…The PA’s own paperwork shows unambiguously that tens of millions of dollars are shelled out every month to imprisoned terrorists and to their relations – at a time in which Abbas moans that Ramallah can’t make ends meet. It’s the same Abbas who poses as a frustrated peace-partner but cannot bring himself to condemn the premeditated stabbings of Israelis by his own incited henchmen. The impression he deliberately imparts is that terror convicts and/or casualties were arbitrarily and unjustly martyred. The latest crop of Abbas’s homegrown killers likewise expects to be officially celebrated as idols instead of castigated as villains.
Here clearly are comprehensive
statistics that illustrate exactly
how the PA uses its resources.
One of the most significant recent scoops came from Israel Radio’s Palestinian affairs correspondent, Gal Berger, who managed to lay his hands on actual Palestinian Authority spreadsheets that show precisely which convicted terrorist behind-Israeli-bars is subsidized and to what tune by the Palestinian Authority.