Retaking America Best-selling author Nick Adams’ new book outlines an action plan against the Left for all patriotic Americans. Jamie Glazov

FP: Nick Adams, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Adams: Thank you, Jamie, great to be with you.

FP: Congratulations on your new book. Let’s begin with this question: Why does an Australian care what happens in America?

Adams: Jamie, what’s good for America is good for the world. A weak America is a weak world. A strong America is a strong world. That’s not a theory. That’s reality. We can see it happening right now. Cast your eye over the world: Islamists are openly working to establish a Caliphate. There is a catastrophic humanitarian disaster. Russia is attempting to re-establish the Soviet empire. China is aggressively expanding in the South China Sea. There are vast refugee flows. This is no coincidence. Frankly, this is what the world looks like when American influence is in decline. We are all paying a heavy price for the Obama administration’s politically correct decisions. Western intellectuals have long believed that America is not a force for good in the world, and should take a backseat in world affairs. They now have egg on their face.

FP: Tell us about your new book and why people should read it.

Adams: Let me put it this way: if you love America, and you hate political correctness, then you need to read this book. It’s as simple as that. Nothing is more anti-American, anti-freedom, anti-truth, and anti-reality than political correctness. It is a noose around America’s neck, growing tighter each day. From identity politics and secularism to the all-powerful welfare state and the war against national identity, every problem in America today is either rooted in, or compounded by political correctness. It is destroying America, and if it destroys America, it destroys Western civilization. So, we have to crush it, and only America can.

‘Architects of Disaster’ Takes on Obama and Hillary’s Disaster The price of arrogance in Libya. Daniel Greenfield

There have been many books written about Benghazi, but not every book led to a personal attack from the White House. And yet that’s what happened with “Architects of Disaster”, the book by former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra indicting Obama and Hillary for the Libyan disaster.

In “Architects of Disaster”, Hoekstra lays out the case against the intervention in Libya, a war that still remains nameless and hardly discussed despite the post-war murders of five Americans in that country. Beginning with the attack on the American compound in Benghazi, he traces back the roots of that disaster to Obama and Hillary’s intervention in Libya which ended up empowering Islamic terrorists.

As Hoekstra states, the cause of that atrocity was rooted in the administration’s belief that “Jihadists can be both trusted and managed.” And as Hoekstra, currently a Shillman Senior Fellow with the Investigative Project on Terrorism, points out that, “in spite of all that has happened… the Obama administration has continued this policy to the present day.” And appears ready to continue it forever.

Despite that beginning, “Architects of Disaster” is less of a look at Benghazi and instead represents a wider examination of what really happened in Libya. Benghazi was one of the symptoms that Obama and Hillary’s war had gone badly wrong. But it was neither the beginning nor the end of what was taking place in Libya. It was a bloody moment that made Americans rethink a war that they had opposed, but had otherwise never really paid much attention to.

ACLU Silence Enables Campus Anti-Free Speech Movement by Nat Hentoff and Nick Hentoff

The Radio Television Digital News Association recently presented its new First Amendment Defenders Award to Tim Tai, a student journalist who was hired by ESPN to cover the anti-racism protests at the University of Missouri.

“Tai was confronted by University students, faculty and staff, threatening him with violence if he did not abandon his efforts,” the award citation reads. “Instead, he stood his ground and patiently asserted his First Amendment Rights to stand in a public place and report on the events around him.”

One would hope that the ACLU of Missouri issued a statement of support for Tim Tai at the time the video of this highly publicized event went viral on the Internet. But the ACLU of Missouri didn’t even acknowledge that the incident occurred. Instead, they issued a statement that “the ACLU of Missouri honors the University of Missouri students and faculty who displayed courageous and creative leadership …”

The next day, when MU’s student body vice president suggested on national television that the exercise of First Amendment rights creates a hostile and unsafe learning environment, the ACLU of Missouri remained silent. Two days later, when a Christian street preacher was physically assaulted by anti-racism protesters while speaking inside MU’s designated “Free Speech Circle,” the ACLU of Missouri remained silent.

