Palestinian parents celebrate terrorist children’s Martyrdom-death by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Father of stabber:”It is not a loss when you are talking about Palestine…My son is an offering to the Al-Aqsa [Mosque]”
Mother of killer of 2:”O mother of Martyr, let out cries of joy”
Father of killer of 2:”He avenged [the women of Al-Aqsa]… against the impure enemies…He made everyone lift his head up high.May he find favor in the eyes of Allah”

Uncle of stabber:”This is a wedding, it is a celebration.We consider him [a Martyr] with Allah”

PA promotes Martyrdom-death

Fatah official about Fatah youth:
“Potential Martyrs for the beloved Palestine”

Fatah official posts music video:
“My blood will be shed for Al-Aqsa”

Children express desire to die for Allah and Al-Aqsa

“Mom, I want to die as a Martyr.
I want to carry out a Martyrdom operation (i.e., terror attack)
in order to kill some Israeli soldiers”

Amid the current Palestinian riots and wave of terror attacks, Palestinian Authority and Fatah officials continue to praise terrorist murderers as “Martyrs” and “heroes.” Some also encourage Shahada – seeking death as Martyrs for Allah. Becoming a Martyr (Shahid) represents the highest religious achievement that can be attained by a Muslim.

Khamenei’s New Book Preaches Hatred and Annihilation of America By Dr. Majid Rafizadeh

The chilling rhetoric from Iran Obama doesn’t want you to know about.

Ironically, as the financial rewards and the improved legitimacy that have resulted from Obama’s nuclear deal continue to benefit the Iranian ruling clerics, the Iranian political establishment’s hatred towards the United States is reaching its peak.

This week, the highest authority in the Islamic Republic, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, banned and forbade any further talks and negotiations between his country and the United States: “Negotiation with US is forbidden.”

In addition, he recently made his new e-book available for download in English. The Ayatollah points out: “The regional nations truly hate America and its European branch, England. This hatred is not limited to our people: all regional nations hate them … Why do they complain about being hated? Yes, we hate you.” The book advocates for annihilating America and Israel. It rants about how the Muslim world hates the US and Israel.

BDS Bashes ‘Jewish Trees’ for Blocking Peace with Terrorists The horticultural cleansing of Israel in the name of peace. Daniel Greenfield

You might think that the obstacles to peace are the rockets from Gaza, the brutal murders of Jews and the recent suicide bombing. You might think that it was the Muslims who taunted and beat Adelle Banita-Bennett, suddenly widowed at 22, trying to escape the Muslim terrorist who had murdered her husband. You might think that it’s the fact that a majority of Muslims in ’67 Israel spit on the Two-State Solution and that PLO boss Abbas rejected the Oslo Accords in a speech at the United Nations.

And you would be wrong.

None of those things are obstacles to peace. If they were, surely the media would have told us so.

The real threats are the fig, palm and carrot trees around a hiking path near Jerusalem. The true threat to peace comes from the pine trees that shade the kids playing in the water in a Ma’ale Adumim park.

The pine tree, you see, is a Jewish tree.

Obama’s Schizophrenic Foreign Policy An analysis of a recipe for serial disasters. Bruce Thornton

What are the roots of Barack Obama’s foreign policy? Some focus on the man and his flaws of character, particularly his inability to learn from his mistakes and to adjust his ideas to changing facts on the ground. Others see more sinister motives, an animus against the United States that drives policies diminishing America’s power and influence. Old bad ideas like one-world internationalism and the power of diplomacy to resolve conflicts have played a major role. And of course, domestic political considerations enter into his foreign policy calculations.

Whatever the origins, the end result of Obama’s foreign policy has been a weakening of America’s global clout and respect, one unseen since the Carter administration. One way to make sense of these serial disasters is to see them as the predictable result of a schizophrenic foreign policy that has indulged simultaneously stealth isolationism and “moralizing internationalism,” as historian Corelli Barnett called it.

