Armoring Clinton against the FBI By Jonathan F. Keiler

Looking at the morning paper last Monday gave me a start, and not just because color photos of a wild-eyed Hillary Clinton with a pasted on smile still shock. The Washington Post headline screamed that Hillary had won the Democratic nomination, with stories following on the “historic” achievement. What’s this? I thought – did I sleep for three days? Is it Wednesday, with the results from the California primary already in?

The Post along with the rest of the mainstream media anointed Clinton the winner without giving poor Bernie Sanders a last-gasp West Coast chance. And, generally speaking, what critical analysis there was about Hillary’s sudden historic victory assumed that it was created by unallocated superdelegates to pre-empt a possible Sanders victory in California. That is almost certainly true. The other thing Clinton and her supporters in the media want to do by anointing her as early as possible is to pre-empt Hillary’s other nemesis, the FBI.

There was never much doubt that Hillary would win the nomination even if Sanders pulled out a victory in California. So whatever damage control the early victory announcement produced would have been cosmetic in any event. However, with respect to the FBI’s ongoing investigation of Clinton’s home-brewed email server, the stakes are far higher and the early claim of victory more significant. The FBI is investigating likely violations of federal laws governing official record-keeping, maintaining classified information, evidence-tampering, obstruction of justice, and possible pay-for-play bribery through the Clinton foundation. Prosecution of any one of these infractions could reroute Hillary’s march to the Oval Office into a penitentiary.

Hillary knows that actual prosecution by the Obama administration’s Justice Department is a very long shot, even assuming that the FBI refers charges. Nonetheless, the mere referral of charges by the FBI to Justice would damage her campaign and increase doubt among a voting public that already overwhelmingly regards her as dishonest.

What FBI director James Comey intends is perhaps the greatest conundrum in Washington these days. Is he playing Hamlet to Hillary’s Claudius, introspective, doubtful, and unwilling to strike the killing blow? Is he just being a careful apolitical policeman? Or is he a political hack who will do what’s best for Jim Comey? Perhaps it’s a bit of all three. Whatever the truth, it is in Hillary’s best interest to discourage Comey as much as possible. Her early claim to be the Democrat nominee serves that purpose.

If Comey is an honest policeman, the best time for him to have acted was before Hillary claimed the nomination. Then he would only have been referring charges against another – albeit notorious – private citizen. After the nomination, Hillary becomes not only the standard bearer of one of America’s two great political parties, but a “historic” figure as the first woman to do so. As such, it behooved both Hillary and her backers in the media to reach that point ASAP.

Democrats tussle over adding occupation’ to party platform By Ron Kampeas

WASHINGTON (JTA) — The Democratic Party’s platform drafting committee tussled over whether to use the word “occupation” in addressing the Israeli-Palestinian issue, reflecting divisions between the Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton camps that could play out at the convention.

The Democratic National Committee held two days of open hearings this week in Washington, D.C., on the platform, inviting experts to testify. The hearings, which will also take place in other cities, got underway the same week that it became clear that Clinton had secured her position as the party’s presumptive presidential nominee.

Much of the back and forth Thursday afternoon, when the committee considered foreign policy, was about whether the committee should describe Israel’s presence in the West Bank as an “occupation.”

Sanders, the Independent senator from Vermont who remains in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, appointed five members to the 15-member committee, including three who have advocated for Palestinian rights in the past: Cornel West, a philosopher who backs for the boycott Israel movement; James Zogby, the president of the Arab American Institute, and Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn. Clinton appointed six committee members.

West said during the hearing that the party’s platform should include the word “occupation,” suggesting that to do otherwise would mean being “beholden” to American Israel Public Affairs Committee. AIPAC staffers were in the room, as were staffers from other pro-Israel groups, including J Street.

Sticking with the narrative

At least 50 people are dead in Florida, killed for their presumed homosexuality by a Muslim who proclaimed his allegiance to ISIS as he opened fire in a nightclub that proudly proclaimed itself “a gun free zone”.

The conclusion, according to the for-the-moment US president, is that more laws must be passed to restrict access to guns:

“How easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school or in a house of worship or a movie theater or in a nightclub,” a reference to other mass killings that have punctuated recent US history.

“We have to decide if that’s the kind of country we want to be.”

The simple act of passing laws, of course, solves every conceivable problem at a stroke. That is why no America smokes marijuana or snorts cocaine, because there are laws that declare such activities illegal. Similarly, should America’s Second Amendment ever be overturned, no one bent on using terror to make a point will ever be able to obtain a weapon.

Obama: ‘We’ are to blame, not Islamic terrorism for massacre” John Podhoretz

Omar Mateen called the cops to pledge his fealty to ISIS as he was carrying out his mass murderer in Orlando early Sunday morning. Twelve hours later, the president of the United States declared that “we have no definitive assessment on the motivation” of Omar Mateen but that “we know he was a person filled with hate.”

So I guess the president thinks Mateen didn’t mean it?

Here again, and horribly, we have an unmistakable indication that Obama finds it astonishingly easy to divorce himself from a reality he doesn’t like — the reality of the Islamist terror war against the United States and how it is moving to our shores in the form of lone-wolf attacks.

