Amid email uproar, Wasserman Schultz to step down after convention Heidi M. Przybyla

Debbie Wasserman Schultz will step down as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee at the conclusion of this week’s convention, the Florida congresswoman said Sunday in a statement.

The announcement follows the growing controversy over the release of party emails that at times depicted staffers favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the primary campaign.

Citing the importance of electing Clinton and her commitment to fulfilling her responsibilities to her Florida House district, Wasserman Schultz said in her statement that “going forward, the best way for me to accomplish those goals is to step down as Party Chair at the end of this convention.”

However, despite reports of an increasingly limited role at the convention, she added: “As Party Chair, this week I will open and close the Convention and I will address our delegates about the stakes involved in this election not only for Democrats, but for all Americans.”

However, former party spokeswoman Maria Cardona predicted on CNN that Wasserman Schultz’s statement is a beginning point for negotiations that could further minimize the Florida congresswoman’s role this week. Democrats want to avoid a chaotic scene at the convention, and some predict the chairwoman could be loudly booed by Sanders supporters, who were already marching through the streets of Philadelphia.Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, will preside over the four-day convention, and Democratic National Committee communications director Luis Miranda announced that party vice chair Donna Brazile will serve as interim head of the DNC through the election.

Sanders, who has called for Wasserman Schultz’s resignation, applauded her decision to step down.

“Debbie Wasserman Schultz has made the right decision for the future of the Democratic Party,” the Vermont senator said in a statement. “While she deserves thanks for her years of service, the party now needs new leadership that will open the doors of the party and welcome in working people and young people.”

Detailed List of Findings in Wikileaks DNC Document Dump Jim Hoft

On Friday Wikileaks released nearly 20,000 hacked emails it says are from the accounts of Democratic National Committee officials.

The documents were released just days before the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia.

The hacked emails revealed the DNC’s hatred for Bernie Sanders and his movement. The documents reveal the party’s hidden ties with the liberal media. The emails reveal the heights of dishonesty of the party infrastructure.

Now there is a list of a few of the most shocking emails released by Wikileaks.
The list was compiled thanks to the work of Reddit Bernie Sander supporters and Donald Trump supporters:
Hat Tip Steve A.

DNC member killing horses for insurance money.
DNC making fun of black womans name.
DNC telling each other, “I love you too. no homo.”
DNC requesting a pull an MSNBC commentary segment.
DNC controlling the narrative with time released stories.
DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters.
DNC Hillary supporters infiltrated Sanders campaign.
DNC members going to complain to Morning Joe producers about his mentioning of a “rigged system.”
DNC discussing their relationship with NBC/MSNBC/CNN and how to get better treatment.
Super PAC paying young voters to push back online Sanders supporters. Paid shills.

John Kerry warns your refrigerator is as dangerous as ISIS

It’s been a hot summer with sweltering temperatures from the midwest to the Middle East, which means an increased use of air conditioners, but no so fast says John Kerry who is a long time advocate for climate change.

The Secretary of State warns the chemicals inside common items like air conditioners, refrigerators, and inhalers are as dangerous as the ongoing threat of ISIS,

According to Kerry the use of hydrofluorocarbons or HFCs in these everyday items are emitting a gigaton of carbon dioxide equivalent pollution into the atmosphere annually. He adds “if this sounds like a lot, my friends, its because it is.”

Kerry also said the coolant is a thousand times more potent than CO2 and he hopes to phase out the use of HFC entirely.

To be fair Kerry isn’t exactly comparing the need to stay cool to the Islamic State but warns the discussion around HFC and other pollutants are essential to even having a planet to live on at all.


How ‘sanctuary hospitals’ cost America big by Betsy McCaughey

Medical bills are pushing more Americans into severe “financial distress” even if they have insurance, according to a top medical journal. These bills force hundreds of thousands into bankruptcy each year.

What’s so galling is that while Americans struggle to pay their bills, freeloaders from other countries get the same care at no cost by gaming our generous open-door hospital policies. They take a flight to the United States, go straight to an emergency room and get pacemakers, chemotherapy and other expensive care, leaving American taxpayers to foot their bills.

Evan Levine, cardiologist at a Bronx teaching hospital, recently treated a Trinidad resident who had learned his pacemaker battery was about to give out. He came to New York to avoid paying for cardiac care back home. Cost to him? Zero, aside from airfare.

It’s a common practice, according to a medical-device salesman who services hospitals in the New York area. He gets calls for pacemakers destined for patients from South America or Central America who fly in and take a bus directly to the hospital.

The bill for one pacemaker patient can reach $96,000. John Q. Public gets stuck with it.

