Is the Sleeping Conservative Dragon Finally Waking Up? Conservatives often slept through the woke revolution only to awaken to a country their apathy allowed to transform into one they no longer recognize. Can they finally breathe fire?  By Victor Davis Hanson

Conservatives and traditionalists are often exasperated at the ongoing woke cultural revolution in their midst.

How can America be turned upside down, as it is, when there is little public support for the things happening around us?

They don’t see much backing for the current wide-open borders and unchecked illegal immigration, yet it continues.

Conservatives feel that most Americans reject the trend of biological men dominating female sporting events.

They fear American jurisprudence has become now vastly weaponized and warped.

Certainly, Donald Trump will be more likely indicted by a politicized New York City prosecutor for supposedly overvaluing his net worth over a decade ago than would be a current violent street criminal clubbing a subway commuter.

In 2020 torching a federal courthouse or massing at the White House grounds, in efforts to get at the president, earned either few arrests and little or no jail time. In 2021, if one entered the Capitol and illegally paraded around like a buffoon, he could get a five-year prison sentence.

Traditionalists feel that sky-high energy prices, out-of-control urban crime, a depressed economy, high interest rates, and a politicized FBI, CIA, Justice Department, and Pentagon are all needlessly self-created messes.

How then did these extremist policies that have little popular support become institutionalized?

Conservatives, by their nature and unlike the Left, are more inclined to accept existing institutions rather than to radically alter or destroy them.

They were asleep at the wheel in 2020, when left-wing-funded lawsuits radically transformed Election Day in many states into a mere construct. Some 70 percent of the electorate in key precincts voted by mail or early, with far fewer ballot audits or authentication.

Trump’s Truth Social Ramblings Are Reaching Kamala Harris Levels of Incoherence By Stephen Kruiser

Wow, has it really only been a little more than two-and-a-half years since I enthusiastically voted for Donald Trump for president?

There’s a guy named Donald Trump running for the 2024 Republican nomination, but he bears little resemblance to the Donald Trump I liked back in the day. For example, he does things like insist that Andrew Cuomo’s COVID response was better than that of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. That would be the same Andrew Cuomo whose response sentenced New York’s elderly to death en masse.

Trump must have also forgotten that the Democrat advocates in the mainstream media spent much of 2020 holding up Cuomo as an example of how to handle the pandemic while deriding virtually everything he did.

Jamie Glazov on Newsmax: Barack Obama’s True Legacy Frontpage Editor reveals the fertile soil in which the Biden administration’s malice and destruction grew.

In this new video, Frontpage Editor Jamie Glazov appears on Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo Show to discuss his new book, Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America, analyzing the fertile soil in which the Biden administration’s malice and destruction grew.

Don’t miss it!

J1 – The Anniversary of the BLM Insurrection at the White House Before there was J6, there was J1. by Daniel Greenfield

On May 29th, 2020, the nationwide insurrection by the racist hate group BLM and its leftist allies arrived in the nation’s capital in a very big way.

On Friday night, a violent racist leftist mob, falsely described as “peaceful” by its media allies, converged on the White House. The insurrectionists assaulted Secret Service and Park Police officers. They shouted obscenities and threatened President Trump even as they fought their way past law enforcement personnel to reach the White House.

“It looks like a war zone outside the White House,”  Adam Parkhomenko, the former co-founder of Ready for Hillary, commented on a retweeted video of a burning building.

The Democrat insurrectionists hurled Molotov cocktails and rushed out for brief tactical forays even as a more telegenic crowd that was proportionately more female held their hands up for the cameras and chanted, “Hands up, don’t shoot”: a BLM hoax popularized during the Michael Brown riots. While these human shields faced off with law enforcement, the real attack was underway with insurrectionists targeting security barriers and Secret Service personnel.

Secret Service personnel faced everything from bricks to incendiary devices and held the line. The insurrectionist assault was aimed at breaking the line, forcing the Secret Service to retreat allowing for a siege of the White House, followed by a full assault and penetration of the grounds. But despite the violence, the Secret Service did not retreat and none of the Democrat insurrectionists were able to make it over the White House fence.

The insurrectionist tactics on display were similar to those that had terrorized cities around the country, but what especially alarmed federal personnel was that the insurrectionists were not just aiming at the White House, but also at the nearby Treasury Department building.

The Weaponization of the FBI: the Tip of the Iceberg Our country is in peril, perhaps like never before. by John Nantz

By some miracle, Republicans managed to time the news cycle correctly last week. The Durham report was released, excoriating the FBI’s handling of pretty much everything since Former FBI Director Robert Muller. And, the House Judiciary Committee held additional whistleblower hearings. Things could hardly look worse for the FBI — and, the once venerable institution deserves the scorn and opprobrium being heaped on it by the bucket full.

