The Obama Intifada How coddling Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas led to terrorism in Israel BY: Matthew Continetti

More than 30 dead in Israel as Palestinians armed with knives attack innocents. What’s responsible? A campaign of incitement, which slanderously accuses Jews of intruding on the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and murdering Arab children in cold blood.

And who is legitimizing this campaign? None other than Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, whom President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have long held up as a peacemaker. “I think nobody would dispute that whatever disagreements you may have with him, he has proven himself to be somebody who has committed to nonviolence and diplomatic efforts to resolve this issue,” Obama told writer Jeffrey Goldberg in 2014.

That’s a strange view of commitment. This is the same Abbas, remember, who rejected then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s absurdly generous 2008 peace offer. The same Abbas who resisted negotiations with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the 10-month settlement freeze in 2010, which Obama demanded explicitly on the grounds that it would give Abbas the cover he needed to begin talks. Abbas finally relented to Saudi pressure, and attended a few meetings with Netanyahu that September. But under no definition of what the word “negotiation” actually means were these meetings for real: The freeze was about to expire, the get together were perfunctory, and nothing of significance was discussed. The farce ended soon after.

Anti-Jewish Jihad in Israel [Google translation] Guy Milliere

Guy Millière – The wave of barbaric murders that currently occurs in Israel was launched by Mahmoud Abbas, in his statements to the United Nations, and other speeches held in Ramallah in the days that followed.

The objective of Mahmoud Abbas was to replace the “Palestinian question” at the heart of the debate in a context where the Sunni Arab countries have far more important interests to defend, but where the Obama administration and European leaders always seem to do everything that way they can to the day a Palestinian state.

Mahmoud Abbas and those around him, were and are overwhelmed. Their speech is now tinged speeches of radical Islam, but still mixed speech elements of “peace” and “negotiations” to satisfy Western useful idiots.

The Arabs “Palestinians” who want to hear more, and if elections were held, Mahmoud Abbas, who has missed the deadline of its mandate for seven years, would be beaten, and driven.

They want to exterminate the Jews and the annihilation of Israel

Kerry Links Palestinian Terror to Settlement Expansion by Elliott Abrams

Secretary of State Kerry made an unhelpful, mistaken, ill-informed comment about the current wave of Palestinian violence yesterday when speaking at Harvard.

Here is the comment Kerry made:

So here’s the deal. What’s happening is that unless we get going, a two-state solution could conceivably be stolen from everybody. And there’s been a massive increase in settlements over the course of the last years. Now you have this violence because there’s a frustration that is growing, and a frustration among Israelis who don’t see any movement.

Kerry does not know what he is talking about. There has simply not been “a massive increase in settlements over the course of the last years.” There has been a steady growth in settlement population, though the bulk of that growth is in the major blocs–such as Ma’ale Adumim–that Israel will clearly retain in any final agreement. Kerry’s imprecision is another problem. Does he mean there has been a massive increase in the number of settlements? That’s flatly false. Does he mean a massive increase in settlement size, as existing settlements expand physically? That’s also flatly false. The so-called “peace map” or “Google Earth map” of the West Bank has changed very little.

Palestinian and Western Leaders: Blood on Their Hands by Richard Kemp

Secretary Kerry’s comments will encourage the continuation of violence and lead to further deaths of both Israelis and Palestinians. His explanation for the widespread knifings, suicide bombings, shootings, arson, firebombings, vehicle attacks and lethal rock-throwing is either naive or mendacious; perhaps both.

Kerry asserts that the frustrations of Israeli settlement activity are responsible for the Palestinians’ murderous behaviour. The reality is that this new wave of killings is a continuation of the aggression against Jews that has been going on in the territory of Palestine for many decades — since long before 1948 and pre-dating the first Israeli settlements in the West Bank that Kerry falsely brands as illegal.

The violence is motivated by the same racist and sectarian zeal that drives the Islamic State and numerous Arab governments and jihadist groups that have sought to eradicate the presence of “infidels,” whether Jews, Christians or Yazidis, from land that they consider the exclusive preserve of Muslims.

Palestinian children are taught that Jews are descended from apes and pigs and must be killed before their “filthy feet” desecrate the holy places of Islam — in the words of President Abbas.

Secretary Kerry, the UN, and the EU should be discouraging further violence by condemnation and by meaningful threats of sanction against the Palestinian Authority leadership. The international community has encouraged Hamas’s illegal use of human shields and berated Israel for defending itself and for inflicting civilian casualties, which were in reality the unavoidable consequence of Hamas’s unprovoked aggression and its way of fighting from within private houses, schools, hospitals and mosques.

51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia What could possibly go wrong? Robert Spencer ****

Lost in the controversy over Ben Carson’s remarks on Sharia and a Muslim President was the fact that a recent poll bears out his concerns.

Investigative journalist Paul Sperry reported during the Carson brouhaha that “Muslims living in the U.S….just this June told Polling Co. they preferred having ‘the choice of being governed according to Shariah,’ or Islamic law.” He also noted “the 60% of Muslim-Americans under 30 who told Pew Research they’re more loyal to Islam than America.”

Many key Muslim leaders in the U.S. have said the same thing. “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.” So said the cofounder and longtime Board chairman of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Omar Ahmad, back in 1998. He has since denied saying this, but the original reporter stands by her story.

Ahmed’s longtime colleague, Hamas-linked CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper, said in 1993: “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future.”

