Muslim-Majority City Council Elected in Michigan Hamtramck is believed to be first U.S. city with the distinction; 4 of 6 seats filled by Muslims By Kris Maher

Hamtramck, Mich., has elected what is believed to be the first U.S. city council with a majority of Muslims, as a recent wave of immigrants put its stamp on the longtime Polish enclave.

“I’m proud to be an American Muslim, but we were elected by everyone in Hamtramck and we’re going to serve everyone,” said Saad Almasmari, a 28-year-old Yemeni-American who was elected to the council by receiving the most votes of the six candidates on the ballot. Mr. Almasmari, who moved to the U.S. in 2009 and became a citizen in 2011, expects to take office in early January.

After last week’s election, four of the city council’s six seats will be filled by Muslims, including three who are from Bangladesh. One of those council members was an incumbent not up for re-election.
Saad Almasmari, 28, was elected to the city council by garnering the most votes of the six candidates running.
Saad Almasmari, 28, was elected to the city council by garnering the most votes of the six candidates running. Photo: Saad Almasmari

A city of 22,000 that is surrounded on all sides by Detroit, Hamtramck was once a haven for immigrants who were mainly Polish and Catholic. But more recently, churches have given way to mosques. The Polish population has dropped to about 11% today from 90% in 1970s. Since 2004, the Muslim call to prayer has been broadcast to the city’s streets.

Arab immigrants, mostly from Yemen, now make up 24% of Hamtramck’s population, according to the Census Bureau. Other Muslim immigrants have come from Eastern Europe and Asia. By some estimates, the city’s Muslim population has surpassed 50%.

“They’re the new majority, and those numbers are being reflected at the ballot box,” said Sally Howell, an associate professor of history at the University of Michigan-Dearborn who published a history of the Muslim communities in Detroit last year.


This special edition of The Glazov Gang was joined by Stephen Coughlin, the co-founder of and the author of the new book, Catastrophic Failure.

He came on the show to discuss Muslim Brotherhood: Above the Law in America, unveiling how stealth Jihadists are now out of reach of investigators, national security analysts and members of Congress. [See also Stephen on the special Glazov Gang: How American Leadership is Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad.]

Don’t miss it!

So You Want To Send Your Kid To A State School? What It Costs Across The Country Samantha Sharf See note please

How much of the money is spent on drivel….check out: Open the exposed:

“How a college hid $95 million in expense like booze, shooting clubs”

And: Is There Really a Lack of Funding in Education? The Books are Open.

Earlier this fall, I published a story questioning the wisdom of Millennials’ above average desire to foot the cost of college for their kids. A reader named Morgan Ownbey commented to accuse me of using “shady stat tactics” by working from the median income and the projected cost of attending an elite private school to calculate the necessary savings rate. Ownbey’s point: “You do not have to save half a million dollar to send your kid to a good state school.”

I stand by my initial response — that my intentions were good and where to go to college is a personal and complicated decision between parent and child — I also stand by my concerns that young Americans’ will be able to save enough to cover the costs of both college and retirement. However, two recent reports suggest Ownbey and I both had a point.

According to a report out this week from the Urban Institute, across the country 81% of college-bound high school graduates enroll at home state schools or private institutions in state. (The latter arrangement can be a money saver if students live with their parents and commute to school.) Authors Sandy Baum, a senior fellow in the Income and Benefits Policy Center at the Urban Institute, and research assistant Martha Johnson, however, make the larger argument that a true sense of the status of public higher education in America requires a state-by-state look.

Baum and Johnson write: “Because most students remain in-state to take advantage of lower tuition, a clear view of cross-state variation is vital for understanding the nature and extent of barriers to college affordability and for developing policies to address those barriers.”

Mississippi has the highest percentage of students remaining in state at 93%. According to new College Board data, Mississippi in state tuition and fees come to $7,147 this school year, while the 19% of Mississippi’s first-time college students coming from another state paid $19,480, making Mississippi among the ten least expensive states to attend public college in state and the 12 least expensive for out-of-state.

Sofian Zakkout: Terror Supporter in Anti-Terror Clothing Hamas-linked Zakkout continues his involvement with government and civic groups. Joe Kaufman

As a supporter of both the terrorist organization Hamas and white supremacist icon David Duke, Sofian Abdelaziz Zakkout lives on the fringe of American society. To offset the negative fallout that could come as a result of this, as well as other radical activities carried out by Zakkout, he has attempted – and successfully so – to associate himself with institutions related to law enforcement and homeland security. These institutions must be made aware of Zakkout’s extremist intentions and must be reminded that law enforcement and terror do not mix.

Sofian Zakkout is the Director of the American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA), a Miami-based radical Islamic group that is linked to two dozen mosques throughout South Florida. During the beginning stages of AMANA, Zakkout was the Vice President of the now-defunct Health Resource Center for Palestine (HRCP), a Hamas-related charity whose Secretary/Treasurer, Syed Khawer Ahmad, was a web developer for Hamas in Gaza.

According to the AMANA website, Zakkout is a board member of the Miami-Dade County Citizen Corps Council. Citizen Corps was created following the September 11 attacks to provide citizens with opportunities to help in America’s response to terror, crime and disasters. Being involved with Citizen Corps is the perfect counter to Zakkout’s true identity and Islamist agenda.

The Truth About Dalton Trumbo Before His Biography Debuts Reflections on a dedicated Stalinist. Paul Kengor

Reprinted from

A long-touted motion picture on prominent Hollywood screenwriter and communist Dalton Trumbo debuts in theaters this weekend. I will see the film, but first I’d like to share some background on Trumbo. I do so not as a film critic, but as a historian of the Cold War and communism, including the Hollywood front for which Trumbo was extremely active.

