Cuba One Year After Obama’s Overtures Thousands of political arrests, migrants flee, and Russia wants in. Sound familiar?By Mary Anastasia O’Grady

This month marks the first anniversary of President Obama’s unilateral rapprochement with Cuba. Upon making the Dec. 17 announcement, the Obama administration immediately moved to ease restrictions on American travel to the island and, by extension, boost revenues for the owners of its tourist industry: the Cuban military.

In May the U.S. removed Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism, even though the dictator Gen. Raúl Castro harbors known terrorists, including the U.S. fugitive Joanne Chesimard, once a member of the now defunct Black Liberation Army and a convicted cop-killer.

In August the U.S. reopened an embassy in Havana. Last week it announced a bilateral agreement to restore direct flights between the U.S. and Cuba.

Cuba’s dissidents have been hard hit. Days after the new U.S. policy was announced, Danilo Maldonado, the Cuban performance artist known as El Sexto, was arrested for mocking the Castros. He spent 10 months in jail, and Amnesty International named him a prisoner of conscience.

The Clinton Coronation Continues Hillary stumbles on Syria and ObamaCare, but her opponents are hopeless.

Perhaps you haven’t heard that the Democratic presidential candidates held a debate Saturday night, which is how the party’s elites like it. This faux nomination fight is about coronating Hillary Clinton, and the last thing Democrats want is voters watching if the other candidates expose her weaknesses. Maybe they’ll schedule the next debate during the NFL playoffs.

Not that Democrats needed to worry. Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley, the two competitors on stage with the former first lady, couldn’t have been more solicitous if they were Ted Cruz praising Donald Trump.

The wonder is why Mr. O’Malley is still running. The former Maryland Governor is getting little support even in a three-person race and he has even less to say. He keeps looking for running room on the left on guns and taxes, but there isn’t any. He wants to make the case for change but oh-so-gently so he doesn’t have to criticize President Obama’s record. This leaves him saying things like “the President had us on the right course” in the war against Islamic State, but “we have to increase the battle tempo, we have to bring a modern way of getting things done.” General O’Malley reporting for duty.

Metadata or More San Bernardinos Let intelligence agents do their job before terror attacks, not in the bloody aftermath. By L. Gordon Crovitz

The massacre in San Bernardino, Calif., came a few days after a law went into effect banning access by intelligence agencies to key digital communications. It is time for the U.S. to get ahead of terrorism by finally allowing its intelligence agents to use digital tools before the next attack.

Soon after the San Bernardino massacre, law-enforcement agents discovered digital records left behind by Syed Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik. If intelligence agencies had been allowed access to the information in real time, the terrorist attack might have been prevented.

Politics forces the National Security Agency to operate with blinders. The Obama administration blocked the agency from its post-9/11 practice of collecting metadata—tracking digital data on an anonymous basis, and then seeking a court order if Americans are involved—for emails and other digital communications. The law that went into effect just before the San Bernardino killings ended direct NSA access to historic phone records.

“Militant” (???!!) Who Led 1979 Attack on Israel Killed in Syria Hezbollah blames Israel for strike on Damascus suburbBy Sam Dagher in Beirut and Asa Fitch in Dubai

A Lebanese militant who led one of the most infamous attacks in Israel’s history was killed in a strike on a Damascus suburb that the Lebanese group Hezbollah blamed on Israel.

The attack on Saturday night, which Hezbollah said was an airstrike, killed Samir Kantar who led fighters from Lebanon into Israel in a 1979 attack that resulted in the deaths of two young children, their father and two policemen. After almost three decades in an Israeli prison, he was freed in 2008 as part of an exchange with Hezbollah and went on to lead an offshoot of the Shiite militant and political group.

The strike raised tensions along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon on Sunday. Unifil, the United Nations peacekeeping force along the border, said three rockets from southern Lebanon were fired at northern Israel on Sunday night. Two struck land while a third fell in the sea and Israel responded with mortar fire at Lebanon.

Shortly after that, Lebanon’s state-controlled news agency reported that Israeli warplanes had entered the country’s airspace and could be heard in Beirut. But there were no reports of further airstrikes. Israel said it held the Lebanese Army responsible for attacks from its territory.

Year in Review: The Terror Threat Spreads Islamic State morphed from an uncertain menace into one of the biggest security challenges since the Cold War

The terrorist threat posed by Islamic State morphed from an uncertain menace confined largely to the Middle East into one of the biggest global security challenges since the end of the Cold War.

For the first time the militant group launched major terror attacks from its strongholds against distant targets, including the deadliest-ever on French soil. A couple killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif., in the worst attack in the U.S. since Sept. 11, 2001; the wife had pledged allegiance to Islamic State.

Islamic State consistently urged sympathizers to strike the West, but until recently the group devoted its energy to seizing territory in Syria and Iraq for a so-called caliphate to be ruled according to its puritanical version of Islam.

