It’s Beginning to Feel a Lot Like 2016 Again Ross Douthat, New York Times

The post It’s Beginning to Feel a Lot Like 2016 Again appeared first on New York Times.

Around the time that Donald Trump announced his presidential campaign, there was a lot of chatter about how anti-Trump Republicans were poised to repeat the failures of 2016, by declining to take on Trump directly and letting him walk unscathed to the nomination.

This take seemed wrong in two ways. First, unlike in 2016, anti-Trump Republicans had a singular, popular alternative in Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, whose polling was competitive with Trump’s and way ahead of any other rival. Second, unlike in 2016, most Republican primary voters have now supported Trump in two national elections, making them poor targets for sweeping broadsides against his unfitness for the presidency.

Combine those two realities, and the anti-Trump path seemed clear enough: Unite behind DeSantis early, run on Trump fatigue, and hope for the slow fade rather than the dramatic knockout.

But I will admit, watching DeSantis sag in the primary polls — and watching the Republican and media reaction to that sag — has triggered flashbacks to the 2016 race. Seven years later, it’s clear that many of the underlying dynamics that made Trump the nominee are still in play.

Let’s count off a few of them. First, there’s the limits of ideological box-checking in a campaign against Trump. This is my colleague Nate Cohn’s main point in his assessment of DeSantis’s recent struggles, and it’s a good one: DeSantis has spent the year to date accumulating legislative victories that match up with official right-wing orthodoxy, but we already saw in Ted Cruz’s 2016 campaign the limits of ideological correctness. There are Republican primary voters who cast ballots with a matrix of conservative positions in their heads, but not enough to overcome the appeal of the Trump persona, and a campaign against him won’t prosper if its main selling point is just True Conservatism 2.0.

The Militarization Of The IRS – The Facts On The Purchase Of Guns, Ammunition, And Military-Style Equipment Since 2006 And why does the IRS need guns? Adam Andrzejewskie

Big Spend: Since 2006, 103 rank-and-file agencies outside of the Department of Defense (DOD) spent $3.7 billion on guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment (inflation adjusted to CPI). 27 of those agencies are traditional law enforcement under the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

However, 76 agencies are pencil-pushing, regulatory agencies, i.e. Environment Protection Agency (EPA), Social Security Administration (SSA), Veterans Affairs (VA), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Health and Human Services (HHS), Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and many others.

Headcounts: There are now more federal agents with arrest and firearm authority (200,000) than U.S. Marines (186,000).

All numbers updated through March 31, 2023

Since 2006, the IRS spent $35.2 million on guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment (CPI adjusted). The years 2020 and 2021 were peak years at the IRS for purchasing weaponry and gear. Just since the pandemic started, the IRS has purchased $10 million in weaponry and gear. (See chart below.)

Special agent head counts: nearly 2,100 special agents. Recently, the IRS chief testified that they are adding 600 new positions (20,000 new hires with 3% ratio of special agents this year). Based on headcount, the IRS ranks in the equivalent of the top 50 largest of 12,261 police departments across the country.

Uproar over the IRS Special Agent job posting: In August 2022, IRS posted a job description for Special Agent and a position requirement was the willingness to use “deadly force.” The description went viral on the internet and the “deadly force” language was edited out. However, today, that language is back in the online job posting.

The EU’s Endless Appeasement of the Ruling Mullahs of Iran by Majid Rafizadeh

The beneficiaries of EU’s increased trade with Iran are most likely the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The EU’s trade with Iran, which helps increase the Iranian regime’s revenue, is doubtless making it easier for the theocratic establishment to provide weapons to Russia…

The Iranian regime has, in fact, set up a specific route across the Caspian Sea in order to supply large quantities of munitions to Russia… “posing a growing challenge for the U.S. and its allies as they try to disrupt cooperation between Moscow and Tehran,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

The Iranian regime, probably because it knows that the European Union will not take any action, is ratcheting up its engagement and weapons exports to Russia.

The Iranian regime is simultaneously profiting from its trade with the EU and from its weapons sales to Russia, thereby empowering Putin to escalate his war against Ukraine.

In spite of the Iranian regime’s increasing involvement in the war against Ukraine, the European Union appears more than happy to continue appeasing the Iran’s ruling mullahs, which should officially be considered an accomplice to war crimes committed by Russia.

Gay pride is no longer about the acceptance of a different sexual lifestyle. You want to get our children Diane Bederman

Since 1970, gay people, through the highly successful Gay Movement, have valiantly fought for and received their due. They have the same rights and responsibilities as heterosexual people. No more attacking people for their adult sexual preference.