For starters, it’s crucial to keep in mind that communism was responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people in the last century, double the combined tolls of World War I and II.

It’s also vital to know that most American communists (small “c”) did not actually join the Party. Only the hardcore went that far. Those who joined the Party took a major leap of faith. They became loyal Soviet patriots.

Regardless of their American citizenship, Communist Party members in the Stalin era (when Dalton Trumbo joined the Party) swore an oath: “I pledge myself to rally the masses to defend the Soviet Union. . .. I pledge myself to remain at all times a vigilant and firm defender of the Leninist line of the Party, the only line that ensures the triumph of Soviet Power in the United States.”

They wanted the “triumph” of Soviet power in America. They truly took marching orders from the Kremlin. The most fanatical among them (Trumbo included) remained in the Party even after the signing of the Hitler-Stalin Pact that launched World War II. Stalin aided and abetted Hitler in that apocalyptic action, enabling history’s deadliest war and the Holocaust.

Prisons: Microcosms of Islamic Supremacy and Western Idiocy Another example of Islam’s Rule of Numbers. Raymond Ibrahim

Islam’s Rule of Numbers holds that, wherever and whenever Muslims grow in numbers, the same acts of “anti-infidel” violence that are endemic to the Islamic world grow with them.

This has become especially evident in one Western institution that has a disproportionately large number of Muslims: prisons. Several anecdotes just surfaced last month alone.

Whitemoor prison in Cambridgeshire recently became the first Muslim-majority prison in Britain. Between the ages of 22 and 39, Muslims now represent 56 per cent of the population there. “Prisoners and staff found the Muslim presence overwhelming” says a recent report. Non-Muslims “were often bullied into converting to Islam, and those who resisted were too scared to cook pork in communal kitchens in case it caused offence.”

Bernie Sanders Just Keeps Retracting the Stupid Things He Says “I disagree with Hillary Clinton on virtually everything.” Daniel Greenfield

Bernie Sanders is sinking in the polls faster than a Socialist Titanic and so that means he’s saying more crazy things than usual. And considering that Bernie Sanders tries to say a dozen crazy things before breakfast, that’s a lot.

FeeltheBern was against taking Hillary’s emails seriously before he was for it. Also he completely disagrees with Hillary on everything. Virtually everything.

Sanders was also asked about his recent comment to the Boston Globe, saying, “I disagree with Hillary Clinton on virtually everything.”

Like the color of the sky. And how many jelly beans are in the bowl.

But really, how much disagreement can there be between two radical lefties who both believe that we need a totalitarian government to run our lives? Not that much.

Hillary Clinton, Arms Dealer The dirty deals that put illegal arms shipments into the hands of Libyan jihadists. Arnold Ahlert

In a scathing column Fox News contributor Andrew Napolitano makes the convincing case that Hillary Clinton sold weapons to Libya in a direction violation of the U.N. arms embargo, and then lied about it under oath during her testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi Oct. 22.

“To pursue her goal of a ‘democratic’ government there, Clinton, along with Obama and a dozen or so members of Congress from both houses and both political parties, decided she should break the law by permitting U.S. arms dealers to violate the U.N. arms embargo and arm Libyan rebels whom she hoped would one day run the new government,” Napolitano explains. “So she exercised her authority as secretary of state to authorize the shipment of American-made arms to Qatar, a country beholden to the Muslim Brotherhood and friendly to the Libyan rebels and a country the U.S. had no business arming—unless the purpose of doing so was for the arms to be transferred to the rebels.”

Memos recovered from the incinerated compound in Benghazi give great weight to the assertion. The documents were obtained by the Washington Times and they reveal the American diplomats stationed there were keeping track of numerous potential U.S.-sanctioned weapons shipments aimed at arming our allies, “one or more of which were destined for the Transitional National Council, the Libyan movement that was seeking to oust Gadhafi and form a new government,” the paper reports.

Iran’s Mirage: More Humiliation to Follow by Lawrence A. Franklin

The Rouhani-Zarif façade of civility toward the West was enough to persuade the vain, delusional and acquisitive in Western leadership circles that change had finally come again to Iran. However, no amount of Persian tea or Iranian rosewater-drenched ice cream shared between Kerry and Zarif can drown out the deceptive hoax of the JCPOA. Before the ink was dry, Khamenei and the security services announced that the agreement has no standing in Iran.

To punctuate the point, Tehran arrested a prominent Iranian-American businessman, Siamak Namazi, and a Lebanese-American, Nazar Zaka, to add to its collection of fraudulently-charged hostages: Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian; former marine Amir Hekmati; Pastor Saeed Abedini, and retired FBI agent Robert Levinson.

Just in case the U.S. needed one more symbolic kick, the regime closed down the first KFC fast food restaurant in Tehran on Monday, just one day after it opened.

In the end, it matters little what the government, people, or even the theocratic institutions think is in Iran’s best long-term interests.

Iran: Poets Face 99 Lashes and Prison by Amir Taheri

“She writes something but means something else.” — Tehran Islamic Prosecutor.

The irony in all this is that Ekhtesari is not a political poet. In fact, she has written that those who try to use poetry for politics betray both.

The sentencing was made easier thanks to a recent lecture by “Supreme Guide” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, laying down the rules of what he believes “good Islamic poets” should observe when writing poetry.

The poet Sa’id Sultanpour was abducted on the day of his wedding and shot dead in a Tehran prison. Rahman Hatefi-Monfared had his veins cut and was left to bleed to death in the notorious Evin Prison.

“I hope to see the day when no one is sent to jail in this land for writing poems.” — Mehdi Mussavi, convicted poet.

Does a seminar on reforming the meter and rhyme schemes of Persian poetry violate “Islamic values” and threaten the foundations of the Islamic Republic of Iran?