I attended a showing of a documentary on November 9,1988 hosted by Ronald Lauder, who announced that Cardinal O’Connor could not attend because he was ill with high fever. Immediately after the screening, a frail and febrile Cardinal O’Connor surprised everyone and walked to the lectern. Holding a Torah to his breast, in a slightly tremulous voice he said a prayer for the souls of the victims ending with the words “never again.” rsk

A week of solemn events commemorating the 50th anniversary of Kristallnacht got under way yesterday with John Cardinal O’Connor announcing that all 410 churches in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York would ring their bells Wednesday night to mark the event, the beginning of the Nazi Holocaust.

Speaking at St. Patrick’s Cathedral to 4,000 people, including a delegation of Jewish leaders, the Cardinal also said he would light a memorial candle in the window of his residence on Madison Avenue that night. He urged New Yorkers of all faiths to do the same.

”The horribly destructive flames of Kristallnacht can, by the grace of God, be converted into flames of worship, reverence and prayer for the human spirit,” he said. Hebrew Bible Displayed
Cardinal O’Connor delivered his homily holding a Hebrew Bible, which he called ”the Torah, the law written by the finger of God.” It was this book that the Nazis wanted to destroy, he said, ”so that with diabolical ingenuity, they could replace it with their own laws and thus replace God.”

As he spoke, the Cardinal, his voice breaking with emotion, clutched the Hebrew Bible to his chest and sometimes waved it in the air.

In his homily and in a column this week in Catholic New York, the Cardinal said he ”had no patience” with those who ask, ”Why do the Jews keep remembering the Holocaust?”
”To say to the Jews, ‘Forget the Holocaust,’ ” he wrote in his column, ”is to say to Christians, ‘Forget the Crucifixion.’ There is a sacramentality about the Holocaust for Jews all around the world. It constitutes a mystery, by definition beyond their understanding – and ours.”

A Day to Remember by Rita Kramer

Throughout Europe today if you listen carefully you can hear echoes of the sound of shattering glass.

On November 9, 1938, a date that came to be known as Kristallnacht, the full fury of the Nazi campaign against the Jews of Germany reached its climax with attacks on Jewish storefront windows, Jewish houses of worship, and Jewish bodies of men, women, and children.

The nightmare had not come out of the blue. Repressive measures against Jews had been building since Hitler took power in 1933. By stages, Jews had been forbidden the use of public spaces, fired from professions such as teaching, and relieved of their businesses. They were beaten and spat on in public and would soon be subject to the final solution. Those who were lucky enough to get out in time were few. Unwanted almost everywhere, they had no haven and nowhere to go except for the fortunate few who had relatives willing to assume financial responsibility for them and countries willing to grant them visas.

When World War II ended the world seemed to take pity on the surviving remnant of European Jewry but it still required unprecedented effort for Jews to achieve their own state—Israel, a haven, just in case Never Again should become a meaningless slogan.

Some Jews remained in the countries of Europe and chose to rebuild their lives there with varying degrees of success. Antisemitism was not dead—Jew hatred simply evolved into Israel hatred.

And now, seventy years after the end of the Second World War, waves of Muslim migrants are washing ashore in the countries of Europe. How long before their numbers enable them to take over their host countries? How long before Europe hears again the sounds of breaking glass and breaking hearts and bodies?

How long before we know the answers to these questions?

Clinton Acknowledged Penalties for ‘Negligent Handling’ of Classified Info in State Dept. Contract By Brendan Bordelon

As first reported by the Washington Free Beacon, a Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Nondisclosure Agreement signed by Clinton the day after she took the job as State Department head reveals that she was specifically instructed not to place sensitive or classified material at risk.

“I have been advised that the unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized retention, or negligent handling of SCI by me could cause irreparable injury to the United States or be used to advantage by a foreign nation,” she affirmed in the document. “I have been advised that any unauthorized disclosure of SCI by me may constitute violations of United States criminal laws,” and “nothing in the agreement constitutes a waiver by the United States of the right to prosecute me for any statutory violation.”

Statistics Trump Slogans on Police Killings of Black Men By Deroy Murdock

The debate on cops and blacks deserves facts instead of myths.

