Caving to pressure from 800 alumni of Ramaz, Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, retired principal of the prestigious New York yeshiva, canceled his agreement to deliver a prayer at the Republican National Convention. Many questions arise from both the alumni petition and the rabbi’s decision to withdraw.
Considering that we are living in the most potentially dangerous moment of Israel’s existence, that anti-semitism is rampant throughout Europe, the Middle East and significant institutions in the U.S., and that the Democrat administration has spearheaded a deal with a country openly committed to obliterating Israel, one can only gasp at the lack of concern for these vital issues in the alumni petition. Instead, the former students are primarily incensed at Trump for being racist, misogynistic and daring to suggest that some citizens in this country are “less than others.” For starters, one would hope that any intelligent high school graduate would agree that we should all consider convicted criminals and terrorists as less than others. The language of the petition is as woefully trite as its cliched sentiments: “Rabbi Lookstein, all the good work you’ve done in your life – everything you’ve done for your community, for the plight of Soviet Jews – will be flushed down the toilet for 10 minutes on stage in Cleveland.” Is this the best that the alumni of an outstanding school could pen?