He called it “terror,” which it is. But using the word “terror” without a limiting and defining adjective is like a doctor calling a disease “cancer” without making note of the affected area of the body — because if he doesn’t know where the cancer is and what form it takes, he cannot attack it effectively and seek to extirpate it.

So determined is the president to avoid the subject of Islamist, ISIS-inspired or ISIS-directed terrorism that he concluded his remarks with an astonishing insistence that “we need the strength and courage to change” our attitudes toward the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.

That’s just disgusting. There’s no other word for it.

Gov. Cuomo’s Order on Israel Stirs N.Y. Campus Activists Columbia, NYU and the City University of New York have all said that they wouldn’t divest from Israel By Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Mike Vilensky

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s executive order pressuring institutions and businesses to maintain ties with Israel has riled college campuses in the state, where students have called for divestment from the country.

Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, issued the order earlier this month, saying New York would discontinue investments with organizations boycotting Israel.

College students have long called for their universities to divest funds from institutions they object to, including private-prison and fossil-fuel companies. Initiatives to pressure Israel economically have become known as the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, or BDS.

Alphonso David, Mr. Cuomo’s counsel, said the new executive order wouldn’t pertain to schools that heeded requests for divestment, but those that did so could violate existing state laws against discrimination. He also said student groups calling for their schools to divest from Israel wouldn’t be affected by the order.
Still, students have expressed concern that the order would weaken their efforts.

“NYU can use this as another excuse as why they refuse to divest,” said Ellis Garey, a New York University graduate student who said she voted this year in favor of a student-union resolution calling for boycotting Israel. She was part of a group of students and activists who protested outside Mr. Cuomo’s Manhattan office on Thursday. CONTINUE AT SITE

FBI Twice Probed Orlando Gunman Cases were closed after interviews proved inconclusive By Devlin Barrett, Adam Entous and Alan Cullison

Omar Mateen, a U.S.-born son of Afghan immigrants, was already known to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which twice investigated him over hints of radical leanings before closing those cases as inconclusive.

Federal agents are now trying to piece together how the 29-year-old Mr. Mateen became the gunman police say is responsible for the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.

The night of the Orlando nightclub attack, Mr. Mateen called emergency services and proclaimed allegiance to Islamic State. The FBI is probing the attack as a terrorism act.

Mr. Mateen’s call echoed FBI concerns about him in 2013, “when he made inflammatory remarks to co-workers alleging possible terrorist ties,” said Ronald Hopper, an FBI official in Orlando. The bureau, “thoroughly investigated the matter, including interviews of witnesses, physical surveillance, and records checks,” he said, and “ultimately, we were unable to verify the substance of his comments and the investigation was closed.”

What triggered the 2013 investigation, said officials briefed on it, were “wild” claims he made to co-workers about having family and friends in al Qaeda and Hezbollah, and connections to the Boston Marathon bombers. When FBI agents first questioned him, he didn’t admit to making the claims and didn’t have a full understanding of the terrorist groups, they said, suggesting he was making up his claims.

When FBI agents questioned him again, he admitted to making the statements, saying it was simply bluster and he hadn’t known what he was talking about, officials said. Those earlier claims have fueled doubts regarding Mr. Mateen’s assertion about acting on behalf of Islamic State.

“He seems to be looking for any opportunity to associate with the terrorist group du jour,” a senior U.S. official said Sunday. CONTINUE AT SITE

Jihad in Orlando-

A young American Muslim pledging allegiance to Islamic State is now responsible for the largest mass shooting in U.S. history. Can we finally drop the illusion that the jihadist fires that burn in the Middle East don’t pose an urgent and deadly threat to the American homeland?

We hope so after the Sunday morning assault on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando that killed at least 51 and wounded 53 as we went to press. The killer was Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, the son of immigrants from Afghanistan who was heard shouting “allahu Akbar” (God is great) as he fired away. Mateen attacked a popular night spot for gays, who are especially loathed in Islamist theology.
Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack, and it rarely does so unless it played some role. CNN and others reported that a U.S. official said Mateen made a 911 call during the attack in which he pledged allegiance to Islamic State and mentioned the 2013 Boston marathon bombing.

Genius – A Review By Marilyn Penn

Let’s start with the misguided decision to have famed editor Maxwell Perkins wear a hat indoors in every scene of this film. Undoubtedly it was stimulated by the biography on which this movie is based, but for viewers who haven’t read that book, it becomes a joke to see a cultured intellectual sit at a dinner table with his elegant wife and daughters wearing the hat that he wore with his winter coat when he walked through the front door of his elegant home. You just know that any wife played by Laura Linney would have glared at him and not allowed the meal to commence before the hat was removed. Since the movie never rises to that level of emotional truth, it won’t be a spoiler to reveal that its ultimate removal is meant to signify a larger than life sentiment.