“It was clear the group was calling for attacks,” said Raffaello Pantucci, a counterterrorism expert at the Royal United Services Institute, a think tank in London. “But it wasn’t clear there was anything strategic to it. It was more about throwing sand in our eyes.”

That changed with a string of lethal attacks directed at some of the group’s main enemies, including Turkey, Hezbollah and possibly Russia as well as the West.

Iranian Hackers Infiltrated New York Dam in 2013 Cyberspies had access to control system of small structure near Rye in 2013, sparking concerns that reached to the White House By Danny Yadron

Iranian hackers infiltrated the control system of a small dam less than 20 miles from New York City two years ago, sparking concerns that reached to the White House, according to former and current U.S. officials and experts familiar with the previously undisclosed incident.

The breach came amid attacks by hackers linked to Iran’s government against the websites of U.S. banks, and just a few years after American spies had damaged an Iranian nuclear facility with a sophisticated computer worm called Stuxnet. In October 2012, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta called out Iran’s hacking, prompting fears of cyberwar.

The still-classified dam intrusion illustrates a top concern for U.S. officials as they enter an age of digital state-on-state conflict. America’s power grid, factories, pipelines, bridges and dams—all prime targets for digital armies—are sitting largely unprotected on the Internet. And, unlike in a traditional war, it is sometimes difficult to know whether or where an opponent has struck. In the case of the dam hack, federal investigators initially thought the target might have been a much larger dam in Oregon.

Is the Obama Administration Trafficking in Illegals or Refugees through UPS Flights & then Moved on Buses?

In a video that appeared earlier this month, a man is claiming that he videoed several buses that are carrying people who were brought in from a United Parcel Service flight.

He discusses what he saw prior to filming which he described as people who came in on a UPS flight into Harrisburg International Airport. He also claims that it was supposed to be a parcel flight, and responds to someone in the vehicle with him that it is not soldiers as they are not brought home in this manner.

Apparently there were up to 30 buses waiting to take these people to their destination, which was unknown.

He identifies the bus as #245, but fails to identify the bus company. He also provides the license plate number, which sounds like J0191B.

Daniel Greenfield Moment: Muslims Are Not the New Jews

This special edition of The Glazov Gang presents The Daniel Greenfield Moment with Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center who writes the blog The Point at

Daniel discussed Muslims Are Not the New Jews, pointing out how Chanukah is not about Islamophobia.

Don’t miss it!

Iran to Increase its Involvement in Syria: Rachel Ehrenfeld

Growing Iranian involvement in the war in Syria is about to be officially requested by Basher Assad in Tehran later this month.

To assure his safe arrival in and departure through Iraqi airspace, his plane will be guarded by “four strategic Russian fighter jets,” said the Lebanese daily al-Diyar. It also reported that “the US-led international coalition’s air command has been warned not to approach…Assad’s plane to avoid engagement.”

The Iranians claim Assad’s visit aims to celebrate “recent victories of the Syrian army against the Takfiri terrorist groups.” However, they seem to follow in Moscow’s footstep in the charade that their presence and direct involvement in the Syrian war are legitimate.

Why now? It has never been a secret that Iran has been Assad’s main supporter all along.

“Catastrophic Failure-Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad” by Stephen Coughlin-A Review, Part I by Edward Cline

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”

Captain, Cool Hand Luke, 1967

In terms of understanding Islam, that would include a failure, or an outright refusal, to grasp and integrate the truth about Islam and its movers and shakers by especially those charged with the responsibility of fighting the “War on Terror” and securing the safety of this country. Given such a “war,” it is incumbent upon the government, the military, and intelligence assessment agencies to “know the enemy.” As things stand now, in their eyes Islam is not an enemy, but an “innocent” bystander upon which is heaped the “calumny” of associating it with terrorism.

“Islamophobia” in Americans is more the enemy than is the fearful enemy. Within that purgatory of purposeless analytical bean-counting and sand-sifting is a startling and craven ignorance of the actual enemy, enforced by post-modern, left-wing politically correct thought and speech while the Muslim Brotherhood and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation stymie any meaningful investigation and intelligence analysis by determining definitions and “red lines.”

And to paraphrase the Captain in Cool Hand Luke – the Captain, while a villain, is certainly a quotable character – “Some men you just can’t reach.” The men who can’t be reached have already submitted to Islam, and accepted the “war” on Islam’s terms, and they are in our government. And they are not only losing the war, but aiding in the enemy’s advance.

A single column review of Stephen Coughlin’s vitally important Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad, would not do justice to the book. I can only highlight some of the important, interlinked and salient information presented by Coughlin. Therefore this review will run to two or more columns. Coughlin’s book is literally vital, as vital as the blood that courses through our veins. Catastrophic Failure brings to light everything we should know about Islam and its advocates’ determined campaign to conquer the West, and especially America, and impose Sharia law on the world – and everything our government has consistently refused to know or evaded to a degree that amounts to criminal negligence.