The Gay Community now has:

(1) the repeal of sodomy laws that criminalized homosexuality;

(2) the enactment of laws protecting the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in society and the workplace;

(3) the ability of LGBT personnel to serve openly in the military;

(4) marriage equality and civil unions in an ever growing number of countries;

(5) the facilitation of gay parents’ adoption rights;

(6) the easing of gay spouses’ rights of inheritance;

(7) an ever increasing number of religious denominations that would allow openly gay people to serve as clergy (Drescher, Out of DSM: Depathologizing Homosexuality Behavioral Sciences, 2015)

The time has long past for the Gay Movement to take the win and go quietly into that good night and take the LGBTQ2+2S/LGBTQI or LGBTQIA2-S  lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and Two-Spirit community with you, along with your rainbow flag.

Tucker, the Left, and Poor Old Canada By David Solway

It’s becoming abundantly clear that with Tucker Carlson being put out to digital pasture, Fox News is falling on hard times and may come to regret its decision. Its viewership and market share are plummeting while Tucker will find “fresh woods and pastures new” in which to pursue his career of incisive reporting and unabashed truth-telling. Tucker Carlson has become a first name, which indicates that he is not simply an internet commentator but something of an institution. To believe that he is no longer a force is merely wishful thinking.

Indeed, it has been said that Tucker is bigger than Fox, a plausible assumption the leftward media adamantly denies in gloating over Tucker’s presumed demotion. And why shouldn’t it? After all, with Tucker gone, Fox is no longer a threat to the left’s political and media establishment. Democracy goes to die not only in the darkness of the Washington Post and its media cohorts; its light is also extinguished in a meekly capitulating Fox News.

The political mafia in Canada is equally deluded. Bill C-11, an amendment to the Broadcasting Act, has just been passed into law, effectively providing for regulating online content (aka internet censorship), controlling what we can see and read online as well as depriving Canadian content producers of up to 90% of their international viewership. As Canada’s Privacy Commissioner Daniel Therrien has said, “The bill would represent a step back overall for privacy protection.”

King Charles III Has a Climate Record to Live Down By Rupert Darwall

This Saturday’s coronation of King Charles III marks a significant moment in Britain’s history. No previous constitutional monarch has expressed his political views so openly. Unlike his mother and grandfather, whose opinions, if they had any, remained unknown to the general public, the king’s record-setting seventy years as heir apparent to the British throne saw him define himself as a deeply committed environmentalist.

In 2000, the BBC invited the then-Prince of Wales to give the last of the 2000 Millennium Reith lectures on sustainable development. Charles spoke of his belief in the “bounds of balance, order and harmony in the natural world which sets limits to our ambitions and define the parameters of sustainable development.” He name-checked the founders of the modern environmental movement—Rachel Carson and Fritz Schumacher, authors, respectively, of Silent Spring and Small is Beautiful. He embraced the precautionary principle, warning that the absence of hard scientific evidence of harmful consequences from genetically modified (GM) crops should not be taken as a green light to exceed nature’s limits. 

Instead of looking to science for all the answers, mankind should work with the grain of nature, Charles argued. If a fraction of the investment going into GM technologies was devoted to improving traditional systems of agriculture, “the results would be remarkable,” he declared. He then praised fellow Reith lecturer Vandana Shiva, an environmental campaigner and director of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology in New Delhi, for condemning large-scale commercial farming “so persuasively and so convincingly.”

Team DeSantis: We’re about action, not Beltway chatter by Byron York

There’s no doubt Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has fallen far behind former President Donald Trump in the 2024 Republican nomination polls. In the last days of February, Trump had a 12.8 percentage point lead over DeSantis in the RealClearPolitics average of national polls, with all the other Republican challengers and likely challengers way, way back. Now, Trump’s lead over DeSantis is 29.2 points, with all the other GOP candidates still farther behind. DeSantis is actually closer to the bottom of the field than he is to Trump.

That has led to a lot of criticism of the DeSantis campaign and talk that they’re just not up to the job. “The DeSantis people are rookies,” one veteran of New Hampshire Republican politics, Fergus Cullen, told Politico recently. Reams have been written about DeSantis himself not being particularly skilled at the kind of schmoozing and glad-handing required of presidential candidates dealing with the public and donors alike.