But this movie falters in so many directions at once that you’ll be looking at your watch way before you reach that point. There is Jude Law playing Thomas Wolfe as an overgrown adolescent whose talent is hidden beneath a mountain of excess verbiage – a man so in love with his own logorrhea that he actually brings assorted bundles of handwritten paper totaling 5,000 pages to his editor whose equanimity belies any recognizable reaction by a normal professional in the book trade. There is Colin Firth’s performance as Perkins – a character better suited to a book than a motion picture which implies occasional changes of expression to fit that definition. And there is Nicole Kidman playing Aline Bernstein, a married middle-aged set designer besotted with the youthful Harvard graduate and willing to overlook his alcoholic boorishness and over-arching narcissism because she too recognizes his talent. The viewer yearns for Mrs. Robinson, a more direct and breezy version of this caricature.

“Look Homeward Angel” was once a staple of college courses in 20th century American Lit – the movie suggests that it was a runaway best seller that had young women swooning for its author a la Frank Sinatra bobby-soxers. If “Genius” had not been such a turn-off, I might have been tempted to check the veracity of that depiction. But it hardly makes a difference. Nobody reads “Look Homeward Angel” anymore and very few people will see this film. Those who do should think of it as marginally better than a 1 hour and twenty minute dental appointment. I omit the names of the writer and director out of kindness.

Egypt Busts Muslim Brotherhood IED Terror Cell That Attacked Government and Business Targets By Patrick Poole

The Egyptian Ministry of Interior announced on Thursday the arrest of a Muslim Brotherhood IED terror cell that attacked military, police, diplomatic and business targets in Alexandria from January of this year until their arrest. Alexandria historically has been a long-time Muslim Brotherhood base of support.

Meanwhile, bills calling for the designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization are stalled in both the Senate and House of Representatives in the U.S. Congress.

Asharq Al-Awsat reports:

The Egyptian Ministry of Interior yesterday said that security forces have managed to arrest 13 members of a new terrorist cell that is affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood in the city of Alexandria. The members of the cell, which is called “Lijan Al-Irbaak”, confessed to their involvement in carrying out 10 terrorist operations recently.

Since the former Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Morsi was removed in July 2013, the Egyptian authorities have arrested thousands of leaders and supporters of the group including its Supreme Guide Mohammed Badie who is accused of carrying out acts of violence and attempting to overthrow the state. Most of those arrested were given a variety of sentences including the death sentence.

The Ministry of Interior said in a statement issued yesterday that as part of its efforts to prosecute members and leaders of the Brotherhood and thwart their destructive plans, the leader and members of the “Lijan Al-Irbaak” cell that is affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood were arrested in Alexandria.

The Interior Ministry published the following video subtitled in English. In the vdieo, several of the cell members recount when they joined the Muslim Brotherhood and how they were recruited for the “Disturbance Committee” IED terror cell:

The Ministry also posted on their Facebook page a list of the eleven attacks the cell members admitted to since January.

Last year I reported here at PJ Media on the long list of terror attacks in Egypt involving Muslim Brotherhood members, and even children of senior Muslim Brotherhood leaders who had been killed transporting IEDs and in shootouts with Egyptian police. CONTINUE AT SITE

Dutch Woman in Qatar Arrested for ‘Adultery’ After Rape Claim By Rick Moran

Attention ladies: If you’re planning a trip to Qatar in 2022 for the World Cup soccer tournament, you might want to rethink your travel plans.

A Dutch woman told police she was drugged and raped, at which point, the very compassionate authorities promptly arrested her for “adultery.”


The 22-year-old, who was on holiday, was drugged in a Doha hotel and woke up in an unfamiliar flat, where she realised she had been raped, her lawyer says.

She was arrested in March on suspicion of having sex outside of marriage. She is due to appear in court on Monday.

The alleged rapist is also being held, but says the sex had been consensual.

A Dutch foreign ministry spokeswoman said the woman, who she named as Laura, had been arrested but not yet been charged.

“We have provided assistance to her since the first day of detention. For the sake of the defendant’s case we will not make further comments at this point,” the Dutch embassy said in a statement.

The woman had gone dancing at a hotel in Doha where alcohol was allowed, “but when she returned to the table after the first sip of her drink… she felt very unwell” and realised she had been drugged, her lawyer Brian Lokollo told Dutch broadcaster NOS-Radio1.

Her next memory was waking up in an unfamiliar apartment where she “realised to her great horror that she had been raped,” Mr Lokollo added.

The woman may also be charged with an alcohol-related offence, news website Doha News reported.

It is an offence to drink alcohol or be drunk in public in Qatar, although alcohol is allowed at certain hotels and expatriates can obtain a permit for purchasing alcohol.

In 2013, a Norwegian woman in neighbouring United Arab Emirates was given a 16-month prison sentence for perjury, extramarital sex and drinking alcohol after she told police she had been raped.

She was later pardoned and allowed to return to Norway.

As appalling as this is, think of the Arab women who have to live with these beasts. It’s not surprising in a society so sexually repressive to find men incredibly aggressive sexually. They have to be because the women are terrified.

Then there’s the infidel factor. God gives them permission to rape non-believers, which is convenient — especially when their victims are visiting from a foreign land. CONTINUE AT SITE