Sweden and Belgium: Silencing and Denial By Andrew Stuttaford

Sweden’s immigration catastrophe is hardly news, but, writing in the New York Times, Benjamin Teitelbaum underlines how much of the responsibility for it lies with the refusal of ‘establishment’ parties of the left, far left (well, it’s Sweden we’re talking about), center and center-right to accept that dissent could be rooted in anything other than xenophobia, racism and all the rest. That’s something that might be expected from the left, but that this was also the position taken by the Moderaterna (the largest party on the center right) under the leadership of Fredrik Reinfeldt, still—even now—remains startling. The Moderaterna, who led two successive governments between 2006-2014, have quite a bit to be proud of, but about this, not so much. In the end, I suspect that Reinfeldt, an open borders man, pur et dur, will be remembered very poorly indeed.

EU Week Ahead Nov. 23-27By Viktoria Dendrinou

The aftermath of the terror attacks in Paris and heightened terror alert in Brussels is set to dominate news in the week ahead as French authorities continue their efforts to piece together details relating to the events of Nov. 13. Meanwhile European Union lawmakers are set to discuss the bloc’s responses to the attacks, including stepping up checks on its own citizens.

1) The main focus across the EU is expected to stay on Belgium and France, where police have already conducted countless raids over the past week as part of their investigation into the terrorist attacks in Paris. Authorities have already arrested several suspects in relation to the attacks as they search for further clues and try to locate the whereabouts of the attackers who made it it out alive.

2) Eurozone finance ministers will meet in Brussels on Monday to discuss their budget plans for 2016. Their meeting comes a week after the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, said the budgets submitted by Italy, Lithuania, Austria and Spain risk violating the bloc’s spending rules and urged them to ensure they will meet EU targets.The EU introduced new and stricter fiscal rules for countries using the euro in 2013 as a response to the sovereign debt crisis, which put future of the eurozone in doubt. The rules, whose main goal is to keep public debt in check, give the commission more power to oversee the bloc’s economies and to ask governments for changes in their budgets. The procedure must be signed off by the bloc’s finance ministers. Read More »

Brussels Remains on Lockdown Amid Terror-Attack Fears Authorities to reassess heightened terror alert Sunday afternoon By Natalia Drozdiak….See note please

On 9/11 my husband and I and two friends were happily enjoying brunch in a Brussels Cafe. When the news of the attack broke, the patrons cheered…rsk

BRUSSELS—The terror alert that has partially locked down Brussels entered a second day as the country’s interior minister said the threat to Belgium was broader than the manhunt for a suspect involved in the Paris attacks.

Belgian officials over the weekend deployed troops, shut the city’s metro system and entreated stores and cafes to close, after raising the security threat level for the city to four, its maximum level.

The Belgian Crisis Center is slated to reassess the threat level on Sunday afternoon.

Officials said the alert level was raised after authorities developed information that an attack similar to those that shook Paris on Nov. 13, killing 130 people, was potentially imminent.
Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon in part attributed the elevated alert level and stepped-up police activity to the search for multiple terrorism suspects.

In Face of ‘Migrant’ Invasion, Islamic Terrorism, Hungary Calls for Change in EU

The only real statesman in elective office in Europe at the moment, Hungary’s Viktor Orban, is calling for fundamental change:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Friday said it was high time the European Union reconsidered the basic parameters binding it together, then revamp its founding treaties, or face political radicalization across the continent. Orban has been at odds with Brussels ever since coming to power in 2010, and recently became an outspoken critic of the EU’s handling of the migration crisis and other challenges.

Asked about a Dutch proposal to create a tighter core in the EU with external passport controls, dubbed a “mini-Schengen”, Orban said not only Schengen but other aspects of the EU were ineffectual today and needed to be reformed. He said the migration crisis and heightened risk of terrorism made new security and border control regulations necessary, and the recent euro zone crisis forced questions about a joint monetary policy without a common fiscal policy.

Hungary was one of the few EU countries (Greece and Italy were the others) who bore the full brunt of the Islamic “refugee” invasion of the old Continent this past summer. Unlike his counterparts in western Europe, Orban and his fellow Hungarians understood immediately what was happening, and quickly sealed their border to prevent a further influx of young, able-bodied, overwhelmingly male Muslims from trekking illegally through their country.

Big International Brother Wants to Watch U.S.: Michael Walsh

The World Government so beloved of American national socialists looms ever closer. Fox News reports:

EXCLUSIVE: The chief United Nations human rights agency, with the Obama administration’s apparent blessing, is creating a new “regional hub” for itself in Washington, to use as a center for organizing against the death penalty, among other things, and for affecting the legal frameworks, policies, and strategies of American counterterrorism.

In a management plan covering its activities through 2017, the agency, known as the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, or OHCHR, puts the U.S. in the same category for that counterterrorism “alignment” effort as countries like Iraq and Uganda.

The fast-tracked human rights “hub” also has a number of more nebulous “thematic” objectives for the U.S., which include, according to an OHCHR information document, “the establishment of national participatory bodies for reporting and implementing recommendations of human rights mechanisms” and the aim of “widening the democratic space” with the aid of undefined “National Human Rights Institutions.”

