Great presidents need to be able to weather great trials and some out unbroken. Great presidents need resilience. Who among the Republican candidates has a life story that shows the sort of resilience? I think Carly Fiorina does. Consider her last ten years.
In 2005, she was fired as CEO of Hewlett-Packard. Regardless of whether the board of directors fired her wisely or not, it surely must have been a tough blow to a woman who had worked her way up the corporate ladder from office secretary to CEO of a giant company. Her path to success was much more difficult than that of Trump, the son of a New York millionaire. Many people would have crawled into a comfortable burrow and stayed put, but Fiorina did not.
In 2009, Carly Fiorina was treated for breast cancer. She survived an illness terrifying for any woman, a disease that brings not only fear of death but the fear of living afterward. No one would have thought less of Carly had she chosen to fall back into a comfortable, safe, and sterile life of charitable work and popular philanthropies, but she chose a very different and much harder path. Fiorina, from this, too, grew stronger.