Canadian Clarity on Terrorism Motive for Muslim convert’s bomb plot was “overriding religious conviction.” Lloyd Billingsley

With the United States in the throes of a presidential election, an August 10 terrorist plot in Strathroy, Ontario, Canada did not grab much news coverage. Even so, the incident proved enlightening on a number of fronts, including the motivation of the terrorist.

Aaron Driver, 24, was a Muslim convert and ISIS supporter who posted a video in which he said: “O Canada, you received many warnings… You were told many times what would happen.” The masked Driver also said “You saw bodies of the filthy French lying in the streets. You still have much to pay for.” The Canadian Muslim convert also said “For this we thirst for your blood,” and “You will pay for everything you brought against us.”

Driver’s video warned that he planned to detonate a bomb in an urban center. On August 10, he hired a taxi and headed to a shopping mall in London, Ontario. Acting on a tip from the American Federal Bureau of Investigation, Canadian police intercepted Driver, who detonated an explosive device before police shot him dead. His more powerful bomb never exploded, and the Muslim convert was already well known to Canadian authorities.

Known online as Harun Abdurahman, Driver made contact with jihadists in Britain and posted messages praising the October, 2014 attack on Canada’s Parliament Hill by Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, another Canadian Muslim convert. In June 2015, Canadian authorities arrested Driver but did not bring charges.

Instead, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) placed Driver under a court-ordered “peace bond,” which demands that a person “keep the peace and be of good behavior” and attaches additional restrictions. Driver’s peace bond limited his activities, forbade him from using the Internet and communicating with the Islamic State. The Muslim convert and ISIS supporter continued to plot terrorism and duly manufactured a bomb.

College Campus Lunacy Another school year begins — and so does the politically correct insanity. August 23, 2016 Walter Williams

As the fall semester begins, parents, students, taxpayers and donors should be made aware of official college practices that should disgust us all.

Hampshire College will offer some of its students what the school euphemistically calls “identity-based housing.” That’s segregated housing for students who — because of their race, culture, gender or sexual orientation — have “historically experienced oppression.” I’d bet the rent money that Hampshire College will not offer Jewish, Irish, Polish, Chinese or Catholic students segregated housing. Because there is no group of people who have not faced oppression, Hampshire College is guilty of religious and ethnic discrimination in its housing segregation policy.

University of Connecticut administrators think that more black men will graduate if they spend more time together. According to Campus Reform, they are building a new residence hall to facilitate just that. Dr. Erik Hines, the faculty director for the program, said that the learning community “is a space for African-American men to … come together and validate their experiences that they may have on campus. … It’s also a space where they can have conversation and also talk with individuals who come from the same background who share the same experience.” By the way, Hampshire College and the University of Connecticut are not alone in promoting racially segregated student housing.

Then there’s an effort for racial segregation in classes. Moraine Valley Community College attempted it in a class titled “College: Changes, Challenges, Choices.” It mandated that some class sections be “limited to African-American students.” The college defended racially segregated classes by saying that they make students “feel comfortable.” After facing massive national notoriety, the college just recently abandoned its racial segregation agenda.

Suppose a student at Ripon College enrolls in a chemistry, math or economics class. What do you think ought to be the subject matter? Zachariah Messitte, Ripon’s president, who is also a professor in the politics and government department, has encouraged fellow professors to disparage Donald Trump, arguing that it’s “fine” for professors to “acknowledge Trump’s narrow-minded rhetoric” in class, suggesting that Trump’s “bigotry” is a valid topic for most any course.

Turkey Drifts into the Abyss as ISIS Kills Dozens at Wedding Policies pursued by unhinged Erdogan come back to haunt Turkey Ari Lieberman

On August 20, a suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest at a wedding ceremony attended by supporters of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party, or HDP. The blast occurred in the southern Turkish city of Gaziantep near the restive Syrian border and claimed the lives of at least 54. The death toll will likely rise given that many of those wounded in the bombing were in critical condition. Nearly half of those killed were under the age of 14. The bomber is believed to be a boy between the ages of 12 and 14. Turkish officials initially blamed their traditional nemesis, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK but now believe that the bomber was affiliated with ISIS.

Turkey, led by its increasingly unbalanced and unhinged president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is a nation teetering on the brink. The country has been wracked by a pandemic of bombings and shootings principally carried out by the PKK, which generally targets the military and security forces, and ISIS, which deliberately seeks out soft targets and aims to maximize civilian carnage. The wedding bombing is typical of its modus operandi.

Last week, the PKK carried out a string of bombings in eastern and southeastern Turkey killing at least 14 and injuring more than 200. The attacks were directed at Turkish military and police forces but civilians were counted among the dead and injured. Under Erdogan’s direction, Turkey is currently waging a vicious counter-insurgency campaign against the guerillas who are seeking greater autonomy. Human rights groups have accused both sides of human rights abuses.

