Here’s what I learned at Tuesday night’s Fox Business Republican debate.
1. If John Kasich is elected president, I will sell my television set. I’ve already seen The Hunchback of Notre Dame at least a dozen times.
2. Carly Fiorina is a good debater. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are even better debaters.
3. I wouldn’t want to be in a foxhole with Rand Paul.
4. The biggest spendthrifts in America are Jeb Bush bundlers.
5. Ben Carson talks slowly.
6. Donald Trump likes to hang out in green rooms.
In other words, nothing much new. Still it was entertaining. Moderators Neil Cavuto, Maria Bartiromo and Gerard Baker did a fine job, devoid of self-promotion and thus far superior to their predecessors at the other networks. It wasn’t their fault it wasn’t all that substantive in the end. It never is. It’s the nature of the format. Eight is still too many people. How about four or five next time?
Who won? The New York Times said Rand Paul, which means he didn’t. Frank Luntz’s focus group of actual New Hampshire Republican voters gave it to Rubio in a walk. I tend to agree, with Cruz a close second. Marc Thiessen said on The Kelly File that Rubio would be the strongest GOP candidate in the general because he would seem like JFK debating Hillary’s Nixon. Actually, I think Hilary’s worse than Nixon, but he’s got a point.