Isolationism is the default attitude of Americans toward relations with other nations. From the beginning, protected by two oceans, our citizens assumed they could keep their distance from the dynastic power-struggles rending Europe. These sentiments are frequently expressed in the speeches of early presidents. In his First Inaugural Address Jefferson noted that the U.S. was “Kindly separated by nature and a wide ocean from the exterminating havoc of one quarter of the globe.” Given that advantage, he counseled “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.” John Quincy Adams in 1821similarly declared the U.S. a “well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all,” but it “goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.”

Israeli Man with Nunchucks Helps Take Down Terrorist By Bridget Johnson

HERO: Israeli man who subdued a terrorist with his nunchucks after stabbing and trying to steal weapon of soldier.

— Israel News Feed (@IsraelHatzolah) October 12, 2015

It was another bloody day of attacks on Israelis, but one civilian hero showed just what a handy pair of nunchucks can do against a terrorist.

According to police, a Palestnian man on a Jerusalem bus stabbed an IDF soldier and attempted to steal his gun.

Enter Jerusalem resident Yair Ben Shabat: “I jumped onto the bus and helped them struggle with the terrorist. I took nunchucks out and hit him where I had to for them to be able to pry loose the weapon he held.”

Carson Calls Congress a ‘Peanut Gallery,’ Urges a Bill Protecting ‘Religious Rights’ By Nicholas Ballasy

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson urged Congress to pass legislation guaranteeing “religious rights” for all Americans in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision on gay marriage.

Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, said the court “essentially” changed the definition of marriage, which has worked well for “thousands of years.”

“The legislative branch, however, I would have thought would have been already prepared with legislation in case the Supreme Court came down with that decision, to make sure we preserve the rights, the religious rights of everybody. Not everybody agrees with their new definition of marriage, and it’s a conviction and a religious conviction,” Carson said at the National Press Club.

“They need to make sure that they protect people’s religious rights. They bring Johnny-Come-Lately, but I call upon Congress to do that now, because there are people who are losing their jobs, their livelihood and it’s not fair. That’s not what America was supposed to be.”

Carson, who wrote a new book with his wife, Candy, titled, A More Perfect Union: What We the People can Do to Reclaim our Constitutional Liberties [2], said the legislative branch “acts more like a peanut gallery” instead of acting on issues such as religious freedom.

“They sort of sit there and watch what the others do, sometimes complain about it, but really don’t offer any resistance, because they’re afraid somebody might blame them. News flash, they’re going to get blamed anyway. So what they really ought to be thinking about is, how do they get involved and be more proactive?” he said.

The “Islamic Inquisition” and the Blasphemy Police by Douglas Murray

There is a small but undeniable number who are willing to kill and sometimes die in the cause of imposing their idea of blasphemy on non-Muslims around the world.

The editors signalled that they had had enough of the threats and enough of the danger. They censored themselves.

Today there might be thousands of people willing to publish cartoons of Mohammed on their Twitter accounts, but most of them hide behind aliases and complain about the cowardice of others.

Our societies like to think that terrorism and intimidation do not work. They do — or can — but only if we let them.

Ten years ago, one of the editors of a Danish newspaper called Jyllands-Posten had heard that that no cartoonist in Denmark would depict Islam’s prophet for a set of children’s books on the major world religions. Did such self-censorship really exist in modern Denmark? He sought to find out. So he published a spread of twelve cartoons intended to depict the founder of Islam.

Attacks on the newspaper followed — the most outspoken attempt at enforcing censorship since the death threats against Salman Rushdie for his novel, The Satanic Verses, in 1988, and the murder of Theo van Gogh for his film, Submission, in 2004. The knife in van Gogh’s back also went through a note demanding death threats for Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Dutch MP at the time, and the Dutch MP, Geert Wilders.

The New Racists: David Miller, Hilary Aked, Kevin MacDonald by Samuel Westrop

It seems as if in the minds of David Miller, Kevin MacDonald and Hilary Aked, a mysterious Jewish cabal is responsible for all the world’s ills.