In June, ISIS terrorists attacked Istanbul’s Ataturk airport with bombs and AK-47 assault rifles killing at least 36. ISIS terrorists were responsible for at least two other bombings in Turkey this year that claimed the lives of several foreign nationals including Germans, Israelis and a Peruvian.

On July 15, elements of the Turkish military staged a failed coup in which nearly 300 were killed and some 2,200 were wounded. The coup plotters were frustrated with Erdogan’s increasingly authoritarian style and Islamist bent. Erdogan then used the coup attempt to lash out at his enemies (real and imagined) and crush internal dissent. He blamed the coup on followers of the US-based cleric, Fethullah Gulen. Gulen and Erdogan had once been close allies but the two had a falling out and are now bitter rivals.

Soros’s Campaign of Global Chaos Caroline Glick

The first thing that we see is the megalomaniacal nature of Soros’s philanthropic project. No corner of the globe is unaffected by his efforts. No policy area is left untouched.

Major media outlets in the US have ignored the leak of thousands of emails from billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundation by the activist hacker group DCLeaks. The OSF is the vehicle through which Soros has funneled billions of dollars over the past two decades to non-profit organizations in the US and throughout the world.

According to the documents, Soros has given more than $30 million to groups working for Hillary Clinton’s election in November, making him her largest single donor. So it is likely the case that the media’s support for Clinton has played some role in the mainstream media’s bid to bury the story.

It is also likely however, that at least some news editors failed to understand why the leaked documents were worth covering. Most of the information was already public knowledge. Soros’s massive funding of far-left groups in the US and throughout the world has been documented for more than a decade.

But failing to see the significance of the wider story because many of the details were already known is a case of missing the forest for the trees. The DCLeaks document dump is a major story because it exposes the forest of Soros’s funding networks.

The first thing that we see is the megalomaniacal nature of Soros’s philanthropic project. No corner of the globe is unaffected by his efforts. No policy area is left untouched.

On the surface, the vast number of groups and people he supports seem unrelated. After all, what does climate change have to do with illegal African immigration to Israel? What does Occupy Wall Street have to do with Greek immigration policies? But the fact is that Soros-backed projects share basic common attributes.

They all work to weaken the ability of national and local authorities in Western democracies to uphold the laws and values of their nations and communities.

They all work to hinder free markets, whether those markets are financial, ideological, political or scientific. They do so in the name of democracy, human rights, economic, racial and sexual justice and other lofty terms.

Huma Abedin, Hillary’s Bribe Broker Strong evidence of Hillary and Huma’s pay-to-play conspiracy emerges in new email dump. Matthew Vadum

Embattled Hillary Clinton enforcer Huma Abedin gave foreign leaders and activists special access to Clinton when she was secretary of state after they donated to the congenitally corrupt Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, according to newly released emails.

It is yet more evidence that in the event Hillary becomes president her administration will be at least as venal and crooked as her husband Bill’s was. Bill sold nights in the Lincoln bedroom at the White House while he was president but Hillary has been selling her presidential favors in advance for years through the tax-exempt Clinton Foundation, which is little more than an anticipatory bribe processing center. With Hillary installed in the Oval Office, the sky’s the limit.

The trove of newly released emails obtained by watchdog group Judicial Watch through the courts appear to show that Abedin served as a gatekeeper auctioning access to the would-be president in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation. When individuals wanted to meet with Hillary, Abedin would say no, and introduce them to the foundation. After the so-called donation was received access to Clinton would be approved.

Judicial Watch stated Monday that:

“In more than a dozen email exchanges, Abedin provided expedited, direct access to Clinton for donors who had contributed from $25,000 to $10 million to the Clinton Foundation. In many instances, Clinton Foundation top executive Doug Band, who worked with the Foundation throughout Hillary Clinton’s tenure at State, coordinated closely with Abedin. In Abedin’s June deposition to Judicial Watch, she conceded that part of her job at the State Department was taking care of ‘Clinton family affairs.”

“Among the Abedin-Band emails is an exchange revealing that when Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain requested a meeting with Secretary of State Clinton, he was forced to go through the Clinton Foundation for an appointment,” Judicial Watch reveals. “Abedin advised Band that when she went through ‘normal channels’ at State, Clinton declined to meet. After Band intervened, however, the meeting was set up within forty-eight hours.”

The Clinton Foundation’s website indicates that in 2005 Salman committed to creating something called the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program (CPISP) for the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), a project of the foundation.

By 2010, Salman’s organization had given $32 million to CGI. The Kingdom of Bahrain reportedly donated somewhere between $50,000 and $100,000 to the foundation. Bahrain Petroleum also contributed an extra $25,000 to $50,000.