If the Black Lives Matter crowd is correct, bloodthirsty, racist cops are blasting black men like clay pigeons at a shooting range. The pace of this alleged slaughter is breathtaking.

The Nation of Islam’s Nuri Muhammad on October 10 told the 20th-anniversary gathering of the Million Man March: “Every other day, we see a young black man being murdered by the Blue Klux Klan.”

​That adds up to 182 such homicides per year.

“When we’re hearing reports that every 28 hours, a black person is murdered by police, it feels like we’re in a war,” Black Lives Matter activist Cherno Biko told Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly on a September 4 special on this topic. “It feels like we’re under occupation.”

If that’s true, killer cops are rubbing out some 313 innocent, law-abiding blacks annually.

Rise Up October organized protests in New York City last month. The group complained about “the rampant epidemic of police murder . . . happening all over this country” and asserts that there are “over 1,000 people a year killed by police.”

Ted Cruz Is Right: The Muslim Brotherhood Is a Terrorist Organization By Andrew C. McCarthy

‘The Muslim Brotherhood youth in Egypt reject any form of violence.” So said Rachid Ghannouchi, who — you’ll no doubt be stunned to hear — heads up the Muslim Brotherhood’s Tunisian branch, Ennahda.

Naturally, Ghannouchi gave his Egyptian confederates a clean bill of health while speaking as an invited guest of the U.S. Institute for Peace in Washington. He is a master of the Brotherhood game, consulted by the State Department and a bipartisan Beltway clerisy ever on the hunt for that elusive “moderate Islamist.” He is an Islamic supremacist who knows he can worm his way into Washington’s heart by whispering sweet nothings about “democracy,” “pluralism,” and their seamless compatibility with sharia — Islam’s authoritarian, discriminatory, and brutally punitive legal code and societal framework.

It is nonsense, but Ghannouchi knows it is precisely the nonsense our government wants to hear. We don’t want to know about the Brotherhood, but man oh man do the Brothers ever go to school on us. Ghannouchi understands that if he chants “democracy” and “non-violence” enough times, there will be no inconvenient mention of his support of Hamas — the terrorist organization that is the Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch. No one will bring up his 2009 call for the opening of a “third jihadist front” against Israel. No one will quote his proclamations such as “I bring glad tidings that the Arab region will get rid of the germ of Israel” or “There are no civilians in Israel. Men, women and children, they are all reserves soldiers and can therefore be killed” — or that the United States government is “the great Satan.” Not a word will be uttered about his close alliance with Brotherhood eminence Yousef al-Qaradawi, the influential sharia jurist who calls for suicide bombings against the Jewish state and terrorist attacks against American soldiers in Iraq.

People of Color at Yale By Roger Kimball

Of all bogus politically correct phrases, I think “people of color” is the most reliably emetic. What, after all, does it mean? Who gets to be a “person of color”? Not me, apparently, though I like to think of myself as a pleasing pinkish hue (I’m not talking about political complexion, merely my Crayola designation). To me, “people of color” is a bit like “native American,” only worse. I always identify myself as “native American” because (or so I have been reliably assured) I first came into this world just outside of Cleveland, Ohio, than which no more American place can be imagined. Why do American Indians get to be “native Americans” while I, whose natality was smack dab in the middle of America, must be content who some less privileged rubric? And why do blacks and other assorted ethnicities get to be “people of color,” with all the spurious rights and privileges pertaining thereto, while I, who most certainly possess a color, am left out of the great politically correct grievance-mongering sweepstakes?

I thought about this yesterday I was in New Haven participating in a conference on “The Future of Free Speech” sponsored by the William F. Buckley Jr. Program at Yale. [1] No sooner had I and my colleagues arrived in Elm City than we discovered, courtesy the Yale Daily News, that the delicate snowflakes at one of the richest and most coddled institutions in the world were angry, outraged, tearful, absolutely beside themselves with rage and horror. “Students Demand Admin Response to Racial Controversies [2],” screamed the front-page headline. The story went on to describe a 3-hour confrontation between 200 students and Jonathan Holloway, dean of Yale College. “Surrounded by a sea of upturned faces and fighting back tears,” the story began, Dean Holloway “stood on the Women’s Table [nice touch!]. . . to break the administration’s silence on allegations of racial discrimination that shook [shook!] campus this week.” [UPDATE: Why hasn’t this girl [3] been expelled?]