The differences between ISIS terrorists and Palestinian terrorists

Lots of people have been asking why the world mourns French victims of ISIS terrorists but not Israeli victims of Palestinians terrorists, and why on days like today (when Palestinian terrorists massacred several Israelis in different attacks) not a single main stream news channels even reports on the attacks. Well the following chart explains very clearly why. You see ISIS and the Palestinian terrorists have absolutely nothing in common!!!!

An Ontology of President Obama’s Failure in Syria By James Snell

The Syrian civil war has been tearing the heart out of the country and the region for nearly five years. The mere numbers alone illustrate this brutal reality with suitable bluntness and force. 300,000 likely dead; 11 million people displaced, either internally or externally; four million of them refugees. This is a barbaric and almost Hobbesian reality. It sometimes – indeed, often – defies understanding, especially for those who live in the West, most of them largely untouched by its ferocity; but occasionally, brief and transient insights are given for the benefit of those unaffected by all this into the sheer horror – and its vast extent.

One of these windows is provided by the refugee crisis; another is last week’s atrocity in Paris, in which ISIS demonstrated to the world a reality that those living under its brutal rule in Syria know all too well: namely, that it is a nihilistic, fascistic entity that desires the extermination of those who do not subscribe to its evil worldview. Both of these immense and catastrophic events were caused in no small part by President Obama’s inaction, and his lack of anything which may resemble principled and strategically sound leadership. And at the summit of this vacuum is a plan by the White House for the United States of America to take 10,000 Syrian refugees. It is a pitiful number, and the response from the American people has been far from positive, with many states already attempting to exempt themselves from the perceived burden of welcoming those who are fleeing genocide.


It’s the Maths, Stupid I’ll share 2 of my life-long basic positions:The UK left is where I both belong and feel “safe”. Qualitative analysis is where it’s at, not the hard edged cold world of quant.

We’ll return to these.

My family are socialists. The Labour Party is the natural home of the working classes – which is where I’m from. Ok, I confess. I was briefly a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain in the heady days of Marxism Today. Seems we ended up with political post-modernism so I’m sorry about that. Joined the Labour Party then left it after hearing Ed Balls mention immigration 6 times in the space of 4 minutes.

Half-Jewish and entirely secular on all fronts, I grew up in North West London. At school there were fights in the playground when I was called “Yid” and worse. My name marked me out – it practically yelled it out – as Jewish, even though I was of course only half-Jewish. I pretty much always lost those fights.

Later on I married a Jewish woman and now have a son who is, of course Jewish.

As a politically active student I recall a sense of unease at NUS conference & on campus when groups of keffiyah-wearing students from “other political groups” seemed to be just a bit too interested in the Middle East.

After my student days I joined that group of people who – whilst not politically active day-to-day- knew exactly where right and wrong lived. Whilst we bemoaned the retreats from socialism of the Blair & Brown years, we remembered what it was to live though 18 years of Conservative government. So we never, ever voted anything other than Labour despite some friends moving off to the Greens or seeking other radical homes.

The Tail Wags the Dog International Politics and the Middle East by Efraim Karsh Reviewed by Asaf Romirowsky

Blaming the West has become the most pervasive method of teaching for many Middle East studies departments, which are becoming the heart of pop-culture academia. Efraim Karsh, a distinguished professor of Middle Eastern studies at Bar-Ilan University and professor emeritus at King’s College London, in his latest book The Tail Wags the Dog: International Politics and the Middle East, dispels this myth.

“Britain’s ‘original sin,’ if such was indeed committed, lay not in the breaking up of Middle Eastern unity but in its attempted over-unification.” Overall, the blunders of the great powers were in trying to impose their own wishful thinking instead of obtaining a real understanding of the Middle East.

Unpopular truths abound. Karsh shows that descriptions of the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916, the secret bargain between London and Paris to divide the Middle East into spheres of influence, “as the epitome of Western perfidy couldn’t be further from the truth.” In fact, rather than being aimed at suppression of the Arabs, the agreement “constituted the first-ever great-power recognition of an Arab right to self-determination.”

Host countries, beware of Islamic terrorism Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger

Islamic terrorists – not only ISIS and Al Qaeda – systematically and deliberately target civilians, and stab the back of their Muslim and “infidel” host countries, abusing their hospitality to advance 14-centuries-old megalomaniac aspirations to rule the globe, in general, and to reclaim the Waqf (Allah-ordained) regions of Europe, in particular.

Emboldened by Western indifference, these destabilizing and terror-intensifying aspirations have been bolstered by the Islamic educational systems in Europe, the USA and other Western countries. They proclaim the, supposedly, irrevocable and perpetual Islamic title over the 8th century Islamic conquered Lyons, Sorbonne, Normandy, Carcassonne, Borden, Arles, St. Remy, Avignon, Burgundy and Nice in France, as well
as the ostensibly Quran-sanctioned Islamic deed over the 9th and 10th centuries occupation of western Switzerland, including Geneva, the 8th century conquest of Spain and the 9th century subjugation of parts of Italy.

Europe has underestimated the critical significance of this 14-century-old anti-Western Islamic history and aspirations in shaping contemporary Islamic education, culture, politics, peace, war and the overall Islamic attitude toward Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and other “arrogant infidels.” For instance, “infidel” France has been the prime European target for Islamic terrorists (eleven reported attacks in 2015), irrespective of France’s systematic criticism of Israel and support of the Palestinian Authority, dispelling conventional “wisdom” that Islamic terrorism is Israeli or Palestinian-driven.