Taxpayers cough up an estimated $2 billion a year for a program called Emergency Medicaid, according to Kaiser Health News. It covers everyone unable to pay for emergency medical care, including illegal immigrants and residents of other countries here for medical freebies.

No one should be left to die on the street. But forcing taxpayers to pay for foreigners here to rip us off goes too far.

Federal law requires that hospitals help all patients who come to the emergency room in labor or with a life-threatening condition. Lenient regulations are turning this into a gravy train.

Hospitals cannot ask about immigration status at any time, and they’re barred from asking patients if they can pay or have insurance until after the patient has been helped. Every ER posts signs telling patients they have a right to be treated, no matter what.

Noah Schreibman, pulmonologist and critical care physician in Delray, Fla., explains that “if someone is short of breath, has chest pains, coughs up blood or recently lost 20 pounds, they’ll get admitted.”

If Our Police Aren’t Safe. Neither Are We by Cathy Hinners

Please stop holding vigils. Right now they serve no purpose other than to be a target for those that want to kill in the name of their god or their perceived notions of racism. If you want to do something, educate yourselves on the threats. Learn who the enemy is. Yes, enemy. We are at war, and the bigger picture must be seen.

The first thing to be understood is who the enemy is. The current administration has done a great disservice to the American people by hiding the truth of the agenda of those killing Americans on American soil. They aren’t thugs, creating chaos because they are mentally unstable. They are Muslims performing jihad because their doctrine directs them to. The sooner this is admitted; the sooner we will win.

Unfortunately, Muslims in America who believe in sharia law, and who follow the footsteps of their prophet Muhammad have joined forces with disgruntled members of groups such as Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panther Party and the Nation of Islam. This is important because of Muhammad’s history.

To understand how history is repeating itself, one must understand it to begin with. Muslims believe there is only one God, Allah, who through the Prophet Muhammad revealed the words of the Quran. The traditions and sayings of the prophet are contained in the Sunnah and the Hadiths. This making the trilogy of books most important to Muslims. In order for a Muslim to be “good”, they must imitate his life, as prescribed by those books.

In summary, the early years of Muhammad, described as his years in Mecca, he was peaceful and while he desired to convert others to Islam, he accepted those that practiced their own religion, which led to a very small number of Muslims. On his hijra to Yathrib (Medina), Muhammad rejected the offer of peaceful co-existence. His religion was obviously intended to dominate others, not to be equal. It was in Medina that Islam became a political and military ideology. Before his death, non-believers (infidels) were evicted or enslaved, and converted under the threat of death if they did not.

Germany: The Terrifying Power of Muslim Interpreters by Stefan Frank

“Everything I told you then is true. … But the interpreter there told me that a faithful woman must not use words like sex and rape. Words like that would dishonor my husband and our family. She also said that I was a blasphemer, because I went to the police. No woman should report her own husband. The husband must be honored.” — “Sali” in an apparent suicide note to her lawyer, Alexander Stevens.

“I am aware of statements in which interpreters have pressed and supposedly said to Christians on the way to the police or beforehand: If you complain, you can forget your application for asylum. I often noticed that statements were retracted because Christians were threatened.” — Paulus Kurt, Central Committee of Eastern Christians in Germany (ZOCD).

“The interpreters are neither employed by the Federal Agency, nor are they in any way sworn in to the legal system of the Federal Republic of Germany. Ultimately, examination of the asylum application is left solely to these interpreters… In our view, a decision-making process such as this, which is practiced on a massive scale, is not in keeping with due process.” — Open letter from employees of Germany’s Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees.

Alexander Stevens is a lawyer at a Munich law firm specializing in sexual offenses. In his recent book, Sex in Court, he describes some of his strangest and most shocking cases. One such case raises the question: What do you do when interpreters working for the police and courts lie and manipulate? As no one monitors translators, it is likely that in many instances, the dishonesty of interpreters goes undetected — Stevens’ book chronicles the devastating effects one dishonest interpreter had on a case.

The parents of a Syrian girl, “Sali,” had promised their daughter to a man named Hassan, who, at the time, was still living in Syria. The arrangement was seen as mutually beneficial: Sali’s parents would receive money and Hassan would be allowed to enter Germany. Sali would never willingly have married a man 34 years her senior, but the family’s honor required it. However, Sali did not receive any benefits from this arrangement. Hassan’s interest in Sali was apparently confined to her body. He forced Sali to perform all kinds of sexual practices several times a day, and brutally abused the girl in the process.

Sali was unable to hide the fact that she took no pleasure in these rapes and she became ill, so Hassan reproached her and “openly threatened to demand a large compensation payment from her family, for the cost of the wedding reception and lost pleasures of love.” Sali sought help from a women’s shelter, where an employee took her to a lawyer: Stevens. At the shelter, Sali described her misfortune, but was careful repeatedly to come to her husband’s defense. She was more worried about her family’s honor, should Hassan decided to divorce her, than about herself.