FBI Investigating Possible ISIS-Inspired Stabbing Attack in Virginia By Patrick Poole

The random stabbing of a couple in Roanoke County, Virginia, on Saturday is now being investigated as a possible ISIS-inspired terror attack, according to reports.

Witnesses to the incident say that the suspect under arrest, Wasil Farooqui, was shouting “Allah Akbar” while attacking a man and woman at their apartment building Saturday evening.

Several media outlets are reporting the FBI’s involvement in the case:

Sources:FBI investigating weekend stabbing in Virginia as possible ISIS-inspired attack, looking at whether attacker wanted to behead victim

— Mike Levine (@MLevineReports) August 23, 2016

The Roanoke Times reports:

Roanoke County Police arrested a man in connection with a Saturday night stabbing that injured a man and a woman at The Pines Apartments, off Virginia 419.

Wasil Farooqui, 20, went to a hospital to seek medical care for his own injuries. He matched the description of the suspect and, following further investigation, was arrested, according to a news release.

Farooqui is charged with two counts of aggravated malicious wounding and is being held at the Western Virginia Regional Jail without bond, according to the release.

Officers went to the 4300 block of Banbury Lane after receiving a call around 8 p.m. on Saturday indicating that a man and woman had been attacked with a knife while entering the apartment building. The man fought off the attacker, who then fled, according to the release.

Police believe the attack was random, and that Farooqui has no connection to the victims, according to the release.

WDJB7 adds these details:

The FBI is now involved in a stabbing investigation in Roanoke County.

Wasil Farooqui is charged in the incident that seriously hurt a man and woman at the The Pines Apartments on Saturday.

Witnesses told police that during the attack Farooqui was yelling “Allah Akbar.”

He remains in jail tonight without bond.

Report: 30k Illegal Immigrants Came From Countries of Terrorist Concern By Tyler O’Neil

In 2015 alone, over 30,000 illegal immigrants from “countries of terrorist concern” entered the United States through the southwestern border with Mexico, Department of Defense Southern Command (Southcom) spokeswoman Army Col. Lisa A. Garcia told the Washington Free Beacon on Monday.

“Networks that specialize in smuggling individuals from regions of terrorist concern, mainly from the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, the Middle East, and East Africa, are indeed a concern for Southcom and other interagency security partners who support our country’s national security,” Garcia said. “There are major hubs that serve as entry points into the region for migrants from those areas of concern attempting to enter the U.S. along our border with Mexico.”

Garcia reported that in 2015 alone, “we saw a total of 331,000 migrants enter the southwestern border between the U.S. and Mexico, of that we estimate more than 30,000 of these were from countries of terrorist concern.”

She explained a new Southcom report found that Sunni extremists are infiltrating the United States with the help of alien smugglers in South America and are crossing the border with ease.

While many American security officials and private security experts have dismissed the idea that terrorists exploit alien smuggling networks as a myth, the report revealed terrifying evidence that Islamist infiltration may already have occurred.

“This makes the case for Trump’s wall,” a security official noted in the report. “These guys are doing whatever they want to get in the country.”

The Washington Free Beacon’s Bill Gertz also quoted Southcom commander Adm. Kurt Tidd, who warned that a lack of information is hampering security efforts against alien smuggling. “Our ability to track people moving through transportation systems is an area that we must continue to devote efforts on, and the ease with which human traffickers are able to use our transportation systems to move people through the networks relatively undetected should give us all concern.”

The threat does not come from new relationships between Sunni extremists and alien smugglers, but from increased use of already existing networks, explained Joel Vargas, head of Continent Security Services and a consultant to law enforcement agencies. In an email statement, he warned that “existing smuggling networks from Central America are increasing their access.”

“Our Sunni illegal migration coming from [Latin America] is very small,” Vargas admitted. But “on the other hand, they can use the networks set up by the Shia.” He reported that law enforcement agencies have intercepted immigrants coming from Asia but have not been able to determine if they are extremists.

What’s So Un-Islamic about ISIS? By Ayman S. Ibrahim

In each horrifying operation executed by ISIS, the radical terrorist group uses every possible way to convey its Islamic identity. They make sure the world sees and hears what they believe and seek, emphasizing plainly their religious motivation.

However, in each of these instances, we immediately, and almost automatically, hear some Western “scholars” insist that everything about ISIS is un-Islamic: ISIS reflects “societal ills, not Islamic doctrine,” as it “hijacks religion in order to legitimate, mobilize and recruit.” We also hear that ISIS’s version of Islam “is not in accordance with the Quran, the traditions of the Prophet or even with Islamic Law,” and that “No religion, including Islam, preaches indiscriminate violence against innocents.”

This is puzzling. But, no, it should not be.