Oxford University Releases Map of Acceptable (and Taboo) Touch Zones By Kate O’Hare ????!!!!

Image Courtesy of Oxford University

If you plan to work in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles, you’d better get used to being hugged and kissed, and doing the same in return. It’s a touchy-feely business, even among acquaintances, but this sort of tactile familiarity isn’t the norm everywhere.

People are very particular about where they do and don’t like to be touched, and who’s allowed to put a hand on what. Now, Oxford University has released the findings from the largest study ever conducted on physical contact, creating maps that show what parts of men’s and women’s bodies are acceptable for contact to lovers, friends, relatives and strangers.

As explained in an Oct. 26 article in the U.K. Telegraph, the map shows that the hands are the only part of the body that both men and women don’t mind sharing to some degree with everyone, even strangers. Although men are somewhat less protective of their genitals than women — not listing them as taboo with female friends, acquaintances and even strangers — when it gets to male strangers, both men and women list almost the whole body as off-limits, especially the part between the chest and the ankles (men want male strangers to stay away from their heads as well).


The mass migration from Islamic countries including Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and others, continues apace. Around three-quarters of a million migrants have entered Europe in the current wave. They generally travel through some combination of Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary, but very few migrants come to rest in those countries. Almost all head for the richer nations of northern Europe. So far, Germany and Sweden have been the principal destinations of choice.

This has, of course, caused major disruptions in both countries. Germany may have reversed its policy of allowing the families of migrants to join them, while Sweden is now telling migrants they will have to find their own places to stay, or else be deported back to Germany or Denmark.

What makes Germany and Sweden so attractive, at least in part, is their welfare systems, which people in the Middle East correctly believe to be lavish. Norway, so far, has played only a minor role in the current migration, and wants to keep it that way. How to deter more immigrants than the nation can reasonably absorb? By letting them know welfare benefits are being cut: “Norway launches anti-refugee advertising campaign.”

Germany: Migration Crisis Becomes Public Health Crisis by Soeren Kern

German hospitals are increasing security to protect doctors and nurses from violent attacks by migrants who are unhappy with the medical treatment they are receiving.

Critics are warning that German taxpayers will end up paying billions of euros to provide healthcare for a never-ending wave of asylum seekers. This is in addition to the billions of euros already being spent to provide newcomers with food, clothing and shelter.

In addition to the massive economic and social costs, as well as the burden of increased crime, including a rape epidemic, Germans are now facing the risk of being exposed to exotic diseases — and tuberculosis.

Roughly 5% of asylum seekers are carrying resistant germs. In real numbers, this works out to around 75,000 newcomers with highly infectious diseases. — Dr. Jan-Thorsten Gräsner, director of the Institute for Rescue and Emergency Medicine.

Twenty types of vaccines are now in short supply, and 16 others are no longer available at all. Because of production bottlenecks, some vaccines will not become available until 2017.

Muslim women refuse to be treated by male doctors, and many Muslim men refuse to be treated by females. — Max Kaplan, director of the Bavarian Medical Board.

Turkey’s Stockholm Syndrome by Burak Bekdil

AKP supporters celebrated their victory on November 1 with chants of “Allahu Akbar” [“Allah is the greatest”], an Islamist slogan, indicating that for them the political race in Turkey is in fact a “religious war.”

The Turkish “Sultan wannabe” runs an empire of fear. The November 1 vote will only help make him even more despotic.

A recent study found that only a quarter of Turks were NOT afraid of Erdogan. According to the research, even some of his own supporters are afraid of him.

“The rapidly diminishing choice of media outlets and restrictions on freedom of expression in general impacted the process and remain serious concerns.” — Ignacio Sanchez Amor, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

The AKP’s setback in last June’s elections was because some nationalists disapproved of the AKP’s peace process with the Kurdish minority. In July, the government scrapped the peace process and ordered the military relentlessly to bomb the strongholds of militant Kurds in northern Iraq.