Obama’s Gamble with Iran’s Theocratic Regime by Robert D. Onley

Obama’s Iran deal is a direct manifestation of the President’s fundamentally misguided worldview, one which wishes away danger and then believes in the wishes.

Even more concerning is that the Iran deal may directly conflict with U.S. obligations as a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The Iran deal may be unconstitutional, violate international law and feature commitments that President Obama could not otherwise lawfully make. By seeking approval of the deal under the UN Security Council, Obama has bound the U.S. under international law without Senate consent.

The gravest consequence of Obama’s Iran deal is that the world bestowed ideological legitimacy on the Islamic Republic’s radical theocracy, and in so doing has consigned the people of Iran to near permanent rule under the iron fist of Shi’a Islamism.

A total reversal of the Iranian regime’s behavior should have been, and still can be, a precondition for the removal of any sanctions related to Iran’s nuclear program. An end to Iran’s financial and material support for terrorist forces such as Hezbollah and Hamas must be demanded, along with the return of the four American hostages Iran is holding.

Hillary Reeling By Thomas Lifson

I am beginning to dread Hillary Clinton quitting the presidential race. Here I have been gleefully looking forward to reporting on her many criminal acts, not just the classified email crimes, but bribery and many other acts – depending on how far back you want to go. But now, things have gotten so bad that Michael Walsh of PJ Media is chortling, “The betting windows are now open: Hillary! Clinton’s Last Day As a Presidential Candidate. Get your markers down.”

He links to an article by Philip Bump of the Washington Post, examining how Hillary’s poll numbers are crashing in ‘”the states that matter,” and how her net approval/disapproval numbers are in the tank. In summary:

Recent surveys suggest that Hillary Clinton may be more reliant on the non-white vote in November 2016 than you might have assumed.

A poll released Sunday from NBC/Marist reinforces one from last week by Quinnipiac University that found her to be as unpopular as Donald Trump in key swing states. In Iowa and New Hampshire, Clinton’s net favorability — those who view her positively minus those who don’t — was negative-23 and negative-20, respectively.

NYT apologizes for saying Hillary was under investigation By Newsmachete

NYT apologizes for saying Hillary was under investigation July 28, 2015 The Paper of Record is really reaching this time to protect its star candidate.

The public editor of the New York Times, whose job it is to excuse the enormities found in the biased articles of the Times on a weekly basis, had, for once, the reverse of his usual task. Instead of explaining away a slanted article (which can be a full-time job, if there are serious takers), the public editor was apologizing for the Times having “erroneously” reported that Hillary was under investigation for having classified information on her private email server.

It wasn’t really Mrs. Clinton directly who was the focus of the request for an investigation. It was more general: whether government information was handled improperly in connection with her use of a personal email account.

Editor of Science Magazine Should Resign! By S. Fred Singer

The 3 July 2015 issue of Science features a remarkable editorial by Editor Marcia McNutt. Titled “The beyond-two-degree inferno,” it suggests that an anthropogenic greenhouse (GH) warming of more than 2 degrees C (global average) will literally cause hell on earth, unless we can all agree to reduce emissions of the “infernal” GH-gas carbon dioxide – preferably before or at a UN-sponsored mega-confab in Paris in December. This much-hyped event, to be attended by nearly 200 national delegations and thousands of hangers-on, has even been endorsed in a papal encyclical, referred to, somewhat irreverently, as a “Pope-sicle” by my Virginia colleague Dr Charles Battig.

Heroin Epidemic: The Real Metric for Determining Border Security: Michael Cutler

With the exception of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, all other candidates have made securing the U.S.-Mexican border a priority. While the U.S.-Mexican border must be made secure, the goal of securing that border is as deceptive as are the claims of the administration that the borders have never been more secure.

Purely focusing on the U.S.-Mexican border ignores the fact that, as I have noted in many articles and testimony at congressional hearings, the United States is a nation of 50 “border states.”

On July 6, 2014, FrontPage Magazine posted my article, “Border Security and the Immigration Colander – Why the breakdown of the Southwest border is only the tip of the iceberg.” I followed up on the issue of how many “border states” the United States actually has and how the false narrative that all that the U.S. has to address is the lack of security of our southwest border in my February 4, 2015, FrontPage Magazine article, “The ‘Secure Our Border First Act’ Deception – Why it’s no solution to the immigration crisis.”

