In December, we released our OpenTheBooks Oversight Report – The Department of Self-Promotion, $4.4 Billion Spent by Federal Agencies on Public Relations (FY2007 – FY2014), click here.
Our report debuted on the front page of two Washington D.C. daily newspapers: TheHill and The Washington Times:
The Hill: Feds Shelling Out Billions to Public Relations Firms, click here
by Megan Wilson | December 8, 2015
The Washington Times: Feds Spend Billions on Self, click here
by Kellan Howell | December 8, 2015
Read my December column at Forbes: Meet the 2nd Largest PR Firm in the World – The United States Government, click here.
Last week, the COX Media national news bureau showcased our report which played on the evening news at ABC-Atlanta (WSB- Channel 2).
Investigative reporter Justin Gray asked 10 federal agencies for an interview and NONE would answer questions on camera!
Now, U.S. Senator Mike Enzi wants answers. Enzi has requested a comprehensive report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO).
We want answers, too.
For example: Why are some of the world’s largest advertising firms billing taxpayers for their interns – up to $88 per hour? And billing their executives for up to $1.1 million per year?
Why is the average salary for a federal public affairs officer over $100,000 per year, 70% higher than the private sector?
Why does the IRS allow their survey firms to charge taxpayers $70 per hour for each of their $9 per hour telemarketers?