to contain national secrets.

The move by the State Department, which came after questions were raised about Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, focused on a single email about the probe into the 2012 attacks on U.S. outposts in Benghazi, Libya. The newly released summaries of FBI interviews show one State official pressed the FBI not to mark one message classified, and that senior State officials exerted similar pressure within their own agency as it studied the Clinton emails.

Each email judged to be classified, even more than two years after Mrs. Clinton left the State Department, represented another potential mark against not just the State Department, but also Mrs. Clinton’s claims she did nothing wrong and didn’t compromise national secrets.

The FBI announced in July, after an investigation, that while it had found “extremely careless” conduct in Mrs. Clinton’s email use, evidence didn’t merit filing criminal charges.

Mrs. Clinton, now the Democratic presidential nominee, has said her use of a private server was a mistake, and her aides have argued the email scandal was fueled by government officials aggressively overclassifying documents retroactively. Some Republicans have called for her to be further investigated.

Other emails, hacked by the WikiLeaks organization and involving Clinton campaign officials, continue to be released daily. A new batch Monday showed top advisers speculating about whether Vice President Joe Biden would launch a White House bid and mulling questions about how to address Mrs. Clinton’s weaknesses as a candidate.

The FBI began reviewing Mrs. Clinton’s State Department emails for possible classified material in 2015, after an inspector general raised concerns about her use of a private server to conduct government business. She left the agency in early 2013.

According to the newly released documents, Patrick Kennedy, a senior official at the State Department, repeatedly reached out to senior FBI officials seeking to get them to reverse their opinion that an email about the Benghazi attacks, which had no classification markings on it, should be classified.

FBI officials weren’t convinced the email should be unclassified, according to the written summaries of interviews. One official’s account said Mr. Kennedy suggested that in exchange for marking the email unclassified, “State would reciprocate by allowing the FBI to place more agents in countries where they are presently forbidden,” according to a summary of the FBI interview of the unidentified witness.

Another FBI employee recounted it differently, saying a senior agency official suggested to Mr. Kennedy that he would look into the email matter if the State official “would provide authority concerning the FBI’s request to increase its personnel in Iraq.” That suggestion was ultimately rejected by others at the FBI, according to officials and the documents. CONTINUE AT SITE

Unrest Arrives in French Towns Ahead of Migrants Amid Plan to Raze Calais ‘Jungle’ Relocation plan threatens to spread crisis in Calais to corners of France untouched by the migrant flow By Noemie Bisserbe

ALLEX, France—President François Hollande’s plan to resolve the Calais migrant crisis is sowing social unrest across the country as dozens of towns brace for the arrival of refugees by the busloads.

By the end of the year—and as early as this month—Mr. Hollande plans to transfer thousands of migrants from the blighted port to shelters in far-flung corners of France.

The goal is to dismantle the Jungle, a sprawling migrant camp skirting the port that has become a symbol of Europe’s failure to manage the flow of migrants across its borders from conflict zones in Syria, Afghanistan and beyond. Waves of migrants seeking passage to the U.K. have become bottled up in the port on the French side of the English Channel, living in sordid conditions and hurting the local economy.

For people living in towns and villages such as Allex, a close-knit hilltop community of 2,500 people in Provence, the relocation plan threatens to spread the crisis in Calais to corners of France untouched by the migrant flow.

“We won’t let our town become another Calais,” said a 45-year-old mason and father of three. The man joined a hundred other townspeople who recently marched through Allex to protest the arrival of 50 migrants at a local château the government has converted into a shelter.

The anti-immigrant National Front party and other right-wing politicians are seizing on the public anger to build support ahead of presidential elections in May, organizing referendums and petitioning mayors to stop the spread of “mini-Calais.”

At times, the opposition has turned violent. In September, a shelter located in a bedroom community outside Paris was flooded and set on fire. Earlier this month, police found bullet holes in buildings slated to host migrants in two different towns.