FBI director: Feds Missed Signs San Bernardino Shooter Was Jihadist During Visa Screening By Joel Gehrke

One of the San Bernardino shooters came to the United States with the intention of carrying out a terrorist attack, FBI director James Comey told Congress on Wednesday.

Comey said he doesn’t know if a terrorist group arranged the marriage between the two attackers, but said that Tashfeen Malik had jihadist goals as early as 2013. “The intelligence indicates that she was [radicalized] before she connected with the other killer and came here,” he said during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing this morning.

Comey’s revelation comes in the midst of a debate over President Obama’s pledge to bring 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States, as lawmakers and governors question the efficacy of Department of Homeland Security screening procedures. It rattled even Democratic lawmakers on the committee who have defended Obama’s policies.

“After this hearing today, every American is going to be asking the question: How did this woman come in on a visa . . . if she was talking publicly (again, we’ll get into ‘privately’ in the classified briefing) about jihad?” said New York senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader-in-waiting. “Shouldn’t that be somehow tied into our visa program?”

PC Suppression of Public Concerns Fuels the Trump Phenomenon By Victor Davis Hanson****

The more analysts try to figure out Donald Trump’s appeal, the more they sound baffled.

Pundits cite Trump’s verbal sloppiness and ridiculousness as proof that he must soon implode. But Trump sees his daily bombast as an injection of outrage for a constituency now hooked on someone who finally voices their pent-up anger. The more reckless Trump’s doses of scattergun outrageousness, the better the fix for his supporters.

Trump’s vague “make America great again” was the natural bookend to Barack Obama’s even more vacuous “hope and change.” The popularity of such empty slogans reflects a culture in which no one any longer trusts institutions, the media, government, or politicians.

The public no longer respects U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the IRS, the VA, or the GSA. Even the once-hallowed Secret Service has become a near laughingstock of incompetency, corruption, and politicization. Is the purpose of NASA really Muslim outreach, as NASA chief Charles Bolden suggested in 2010?

Millennials Waking Up to the Threat of Terrorism? By Eileen F. Toplansky

I often show the 2006 documentary Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West to my college students. For many, it is an incredible eye-opener. With the latest terrorist attacks by jihadists in Paris and California, this movie is particularly relevant. And the comments by the students speak volumes.

A student who hails from Africa writes:

I’m disgusted by the fact that extreme Muslim people taught children to hate Christians and Jews. I’m offended because I am a Christian and I wouldn’t want any of this wished upon someone else. But above all, we are in the day and age where old texts aren’t morally acceptable, like for example, in the Koran, Allah states that you shouldn’t befriend Christians and Jews.

A young man who served in the armed forces explains:

… the film is a great method of educating and updating people around the world with the issues we are facing with the Islamic community. We are sitting at the end of 2015 still dealing with attacks, refusing to face the fact that they are out to destroy anyone who doesn’t follow their believes [sic].

A young Hindu student remarks:

… this film was edjucational [sic] and should be shown throughout America in all schools. Maybe American children are too unaware of this group of people who don’t value human life. Kids these days are only worried about likes and comments, while Islam is teaching their kids how to disguise themselves and blend in among crowds. We are becoming vulnerable and falling behind. Just like Hitler, the head of this movement should be killed. They are taking the joy of a child and replacing it with hate. Not only are they taking a child’s innocence, but people don’t expect kids to be suicide bombers.

