In the latest debate, Donald Trump made it clear, once again, that not only he is not conservative, but he has absolutely no idea what conservatism is.
When asked to define conservative, Trump, who usually gives expansive answers, managed to speak for less than 30 seconds before running out of ammo. His answer was that “Conservatism means … to conserve … your wealth”.
That’s not what conservatism is. A two-year transfer student into Wharton College (with an uncle in MIT) should be able to give a better answer than that. Marco Rubio, perspiring like a fire hydrant, nonetheless came closer to the mark with his canned answer to the same question: “Conservatism means limited government, free enterprise, and a strong national defense.” And he (or whoever prepared him with that answer) is right. Conservatism is about advocating the liberty of the individual and preventing the government from encroaching on it. Conservatism is about protecting private property rights and giving businesses the opportunity to grow without the stranglehold of regulation. It’s also about protecting our country with a strong national defense. And, although it didn’t occur to Marco or his debate prep team, it’s also about adhering to what’s in the Constitution.
But Donald Trump didn’t raise any of these points.
But this will not hurt him, because Trump’s supporters, by and large, are not conservatives. It seems as if a reason that he underperformed in Iowa was that he was competing with Marco Rubio for presumably more moderate voters, and when Marco Rubio surged, it was at Trump’s expense.