President Obama stressed at a press conference today that it’s “important for both” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas “to try to tamp down rhetoric that may feed violence or anger or misunderstanding” in the region.
At a press conference with South Korean President Park Geun-Hye, Obama — who’s made no secret of wanting a Mideast peace deal as one of his legacy issues — added that “I don’t think we can wait for all of the issues that exist between Israelis and Palestinians to be settled in order for us to try to tamp down the violence right now.”
“I think my views are well known that over time, the only way that Israel is going to be truly secure, and the only way the Palestinians are going be able to meet the aspirations of their people is if they are two states living side by side in peace and security. Those talks, which Secretary Kerry put an enormous effort in, and before that a number of our envoys and Secretary Clinton put enormous effort in, have stalled, and I think it’s gonna be up to the parties, and we stand ready to assist to see if they can restart a more constructive relationship,” he said.