A massive rise in immigration next year could trigger a devastating crisis in Britain’s schools, housing and welfare services, according to a secret Government report leaked to The Mail on Sunday.
The document reveals that every Government department has been ordered to draw up multi-million-pound emergency plans after being told public services face catastrophe as a result of the hundreds of thousands of Eastern Europeans pouring into Britain.
Special investigation
• Polish children dumped by parents heading for Britain
It also warns that a ‘step change’ in the level of immigration next year could make things even worse, triggering an angry backlash across the country.
The disclosure comes as The Mail on Sunday reveals that the new wave of immigration is causing as much social strife in Eastern Europe as it is in Britain.
Our investigation found Poles are dumping children in local care homes so they can travel to Britain. Some reportedly killed themselves after being left behind.

Women in the Infantry? No Thanks As a former captain and airborne soldier in the U.S. Army, I say be careful what you wish for.

Ms. Pulley, a 2000 graduate of West Point, is a former captain in the U.S. Army.

With Capt. Kristen Griest and First Lt. Shaye Haver recently becoming the first female soldiers to complete Army Ranger School, demands for the complete integration of women in the U.S. military are growing. In 2013 then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta officially lifted the ban on women serving in ground-combat roles. On Jan. 1, 2016, all branches of the military must either open all positions to women or request exceptions.

As a former captain and airborne soldier in the Army’s Second Infantry Division Support Command, I say be careful what you wish for. Overturning a long-standing tradition in a martial organization like the U.S. military will undoubtedly have unintended consequences. I am particularly concerned with demands that the Army permit women to join its Infantry Branch.

Don’t misunderstand, I was thrilled when Capt. Griest and First Lt. Haver earned their Ranger tabs. I was especially pleased when Army cadre and peers assured me that the Ranger School’s high standards were maintained. As a woman, I support equal rights to a sensible point. At the same time, women must acknowledge that equality does not mean selective equality. I wish it did. I want to see those hard-charging, superwomen sisters of mine pursue every career opportunity the military offers men. No doubt they can do it—and do it well. But Ranger School for these two exceptional individuals is not the same as allowing women to serve in the infantry.

Britain’s Unsettling Omen What Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party win means for the West. Bret Stephens

Jeremy Corbyn’s election as leader of Britain’s Labour Party is being cheered on the right as a gift—as close as you get in politics to a guarantee that your side will win an election that’s still five years out. