As Muslims invade Europe on a massive scale, President Obama’s making sure we get our “fair share” of suicidal madness. Heaven forbid we fall behind Europe on the path toward cultural ruin.
And while this voluntary abandonment of Western values and culture unfolds before our eyes – as nations slide ever closer toward the caliphate – sanitized language is used to mask the reality of what is occurring. Here are a few examples of innocuous words that obscure the truth.
Asylum seekers: This is a popular term used to describe a large swath of people we know little to nothing about (though we know enough to know we must not accept them). The phrase suggests innocent people fleeing imminent danger whom we should welcome with open arms. And more than welcome. We must give them food, clothing, shelter, education, medical care, job training, transportation, and interpreter services, among other benefits.
Refugees: This is a generic term that is also used frequently. It applies to hordes of people from who knows where invading country after country. Like asylum seekers, it suggests that people in dire need of protection and care whom we are obligated to embrace lest we appear to be hateful bigots. And if we must sacrifice our fundamental values along the way, not to mention, perhaps, our lives, oh well.