The loudest critical voice, of course, comes from Trump, whose ratings have soared amid a politicized indictment in New York and a politicized rape lawsuit in New York. Trump has used the increased support to launch a relentless series of attacks on DeSantis. The latest comes this week from top Trump campaign officials Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, who released a memo titled “DeSantis is Burning Through Cash Just to Slide Further In the Polls.”

LaCivita and Wiles accuse the DeSantis campaign of wasting millions of dollars on ineffective advertising to “fill the vacuum of leadership the governor left in Florida while campaigning (horribly) overseas in Europe.” Doing so amounts to defrauding donors, the Trump team says: “What you are witnessing is a fleecing on an epic scale. Tens of millions of donor dollars spent, while poll numbers … drop.”

Such concern trolling is obviously an irritant for the DeSantis camp. But they have a simple response: While Trump is campaigning (and fighting off legal actions), DeSantis is … governing. And DeSantis is governing in a distinctly conservative way, a way that embeds conservative principles in the laws of the nation’s third-largest state.

US Weakness Invites Iranian Attacks on Shipping in the Gulf By Kenneth R. Timmerman

On Wednesday we learned that the Iranian regime has seized a second oil tanker recently in the Persian Gulf, forcing it to dock at an Iranian port under orders from the regime’s “judiciary.”

It was seized by Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Go-fast boats in the Strait of Hormuz. This remains the world’s most important oil transit chokepoint, according to the US Energy Information Administration, where roughly 20% of the world’s oil transits every day.

Seized tanker Niovi (YouTube screengrab, cropped)

The Pentagon subsequently informed us that these two incidents were just the latest of fifteen cases since Biden came to the White House where Iran has threatened or attacked international shipping in the Persian Gulf region.

These kind of attacks are unacceptable. The Iranians know that, and I guarantee you our enemies and adversaries know that. And yet the Iranians act with impunity. Why?

For starters, they know the current U.S. President and what he stands for. Biden has been taking money and supporting pro-Tehran regime lobbyists since at least 2002, when a group of Tehran-supporters threw a fund-raiser for him in California that brought in $30,000.

From then on, Biden became a reliable vote (along with Senator Chuck Hagel) when it came to opposing sanctions on Iran. He railed against President George W. Bush and his “axis of evil” because it included the Iranian regime.

Since becoming president, he has tried hard to re-invigorate the bad Iran nuclear deal, a deal that not only gave Iran a date certain to become a nuclear weapons state with impunity, but lifted all sanctions on the regime’s ballistic missile programs as well.

Glazov Gang: ‘Sleeper Cells’ Make Their Move On America’s Infrastructure Train derailments, diminishing food supply, U.S. banks and the dollar weakening . . . the Deep State’s ‘play’ is obvious.

This new Glazov Gang episode features Dr. Paul Cottrell of

Dr. Cottrell discusses ‘Sleeper Cells’ Make Their Move On America’s Infrastructure, reflecting on Train derailments, diminishing food supply, U.S. banks and the dollar weakening – and how the Deep State’s ‘play’ is obvious. 

Don’t miss it!

Vivek Ramaswamy’s vision is America first — even more than Trump By Miranda Devine

While Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis are busy tearing chunks out of each other, there is an unlikely sleeper candidate in the Republican race who is quietly winning hearts and awakening hope across the country with his sunny version of America First.

Vivek Ramaswamy, 37, the woke-busting entrepreneur, son of Indian immigrants from Ohio and the GOP’s first millennial presidential candidate, is rising steadily in opinion polls, just 10 weeks after announcing his candidacy on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show. 

In one CBS poll this week, he managed to tie with former VP Mike Pence in third place among likely Republican voters, ahead of establishment figures such as Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, Tim Scott and Asa Hutchinson.

He’s pitching himself as a more energetic but less divisive version of Trump, as “the outsider that doesn’t just talk about draining the swamp,” he said in New Hampshire this week. “I’m going to get the job done . . . I see an opportunity to do in 2020 what Ron­ald Reagan did in 1980, win a landslide election.”

He preaches that it is not enough merely to point out the hypocrisies of the left’s “secular religions” of “racial wokeism, gender ideology and the climate cult.”

These are just symptoms of a national identity crisis, he says, caused by turning away from the founding values of the country, from success by merit and adherence to the rule of law, values that wooed immigrants like his Indian engineer father and psychiatrist mother to Ohio.

“Faith, patriotism, hard work, family, these things have disappeared,” he says, and he wants to “fill that void with a vision of American national identity that dilutes this woke poison.”