What exists now, barely more than a year out from my retirement, is unrecognizable.

It’s deeply saddening, watching an institution designed to ferret out and prosecute the enemies of the constitution being infiltrated, compromised, and consumed by the very ideologies it was created to combat. This isn’t something to be celebrated or trivialized by silly slogans like, “the FBI should be Control-Alt-Deleted.” Unfortunately, conservative media is all too happy to propagate such fatuousness. Soundbites rule over substance.

The media industrial complex is popularizing the same spirit of demagoguery that got us into this mess in the first place. It’s so easy to fall into this trap, especially when the enemy is within the gates. The loudest voices aren’t necessarily right.

Our country is in peril, perhaps like never before. The FBI ethos has been eroded, like a once proud marble edifice pitted, cracked, and broken by the onslaught of weather and time. And, just like the processes that reduced ancient structures to rubble, a process has been at work to deconstruct our civil society and our institutions.

The problem isn’t complex, its systemic, and the cause isn’t served by celebrating the loathsome. Perhaps I’m just too old school for this particular debate, but doxxing fellow FBI street agents in the name of “whistleblowing” is inexcusable. For me, it’s nothing less than fratricide — the guilty should face a rhetorical firing squad.

The Trump-Cuomo Covid Bromance The once mortal enemies unite to distort Florida’s success.

The 2024 presidential race is already wild, and the strangest moment so far may be the mutual Covid admiration society of Donald Trump and former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. In 2020 they were mortal political enemies, but now they’re uniting to praise their performance in order to trash the far better Covid judgment and governance of Ron DeSantis in Florida.

Mr. Trump will say anything to hurt the Sunshine State Governor now running against him for President. Last week he said in a video posted on Truth Social: “How about the fact that he had the third most deaths of any state having to do with the China virus or Covid? Even Cuomo did better, he was number four.”

Mr. Cuomo returned the compliment on Tuesday from his political exile, tweeting that “Donald Trump tells the truth, finally. New York got hit first and worst but New Yorkers acted responsibly. Florida’s policy of denial allowed Covid to spread and that’s why they had a very large second wave.”

Where to begin? The media feted Mr. Cuomo for his handling of Covid in 2020, but his harsh lockdowns continue to have baleful effects on the state’s economy as its recovery lags. We also know Mr. Cuomo made a literally fatal March 2020 decision to admit Covid patients to nursing homes. His administration then tried to fudge the number of nursing-home deaths from Covid.

Biden’s ‘clean and green’ push will result in blackouts and bankruptcy for America Governor Rick Perry

Rick Perry is the former governor of Texas and 14th secretary of energy.

From the beginning, President Joe Biden has made it clear his administration will focus on a “clean” and “green” future, including an aggressive move toward electric vehicles (EVs).

Unfortunately, his administration continues to overestimate electric vehicle market trends and force a massive volume of EVs into a power grid that simply isn’t prepared. Their latest move comes from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), whose proposed new tailpipe emissions standards for light- and heavy-duty vehicles are so strict the administration predicts a shocking two-thirds of new vehicles sold in 2032 would be electric vehicles.

The goal of this proposal is not just about cleaner cars, but a broader plan by Biden and the environmental lobby to force the extinction of internal combustion engine vehicles and reach zero emissions by 2050. While decreasing emissions is certainly a laudable goal, the path the administration and its agencies are using to get us there is not a realistic one and will create problems and huge costs for the American public.

As one outlet noted, “The new rules would require nothing short of a revolution in the U.S. auto industry, a moment in some ways as significant as the June morning in 1896 when Henry Ford took his ‘horseless carriage’ for a test run and changed American life and industry.”

The rule will certainly change the auto industry, but in this instance, the revolutionary change will only exacerbate serious challenges we face, not conquer them.

First take our nation’s power grid. Where do you think that electricity is coming from when you plug your car into a charger? Growing demand for electricity is already straining our aging power grid and a flood of new demand from EVs will only strain it more. 

The Electric Power Supply Association recently pointed to National Renewable Energy Laboratory calculations in 2021 finding that electrifying the economy could increase electric demand by as much as 81% in 2050 – a calculation made without the EPA’s new rule. Heading into the summer, The North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC) warned our nation’s power grid is already in precarious shape with renewed risks for outages due to rising temperatures and intense storms. The EPA should heed this warning before moving forward with their proposed rule.

How To Defund The IRS? Top 10 Reasons For A National Sales Tax Bob Maistros

Let’s pick up where our IRS-defunding I&I editorial board brethren lately left off: “There is … a better way to fund federal operations. Move to a single-rate income tax paid monthly with no deductions and no withholding, or implement a national sales tax.”