EPA has not punished anyone for toxic spill at Colorado mine By Rick Moran

A short history of Obama administration accountability:

1. No one fired at ATF or the Justice Department over Fast and Furious gun walking scandal

2. No one fired at IRS, two employees temporarily demoted over targeting scandal

3. Only 6 managers at the VA fired or allowed to resign over falsifying wait time records

4. No HHS employee fired over Obamacare exchange fiasco

5. No senior officers have been demoted or removed from CENTCOM for “cooking the books” on ISIS intelligence

6.. No EPA employee disciplined for toxic spill at Colorado mine

As for that last scandal, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell told a Congressional committee she never even yelled at anyone at the EPA for allowing millions of gallons of orange waste to flow into the Animas River.

Europeans and Americans on the Rampage!!! by Mark Steyn

Your Midweek Mohammed: To reprise an old line from America Alone (personally autographed copies of which are exclusively available, etc, etc):

Not long after September 11th I said, just as an aside, that these days whenever something goofy turns up on the news chances are it involves some fellow called Mohammed. It was a throwaway line but, if you want to compile chapter and verse, you can add to the list every week.

A plane flies into the World Trade Center? Mohammed Atta.

A sniper starts killing gas-station customers around Washington, DC? John Allen Muhammed.

A guy fatally stabs a Dutch movie director? Mohammed Bouyeri.

Etc. So here we go again. A ninth attacker in the Paris bloodbath has been named:

A 23-year-old man from Strasbourg, eastern France, has been identified as the third attacker involved in the terrorist assault at the Bataclan music hall in Paris, police sources have said.

Foued Mohamed Aggad went to Syria with his brother and a group of friends at the end of 2013, according to a source close to the investigation. Most of the others were arrested in spring last year after returning to France but Aggad stayed on in Syria, the source said.

The news was further confirmation that the deadly Paris attacks were carried out largely, if not entirely, by Europeans trained by Isis in Syria.

Europeans, everywhere. I switched on Fox News in my hotel room this morning to catch Bill Hemmer saying that this means “Seven of the nine terrorists were European.” As the Guardian report continues:

Sweden, Israel, and the Law By Jack Golbert

Israel’s relations with Sweden, problematic for some time, took a downward turn last week when something Swedish foreign minister, Margot Wallstrom, said was interpreted by the Israeli government to mean that Israel was carrying out extrajudicial executions on Palestinians in the latest “Knife Intifada” by Palestinians against random Israelis.

The Swedish prime minister said that Wallstrom’s comments had been misunderstood. “The Minister for Foreign Affairs did not, as alleged, say that extrajudicial executions occur in Israel,” Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven and Wallstrom said in a statement.

Let’s look back and see what Foreign Minister Wallstrom actually said. Addressing Swedish lawmakers on Friday, Wallstrom denounced the almost daily Palestinian knife, gun, or car-ramming attacks, but urged Israel to avoid excessive force. According to the official English translation of her statement provided by the Swedish Foreign Ministry,

And likewise, the response must not be of the kind — and this is what I say in other situations where the response is such that it results in extrajudicial executions or is disproportionate in that the number of people killed on that side exceeds the original number of deaths many times over.

Sanctuary City Mayors Condemning Trump Should be Arrested By Daniel John Sobieski

Well, not for criticizing Trump, but for breaking the law and recklessly endangering their citizens by harboring and shielding from scrutiny illegal aliens among whose number may include assorted Islamic State agents, sympathizers and potential lone wolf recruits, along with assorted criminals like the one charged with the murder of Kate Steinle in the sanctuary city of San Francisco. They are accomplices in crime.

That is the suggestion of Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who followed the righteous indignation of those condemning Trump for suggesting Muslim immigration be curtailed until we get our terrorist act together, a suggestion not unlike President Jimmy Carter’s halt to Iranian immigration during the hostage crisis. Jindal made the case on Monday on Boston Herald Radio:

“Absolutely, I would hold them as an accomplice. Make them criminally culpable,” the Republican presidential candidate said when asked if he’d arrest mayors of sanctuary cities. “I’d also make them civilly liable so that families, victim’s families could sue. Especially if the prosecutor isn’t taking action or the mayor’s not changing their ways, I’d allow the families to go to court as well to recover damages.”