Fighting Jihad in a Politically Correct Comic Book World Tales from the comic book infidel underground. Daniel Greenfield

Superheroes have never been more culturally dominant than they are in the age of the billion dollar Marvel or DC blockbuster and have never been less relevant.

The emotional momentum of the idealism of Superman creators Siegel and Shuster, Batman creator Bob Kane being viciously beaten up as a boy and fantasizing about vigilante justice have died out leaving behind a lifeless cast of familiar characters owned by movie studios going through the same routines, dying and being reinvented just long to become the same thing all over again.

If someone actually set out to reinvent the superhero, to make him relevant to the world we live in today and to give him the emotional investment of classic comics, he would have to be shut out of the marketplace in self-defense. And that’s exactly what happened to Bosch Fawstin over The Infidel.

Long before the Draw Muhammad contest came under attack from Islamic terrorists, Bosch Fawstin had been a voice for truth and freedom in a field where conservative voices are unrepresented.

CAIR Demands Muslim Indoctrination of 12-Year-Olds The story of a parent uprising in Tennessee. Matthew Vadum

The terrorist-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is demanding that public school students in overwhelmingly Christian Tennessee be taught that the Islamic prophet Muhammad is the one and only true messenger of God.

No one seems to know why the Volunteer State has become a target of Religion of Peace activists. A 2014 Pew Research Center study found 81 percent of Tennessee residents are Christian, and only 1 percent are Muslims. The national average is 70.6 percent Christian and 0.9 percent Muslim.

But the self-styled Muslim civil rights group is warning Tennesseans about a proposed law that would forbid public schools in the state from teaching the principles of The Religion of Peace and every other religion until the 10th grade. Of course, whether Islam is even a religion per se has become a topic of lively debate. As outspoken ex-Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali says “Islam is not a religion of peace, it’s a political theory of conquest that seeks domination by any means it can.”

As Hirsi Ali opines and FrontPage readers are painfully aware, Islam is not content to be treated equally alongside other world religions. It insists on supremacy. As the San Ramon Valley Herald reported, CAIR founder Omar Ahmad told California Muslims exactly that in 1998, years before Americans were paying attention to Islam.

The Middle East and Orwellian Historical Arguments When lies are the foundation of policies. Bruce Thornton ****

Many of our policy debates and conflicts both domestic and foreign call on history to validate their positions. At home, crimes from the past like slavery and legal segregation are used to justify present policies ranging from racial set asides to housing regulations long after those institutions have been dismantled. Abroad, our jihadist enemies continually evoke the Crusades, “colonialism,” and “imperialism” as justifications for their violence. Yet the “history” used in such fashion is usually one-sided, simplistic, or downright false. Nor is the reason hard to find: as we read in 1984, “Who controls the past . . . controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” Bad history is a powerful instrument for gaining political power.

Nowhere is the abuse of history more rampant than in the Middle East. Since World War II all the problems whose origins lie in dysfunctional tribal and religious beliefs and behaviors have been laid at the feet of “colonialism” and “imperialism.” Western leftists––besotted both by a marxiste hatred of liberal democracy, and by juvenile noble-savage Third-Worldism–– have legitimized this specious pretext, which now for many has become historical fact.

New Huma Abedin E-mail Address Discovered ahead of Benghazi Committee Appearance By Brendan Bordelon

A previously unknown e-mail address used by Huma Abedin was discovered on Thursday, just hours before the top Hillary Clinton aide prepares to testify in front of the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

Conservative watchdog group Citizens United discovered the address in an e-mail exchange that shows Clinton Foundation CEO Robert Harrison forwarding a speaking invitation for then-Secretary of State Clinton to both Abedin’s State Department account and an unfamiliar Abedin address on November 6, 2012. “I tried to send this to your ‘’ address, but it bounced back as undeliverable, so here it is again,” Harrison wrote.

The new address is titled “humamabedin,” and appears to be a private e-mail account. The State Department redacted the account’s domain name, citing a personal-privacy exemption.

Lee Zeldin, An Iraq Veteran and House Freshman Works to Stop Obama’s Iran Deal by Deroy Murdock —

Lee Zeldin speaks softly and carries a big stick.

The freshman Republican congressman from New York’s First District sits in a banquette at The Fourth restaurant in Manhattan, sips a cappuccino, and says things at just above a whisper. But his words are the embodiment of peace through strength. Zeldin is a low-key tough guy.

“Nothing threatens America’s security more than the silence that’s coming out of the White House with regards to the way our enemies are testing us,” says Zeldin, 35. “America is being tested right now, President Obama is being tested. North Korea turns a key to a nuclear reactor. Russia is having a submarine off our coast of Georgia, or naval warships off the Pacific Coast. The Chinese naval fleet is just off the coast of Alaska while the president is there. Iran is threatening the United States and our allies while Congress is deliberating whether or not to approve the arms deal. We are being tested and we can’t be silent.”

Being tough doesn’t mean warmongering, Zeldin explains.

“When I say, ‘We can’t be silent,’ it doesn’t mean we want war. That’s what the Left likes to say. There is a huge range of options between silence and war. . . . Our enemies all around the world will continue to test us more and more, until the president and this country have the backbone to stand up for ourselves.”

The mild-mannered Mr. Zeldin generated headlines during the debate over Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. He didn’t just speak softly. He went totally silent.

Zeldin took to the House floor and asked his Democratic colleagues a simple question: “How do you support a deal based on verification without knowing what the verification is?” He offered to yield time and let any Democrat answer. He stood there, and soaked in their silence for ten seconds, as none of them could answer his question. A clip of this moment soon raced around the Internet.