This commentator chooses National Sales Tax for several trillion dollars, Alex. While he has engaged in many exercises to explain why that levy solves a whole range of problems, here are some highlights in Lettermanesque fashion – the Top 10 Reasons for a National Sales Tax:

10. Keep it simple, stupid! Flat tax or no, the biggest problem with an income tax: it’s on income. The complexity and intrusion relates to determining what is and isn’t, and tracking, income.

Uncle Sam gets to snoop on hundreds of millions of taxpayers to make sure you’re not hiding income. Admittedly, for most taxpayers calculations get simpler without deductions, exemptions and the like. But eliminating withholding would only increase demands for government to stick its nose into your business to ensure you’re not getting money under the table. Especially for the self-employed.

Even many employees get income from multiple sources, including savings and investments. The revenooers want all those records, plus taxpayers will also have to pay monthly to account for non-payroll sources. Who’s going to tell them how much? Certainly not the IRS. Citizens will overpay to be safe, still being stuck with near-compulsory overcharges.

Moreover, what about the corporate income tax? Twenty-seven million private companies generate billions of calculations and pages of required record-keeping. Will that tax also be flat? Gucci Gulch is guffawing.

A sales tax? One number for companies: percentage of sales. For consumers? No record-keeping, filing, or engaging professional help to pay a bill for a service. And no spying on individuals or companies other than sales income.

9.  Jobs, jobs, jobs. The second reason taxing income (and payrolls) stinks: your government taxes work and hiring. While paying people not to work. Madness.

The Debt-Ceiling ‘Crisis’ Might Be Over, But The Debt Crisis Has Just Begun

Late Wednesday, the House passed an agreement to raise the debt ceiling in exchange for a few micro changes in spending. But despite all the (wildly exaggerated) warnings about a default, complaints from both sides about the terms of the deal, and what no doubt will be celebrations in the White House for getting a deal done – this fight has always been a sideshow. It’s the debt itself that poses the real and immediate crisis. And this debt ceiling bill does absolutely nothing to address that.

In other words, it’s business as usual in Washington, and anyone celebrating this agreement should be run out of town on a rail.

Here’s what the country faces today.

Interest payments are exploding: Thanks to unprecedented spending during COVID, not only does the government owe interest on $3 trillion more debt than it did when Joe Biden took office, interest rates are going up thanks to the inflation that all that reckless spending sparked. The chart below shows the shocking trend. In just the past year, quarterly federal interest payments shot up 54%.

China’s CCP: World’s Most Dangerous Transnational Criminal Organization by Gordon G. Chang

What is the world’s largest transnational criminal organization? At 96.7 million members, it is the Communist Party of China.

Beijing’s primary goal is rule — not domination — of Planet Earth and the near parts of the solar system.

This expansive Chinese view has many implications, but one of them is that China’s regime does not believe it is bound by the laws of the international community. China’s regime, with this mentality, thinks that whatever it does by definition is within its right and therefore not criminal.

There are in China, for instance, over 700 million surveillance cameras in its SkyNet system, about one camera for every two residents. Those devices are being connected to one centrally controlled system as the regime stitches together a nationwide social credit system to monitor every person in the People’s Republic.

Taxis and other vehicles also have government-installed cameras. The CCP has thought of everything. As a result, China is fast becoming totalitarian and a total surveillance state.

The Communist Party cannot run such a state and claim it does not know what is going on.

This means the CCP is responsible for the tens of thousands of Americans annually killed by fentanyl…. The result, Vanda Felbab-Brown of the Brookings Institution wrote, is “the deadliest drug epidemic in U.S. history.”

TikTok… which Beijing effectively controls, glamorizes drug use. Yes, the wildly popular app has community guidelines prohibiting videos promoting drug use, but you can find clips with millions of views teaching kids how to take illegal drugs.

The Chinese gangs use burner phones and Chinese banking apps to move vast sums quickly, quietly, and securely through the Chinese state banking system. The Communist Party of China tightly controls all Chinese banks, and no one could transfer sums through their networks without the cooperation of the regime.

“At its core, the People’s Republic of China is focused on gaining geopolitical leverage over countries in Central and South America to be used in an eventual conflict with the United States.” — Joseph Humire of the Center for a Secure Free Society to Gatestone, May 2023

These are just a few of China’s crimes as detailed in Frank Gaffney’s new book, The Indictment: Prosecuting the Chinese Communist Party & Friends for Crimes Against America, China, and the World. Unfortunately, American law enforcement prosecutes individuals when it should be prosecuting the Communist Party of China instead.

China’s regime is trafficking illegal drugs, protected wildlife, and humans. It is laundering cash and participating in ransomware attacks. It steals intellectual property. The ruling group, as a matter of state policy, murders people for their organs.

The Chinese state is not only a dangerous international actor, it is also a common criminal. Perhaps we should say it is an uncommon or state criminal, the most powerful and insidious kind.