In his 1978 paperback titled Word Power Made Easy, author Norman Lewis devotes an entire chapter to the number of words used to describe lying. Thus, “it was the famous Greek philosopher and cynic Diogenes who went around the streets of Athens, lantern in hand, looking for an honest person. This was over two thousand years ago, but I presume that Diogenes would have as little success in his search today.” Indeed, some have theorized “that language must have been invented for the sole purpose of deception.”
In reviewing the chapter, it is hard not to make the connections about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
As notorious liars, it is clear that “everybody knows [Obama’s and Clinton’s] propensity for avoiding facts. [They] have built so solid and unsavory a reputation that only a stranger is likely to be misled — and then, not for long.” Which is why the Millenials of today need to be exposed to the “liar who lies about her lies.” And they need to be reminded of the lie told over thirty times by Obama that they could keep their doctor and their premiums would decrease under Obamacare. Hardly — as evidenced by the weekly tally (at Apothecary) of the failures of Obamacare across the country. And Hillary wants to continue in the same vein — thus cementing the complete destruction of the American health care system.
But being the consummate liar that she is, “her skill has, in short, reached the zenith of perfection. Indeed [her] mastery of the art is so great that [her] lying is almost always crowned with success.” So much so that she is still in the running for the highest office of the land. And Obama made it to the office lying all the way to those who could not see through his artifice and prevarications.
As an incorrigible liar, Obama is “impervious to correction” Even when caught in his fabrications, there is no reforming him — he goes right on lying.” Those who are paying attention can tell when he is lying because (a) he smiles the big grin, (b) feigns hurt feelings or (c) engages in a masterful bait and switch maneuver which changes the topic completely. Hillary responds with artful shrugs of her shoulders, cackling laughter, and smug remarks about “wiping email servers with a cloth” when she is caught.
Hillary is an inveterate liar who managed to receive the highest rating of Pinocchios from the liberal Washington Post since “telling untruths is as frequent and customary an activity as brushing [her] teeth in the morning.” It is simply a “reflexive act” with this woman.
As a congenital liar, Hillary has a “long history of persistent falsification” proving that she has been lying from the moment she could. See the 13-minute video capturing Clinton’s biggest lies.
Chronic lying is when someone “never stops lying.” She lies “continually — not occasionally, or even frequently, but over and over.” Consider Clinton’s removal from her House Judiciary Committee staffer job because of incompetence and lying; her involvement in the Whitewater scandal; lying about “sniper fire;” stealing furniture, and artwork from the White House; ignoring the proper structure and rules for the handling of sensitive national information; and the pay-for-play deals that endanger American security — the list goes on.
Both Obama and Hillary are pathological liars since neither “is concerned with the difference between truth and falsehood; they do not bother to distinguish fact from fantasy.” Obama makes a mockery of the language as falsehoods and fibs have marked his entire presidency. In fact, lying is a “disease” for them. Like parasites, they “benefit at the expense of the host — the parasite uses the host to gain strength, and the host loses some strength as a result.” Hence, America now has a lowered economic index ranking, her military prowess has been stripped, and her Constitutional base is negated at every opportunity.
Neither Obama nor Clinton has a conscience. No matter “what misery their fabrications may cause innocent victims, they never feel the slightest twinge of guilt. Totally unscrupulous, they are dangerous people to get mixed up with” — thus unconscionable liars through and through.