Even Tony Blair, Miller argues, is in league with a sinister “international network” of Israeli settlers and American “Islamophobes.”

“A liberal Muslim is their trussed-up version of the enemy, the alien, the ‘other’.” — Nick Cohen, journalist.

Hilary Aked describes moderate Muslims as “native informants.” She also believes that a hidden Jewish network is responsible for the “Islamophobia industry.” She has frequently written for a Qatari-funded media group that is accused by Egyptian newspapers of being a Muslim Brotherhood front group.

Electronic Intifada is a prominent pro-Hamas publication, whose founder, Ali Abunimah, describes Palestinian leaders who talk with Israel as “collaborators.”

To fund his obsession with the “propaganda” ostensibly spread by Jews and anti-Islamist Muslims, Miller has received grants from the Economic and Social Research Council, a body funded by the British government. In 2012, Miller received £400,000 from the Council, as well as grants from groups affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.

Iran convicts Washington Post reporter of espionage By Rick Moran

In what Washington Post executive editor Martin Baron is calling “an outrageous injustice,” WaPo reporter Jason Rezaian was convicted of espionage. The verdict was handed down two months ago, but because of the byzantine workings of the Iranian judicial system, it is only just now coming to light.

Rezaian was arrested along with his wife, an Iranian journalist, in July of 2014. He has been held at the notorious Evin prison since that time. For many months there were no charges filed against him, only learning of the espionage accusations in the spring of 2015.

President Hassan Rouhani has repeatedly suggested a prisoner exchange in recent weeks. He has said Iran might push to expedite freedom Rezaian and two other Iranian-Americans if the United States released Iranian citizens convicted of sanctions violations. Saeed Abedini of Boise, Idaho, is a pastor imprisoned for organizing home churches. Amir Hekmati of Flint, Mi. is a former Marine who has spent four years in prison since his arrest during a visit to see his grandmother.

Muslims conquering the heartland By Carol Brown

No place is safe from the long arm of Islamic supremacy as Muslims seek to dominate every aspect of our culture. And they do so even when they are in the minority, as when most recently Muslim students at Wichita State University (WSU) managed to apply enough leverage (not that it takes much these days) to turn the university chapel into a Muslim-friendly prayer space (i.e., a mosque).

WSU has a student body of 15,000, the majority of whom are Christian. About 1,000 of the students are Muslim, constituting 6% of the student population. But being a small minority didn’t stop them from taking over the chapel. In fact, they had the backing of university administrators (dhimmis).

A summary of the Fox News report on this story is noted below, with a bit of commentary in parenthesis:

Muslim students pressured the university for a space to pray that would be “faith neutral,” complaining the chapel was a “predominantly Judeo-Christian environment.” (This is how Muslims assert supremacy.)
University administrators catered to their demands, with one administrator stating: “In the spirit of today – there was belief at the time this was discussed that the space was not as flexible for all to feel welcome and included.” (“Spirit of today” = pandering to Muslims. “All” = Muslims. “Welcome and included” = Muslims in, Christians out.)
In the name of inclusivity, faith neutrality, today’s spirit, and ensuring that all feel welcome, the pews, the altar, and Christian religious décor were removed from the chapel. Portable chairs were brought in, making space for Muslim prayer rugs. (This is Islamic supremacy in action. It is not about coexisting in peace, but about supplanting all other religions with their own.)
Some alumni and donors spoke out about the removal of the pews, feeling that went too far, while also expressing confusion as to why they were removed. (If these folks were educated on the core tenets of the Quran, they would not be confused, and they would have been in a better position to speak up sooner and more boldly, perhaps averting this act of Muslim conquest.)
The student body president accused those critical of the renovation of being “Islamophobic.” (Useful idiots are everywhere, but they can be found in particularly high concentrations in colleges and universities. And this was domination, not renovation.)