“After two hours of painstaking depictions of sexual abuse, corporal punishment, and mental humiliation,” Stevens writes, “I had no doubt that everything had actually happened as she said.”

The next day, Stevens tried to get an appointment for questioning with the police and an interpreter. But he was surprised when he got to the shelter. Sali was like a different person. Suddenly, she wanted nothing to do with him or the women’s shelter employee.

Sometime later, an employee of the women’s shelter sent him a letter that Sali had left behind for him. It read:

Dear Mr. Stevens,

I am very sorry to have caused you so much inconvenience. Please believe me when I say I did not want to. Everything I told you then is true. I also wanted to make a statement to the police regarding what I told you. But the interpreter there told me that a faithful woman must not use words like sex and rape. Words like that would dishonor my husband and our family. She also said that I was a blasphemer, because I went to the police. No woman should report her own husband. The husband must be honored. I did not know what to do, Mr. Stevens. Because I think she is right. I should never have disgraced my husband and my family. Therefore, I would ask you not to tell anyone. I do not want to create any more trouble for my family and my husband’s family. Please forgive me. You were very good to me.


By this time, Sali was already dead. According to the employee from the women’s shelter, the police suspected suicide.

Hillary to Be Nominated while under State Department Investigation Only a Trump Justice Department can put Hillary behind bars. By Deroy Murdock

‘Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!”

Republicans convened in Cleveland this week and rhythmically chanted for the incarceration of Hillary Clinton, the candidate the Democrats will nominate for president next week in Philadelphia. Some pundits found the Republicans’ new slogan harsh and extreme.

But who are the real extremists here?

In what must be an historical first, Democrats are about to anoint a contender for the White House who faces at least four federal investigations and a serious, private anti-corruption lawsuit. Even after the Watergate break-in, Richard Nixon’s legal woes were not this grave at this stage of the 1972 election.

Just days after the FBI and Justice Department whitewashed Clinton’s abuse of 2,113 classified e-mails on her unauthorized, unsecure, do-it-yourself computer server, the State Department resumed its own investigation of this matter. State previously yielded to the FBI’s probe. With that exercise concluded, State once again is trying to learn if Clinton and her top staffers violated the department’s rules for handling national secrets.

“Because neither Hillary nor her aides are currently State employees, it is at least somewhat unusual to reopen an investigation,” former U.N. ambassador John Bolton told me. “If they were still employed, disciplinary action could include cancelling their security clearances, lowering their [government pay]-grade, or even being fired. None of those are now possible, except for revoking security clearances if they still have them, and flagging their personnel records so that State and/or other agencies don’t hire them in the future.”

If Clinton loses her security clearance, this would shatter what little remains of her claim that her tenure at State qualifies her for the presidency. And if she survived such a wholesale implosion of her credibility, it’s hard to imagine how she could function without clearance, nor even claim that she deserves it.

“A president must have access to classified information in order to make national-security decisions,” said former State Department spokesman Richard Grenell. “If Hillary is punished with a security-clearance revocation beyond January 2017, she should step aside. She would be putting U.S. national security at risk, again.”

The GOP Platform Is Right: Coal Is Clean Carbon dioxide has none of the characteristics of a real pollutant. By Kathleen Hartnett White

Some in the media are alarmed that the just-approved Republican-party platform takes a positive view of fossil fuels. “The platform tosses aside an environmental regulatory structure built on congressional legislation and judicial rulings over more than four decades,” wrote Steven Mufson of the Washington Post. It’s no surprise that mainstream media and its friends on the political left would feel that way — especially after they have been vilifying oil, gas, and especially coal for more than a generation. It’s on that last fuel that the platform takes perhaps its most remarkable position, declaring coal “an abundant, clean, affordable, reliable domestic energy resource.”

It doesn’t meet with the approval of the environmentalist Left — but it does happen to be true.

Although this Environmental Protection Agency never acknowledges it, a slew of state-of-the art technologies has led to dramatic reductions in emissions from coal-fired power plants. In this respect, coal is quite clean. Since 1970, emissions of key pollutants per kilowatt hour (electric) have fallen 89 percent. Use of low-NOx boilers, selective catalytic reduction, wet and dry electrostatic precipitators, scrubbers, and sorbent injection, while not popular topics at cocktail parties, have led to huge reductions in genuine pollutants that impact human health under certain concentrations and exposures.