So far, the government isn’t backing down, insisting the political firestorm won’t affect its plans. “We keep local officials informed of our plans, but we’re not asking for their opinion,” Housing Minister Emmanuelle Cosse said. The government hasn’t disclosed the complete list of towns and cities set to receive migrants for fear of new acts of violence, officials say. CONTINUE AT SITE

Russian influence evident in Palestinian militia in Syria BY AmirToumaj

Senior commanders in the Sunni Palestinian Quds Brigade, known as the Liwa al Quds or the Syrian Arab Army Fedayeen, have been photographed receiving medals from Russian military officers for battlefield action. The latest interaction further indicates the deep level of Russian involvement and impact they are having on the Syrian civil war.

The pro-government militia is drawn from the Palestinian diaspora in Aleppo province, and has openlyoperated as an auxiliary to pro-regime forces there since 2013. The unit numbers in the several hundreds.

Late last month, the Quds Brigade and the Syrian Arab Army succeeded in taking the strategic Handarat Palestinian refugee camp and Kindi Hospital north of Aleppo proper, following the launch of an offensive in late September and several rounds of intense back-and-forth with the Islamist-led Fatah Halab coalition. Pro-regime forces and the Quds Brigade have been fighting to control the camp since 2014.

Photo 2. Quds Brigade fighters following the capture of Handarat Camp, posted on October 1.

The capture of Handarat was a significant victory, particularly for the Palestinian militia, whose members are drawn from the town. Capturing that area and the adjacent Kindi Hospital consolidatespro-regime control over a key road north of Aleppo, and has opened a front to push toward the rebel-held area of the city. The Quds Brigade has reportedly continued to make gains in the surrounding areas.

Several days after the victory at Handarat, photographs surfaced of a Russian military officer bestowing medals to the militia chief Mohammad al Saeed, an engineer by vocation, and operations commander Mohammad Rafi (AKA “the Godfather”) (photo 1). Prior to launching the operation to fully retake the camp on Sept. 29, the two Palestinian commanders were photographed with what appears to be their Russian military advisor (photo 3).

Earlier in August, Rafi had received a medal from a Russian Lieutenant General (photo 4). The patch on the senior commander’s shoulder is the emblem of the 18th Guards Motor Rifle Division (photo 5), a unitstationed near Grozny, Chechnya. Members from this unit have operated in Ukraine and Syria.

Ex-Muslim Sarah Torrent Takes a Stand on Trump and Hillary — on The Glazov Gang new special episode of The Glazov Gang was joined by Sarah Torrent, an ex-Muslim who came on the show to discuss her thoughts on Trump and Hillary, her suffering under and journey out of Islam, the importance of America’s closed borders, her goals in her activism and much, much more.

Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch the special Jamie Glazov Moment in which Jamie discussed The Question No One Dares to Ask Hillary and he wondered: Does it really not matter if her Chief of Staff will be connected to the Muslim Brotherhood?


Appalling….Democrat operatives planning disruption and violence at Trump rallies…..


The Plot Against America Donald Trump alights on the Compleat Conspiracy. Anti-Semites are thrilled. Bret Stephens (huh?????)

They meet in secret. Men of immense wealth; a woman of limitless ambition. Their passports are American but their loyalties are not. Through their control of international banks and the media they manipulate public opinion and finance political deceit. Their aim is nothing less than the annihilation of America’s political independence, and they will stop at nothing—including rigging a presidential election—to achieve it.

Call it for what it is: “A conspiracy on a scale so immense as to dwarf any previous venture in the history of man.”

Astute readers will note the quotation of a speech delivered in the U.S. Senate in June 1951 by the then-junior senator from Wisconsin. We’re in historically familiar territory. Joe McCarthy inveighed against Communists in control of the State Department. For Charles Lindbergh it was “war agitators,” notably those of “the Jewish race.”

And now we have Donald Trump versus what Laura Ingraham calls “the globalist cabal”—the latest enemy from without, within. In a speech Thursday in West Palm Beach the GOP presidential nominee painted a picture of a “global power structure” centered around Hillary Clinton that aims to “plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty” while stepping on the necks of American workers with open borders and ruinous trade deals.

“There is nothing the political establishment will not do,” Mr. Trump thundered. “No lie they won’t tell, to hold their prestige and power at your expense, and that’s what’s been happening.”
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