When some Western scholars deny that ISIS is “in any way” driven by rigorous Islamic ideology, this could hardly be attested, especially if you consider the insistence of prestigious Islamic institutes, like Egypt’s al-Azhar, on identifying the members of ISIS as true Muslims who are committing wrong deeds. For al-Azhar, ISIS’s members cannot be identified as unbelievers as long as they do not reject Allah’s strict monotheism and the apostleship of Muhammad.

Contrary to arguments set forth by these Western scholars, ISIS reflects a specific interpretation of Islam that is both legitimate and consistent with Muslim sacred texts and classical exegesis. Claiming that ISIS’s members are lunatics driven by lust or social evil is hardly plausible, and at best fanciful. Its members can establish rigorous convincing arguments based on the Quran and Islamic tradition to justify each action they take, as they affirm: “This is a fight against Muslims and Islam.” They rely on what Muslims consider divinely inspired and authoritative texts. Ideology establishes convictions and drives behavior.

While there are, of course, various political, sociological, and economic dimensions of the ISIS identity that make its radical image appealing, the religious appeal is exceptionally powerful and unmatched.

Approaching the end point of the cycle of democracy By Earick Ward

One of my favorite quotes, which I believe accurately describes our current circumstances, is attributed to Scottish philosopher Alexander Tytler.

Cycle of Democracy

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury.

From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.

The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
from spiritual faith to great courage;
from courage to liberty;
from liberty to abundance;
from abundance to selfishness;
from selfishness to apathy;
from apathy to dependence;
from dependency back again into bondage.

Is there a more accurate depiction of today’s Democrat politician than the promise of more benefits from the public treasury? Or the voters’ realization that they can vote themselves largess from the same said public treasury?

Is the Antarctic Ozone Hole Really Mending? By S. Fred Singer

The AOH is an ephemeral (every Oct-Nov) thinning of stratospheric ozone at an altitude of 20-25 km, roughly covering the Antarctic continent; unanticipated, it was discovered serendipitously in 1985 but is now tracked with satellite-borne ozone meters. Its discovery created much panic about an epidemic of skin cancers that led directly to passage of the 1987 Montreal Protocol, an international treaty stopping the manufacture and release into the atmosphere of ozone-depleting chemicals, including CFCs used in refrigeration and bromine-containing fire suppressants.

Recently, there have been many voices, suggesting that the AOH is shrinking, presumably as a result of the Protocol. I am somewhat skeptical of the evidence, but also for theoretical reasons. I am inclined to blame wishful thinking –- a desire to justify post facto the 1987 Montreal Protocol and the economic losses it has produced around the world since then. By implication also, this tends to support the concept of a (largely unrelated) global climate treaty that would severely reduce the release of the greenhouse gas CO2.

For evidence, I refer to a well-written semi-popular story in Eos of 15 August 2016, which relies mainly on a paper in Science magazine [of 30 June, 2016] by MIT chemist Susan Solomon et al. The credibility of the paper derives from the fact that its lead author had identified the correct mechanism for creating the AOH at a time when there was much dispute about its cause; it turned out to be ‘heterogeneous’ reactions of chlorine compounds on the surfaces of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs), made up of ice particles created from stratospheric moisture by the extremely cold local temperatures. [Heterogeneous reactions involve both gas molecules and solid particles, while ‘homogeneous’ reactions involve only gas molecules.]

These reactions eventually release free chlorine atoms (able to destroy ozone catalytically) from the existing stratospheric chlorine reservoir, gaseous HCl –hydrogen chloride. The relevant chemical reactions commence when solar radiation reaches the Antarctic stratosphere in the beginning of Spring, i.e., in October, after a winter darkness lasting up to six months.

But the same Eos story also quotes NASA atmospheric scientist Susan Strahan, who points to the difficulty of identifying a trend in the presence of “noise,” the year-to-year variation in geographic extent of the AOH. Worse still, the AOH can also be characterized by other varying parameters, like depth of depletion and by its duration. Nevertheless, Solomon extrapolates the somewhat uncertain geographic trend and boldly estimates that the AOH will seal up and disappear by mid-century.

In the American Geophysical Union journal Earth Future, atmospheric chemist Guy Brasseur and colleagues suggest a faster way to “heal” the AOH – by actively releasing ice particles in the stratosphere to deplete HCl, the main reservoir of stratospheric chlorine. But they do not consider the continued existence of natural sources of chlorine compounds: frequent volcanic injections and possibly also oceanic salt spray carried into the stratosphere by convection. Worse still, they ignore the risks of their proposed geo-engineering scheme – the strong greenhouse effects of their ice particles, which would absorb and then re-emit (albeit at a much lower temperature) most of the outgoing long-wave radiation from earth into space, covering even the normally open atmospheric infrared “window” region (of 8 – 12 microns).