The Stonewall at the Top of the IRS By By Ron DeSantis And Jim Jordan….see note please

Mr. DeSantis (R., Fla. District 6) is chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security. He will be running for the Senate seat to be vacated by Marco Rubio .Mr. Jordan (R., Ohio District 4) is chairman of the Subcommittee on Health Care, Benefits and Administrative Rules. Both are outstanding legislators….I met them both at a private dinner in New York on July 20,2015….rsk

If the president doesn’t tell Commissioner Koskinen to go, then we in Congress should impeach him.

Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen needs to go.

When it was revealed in 2013 that the IRS had targeted conservative groups for exercising their First Amendment rights, President Obama correctly called the policy “inexcusable” and pledged accountability. He even fired the then-acting IRS commissioner because he said it was necessary to have “new leadership that can help restore confidence going forward.”

Unfortunately, Commissioner Koskinen, who took over in the wake of the IRS targeting scandal, has failed the American people by frustrating Congress’s attempts to ascertain the truth. A taxpayer would never get away with treating an IRS audit the way that IRS officials have treated the congressional investigation. Civil officers like Mr. Koskinen have historically been held to a higher standard than private citizens because they have fiduciary obligations to the public. The IRS and Mr. Koskinen have breached these basic fiduciary duties:

Obama’s Message for Africa

A tragic history is no excuse for a failed future.

Western celebrities, aid organizations and ex-presidents have spent generations trying to fix Africa, rarely to good or lasting effect. So kudos to President Obama for encouraging Africans to take charge of their own fate and fix themselves.

Speaking on Sunday in Kenya, Mr. Obama acknowledged Africa’s bleak history, from the racism his grandfather suffered as a cook for the British during the colonial era—“he was referred to as a boy, even though he was a grown man”—to the ethnic violence that erupted after a disputed election in 2007. But he argued that history is no excuse for a failed future.

The Syria Sham and the Iran Deal by Bret Stephens

Syria cheated on its chemical commitments. Iran will cheat on its nuclear ones. Obama provides cover for both.

Once upon a time Barack Obama chose multilateral diplomacy over military action for the sake of ridding a dangerous Middle Eastern regime of its weapons of mass destruction. The critics mocked and raged and muttered, but everything worked out well and now the only thing that’s missing is someone who will give the president credit.

Or so Mr. Obama would like you to believe.

“You’ll recall that that was the previous end of my presidency,” Mr. Obama told the New Yorker’s David Remnick of his September 2013 deal to get Syria’s Bashar Assad to hand over his WMD stockpile, “until it turned out that we are actually getting all the chemical weapons. And no one reports on that anymore.”

Nor were these the only hosannas the president and his advisers sang to themselves for the Syria deal. “With 92.5% of the declared chemical weapons out of the country,” said Susan Rice in May 2014, the U.S. had achieved more than any “number of airstrikes that might have been contemplated would have done.” John Kerry also boasted of his diplomatic prowess in a March 2015 speech: “We cut a deal and were able to get all the chemical weapons out of Syria in the middle of the conflict.”

Miami Islamist Doubles Down, Posts Link to David Duke’s YouTube Page By Joe Kaufman

Sofian Zakkout is defiant in his support for terror and bigotry.

This month, FrontPage Magazine published a piece by this author discussing how Miami, Florida Islamist Sofian Abdelaziz Zakkout, while sitting on a number of boards for anti-crime institutions, is an organizer of pro-Hamas rallies and propagates material from Hamas and white supremacist David Duke on his Facebook and YouTube pages. Zakkout has responded by posting more material from Hamas and David Duke on Facebook and YouTube.

Sofian Zakkout was born in Gaza, grew up in Kuwait, and moved to the United States in 1977. Today, he runs two semi-prominent organizations based in South Florida, the American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA), which he incorporated in September 1999, and American Muslims for Emergency and Relief (AMER), which he incorporated in September 2004.

Daniel Greenfield:Obama Whines GOP is Mean, Forgets He Accused Them of Treason Poor Obama. Why is Everyone Being so Mean to Him?

Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time for another round of America’s hottest game show, “Poor Obama”.

Poor Obama. Why is everyone being so mean to him? No seriously, Obama would like to know.

“We’ve had a sitting senator call John Kerry ‘Pontius Pilate.’ We’ve had a sitting senator who also happens to be running for president suggest that I’m the leading state sponsor of terrorism,” Obama said, referring to Sens. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Ted Cruz of Texas, respectively. “These are leaders in the Republican Party.”