In 2007, during my tenure as chairman of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, I signed the first permit for a lignite-fired coal-power plant in more than two decades. The elaborate emissions controls for this new plant have achieved amazing efficiencies comparable to those of plants powered by natural gas, and they continue to reduce real emissions. Yet EPA’s Clean Power Plan may force closure of this modern plant, trashing the hundreds of millions invested in reducing real pollutants.

Although now viewed by the EPA as dirty carbon pollution, carbon dioxide (CO2) lacks any of the characteristics of a real pollutant. CO2 is an odorless, invisible, and beneficial natural gas and the catalyst for photosynthesis, the most vital energy conversion in our biosphere. How soon we forget eight-grade science! CO2’s life-amplifying potency is why greenhouses pump CO2 to levels over four times that of the natural concentration in the air we breathe.

Officialdom’s constant use of the word “clean” masks the many details about energy that keep the lights on. In most cases, “clean energy” is a general designation for low-to-zero carbon-energy resources, the most prevalent forms being wind and solar power. The public has been led to believe that coal and other fossil fuels are dirty and that wind and solar are clean.

Trump Caps Divided Convention with Uncharacteristic Discipline For an hour, at least, the GOP nominee made Cleveland normal again. By Eliana Johnson & Tim Alberta

Cleveland — For the better part of four days, the Republican National Convention had been less about Donald Trump than about the flotsam of the Republican party left in his wake — and the attempts of its members to cobble together a life raft in the middle of an angry sea.

Then, for an hour and 15 minutes on Thursday night, Trump brought a modicum of normality to the proceedings with remarks that were tightly scripted and tightly focused, even if they were delivered in a shouted staccato. He took the stage wearing a gleaming red tie as the delegates on the floor broke out into a chant: “Trump! Trump! Trump!”

Trump’s appearance, which followed a flawless introduction from his daughter Ivanka, brought an unfamiliar feeling of order to the convention, and on stage he promised to do the same for the country and the world. He cast President Obama’s administration as the cause of the chaos that has roiled the country for the past several years, from the murder of American citizens at the hands of illegal immigrants to the assassination of law-enforcement officers on city streets.

“The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end,” he said. “Beginning on January 20th, 2017, safety will be restored.”

As if on cue, when a protester began to disrupt his remarks, police whisked her off the floor before the crowd could figure out what was happening. Looking down on the kerfuffle, Trump ad-libbed, “How great are our police and how great is Cleveland?” The crowd went wild.

Trump also faulted the president and the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, for sowing turmoil around the world. From the nuclear deal with Iran to the non-enforcement of the “red line” in Syria to the murders of four Americans in Benghazi, the U.S. has been suckered and embarrassed on the international stage, he said. When he made mention of the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, the crowd began to chant, “Lock her up!” Trump, in a remarkable display of restraint, raised an index finger to silence them. “Let’s defeat her in November,” he said. The crowd erupted in cheers.

The speech, delivered from a black-and-white teleprompter in the center of Quicken Loans Arena, dragged near the end, and included some 4,500 words. But Trump stuck almost entirely to the script. Both in substance and in style, the speech exhibited a discipline at odds with a convention otherwise characterized by disarray.

Just hours before Trump took the stage, a pro-Clinton super PAC, Correct the Record, obtained and leaked the transcript of his speech. It was the capstone to a convention that has been defined by the party’s squabbling disunity, enhanced by the Trump campaign’s disorganization and repeated political miscalculations.

There was plagiarism, there were grudge matches, and there were more than a few awkward embraces.

Janet Creighton, a longtime Ohio GOP official who formerly served in the George W. Bush administration, was attending her fifth convention as a Republican delegate. Creighton says she has always worn red, white, and blue during all four days of past conventions, but decided not to this year. “This is a different Republican convention. It doesn’t have the same Republican feel,” she says. “People are holding their breath because we’ve never done it like this before.” She smiles and shrugs her shoulders. “It’s his convention,” she says of Trump. “He can do what he wants.”

Trump, of course, has done just that. The campaign’s worst self-inflicted wound this week came the first night of the convention, when Melania Trump delivered an impressive speech that, it soon turned out, included passages lifted from first lady Michelle Obama’s address to the Democratic convention in 2008. The incident dominated cable-news headlines for nearly 48 hours as the Trump campaign denied and demurred before finally issuing a mea culpa from an unknown speechwriter mid-day Wednesday. In the interim, talking heads denounced the campaign’s amateurishness and incompetence. “The highlight of tonight’s activities was Melania Trump’s speech,” Republican strategist Steve Schmidt told MSNBC. “This turns this night into a catastrophe.” Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly took to the airwaves the next night to declare that the speechwriter should be fired. “There’s no excuse for plagiarism,” he said. “There’s just none. You can’t do it.”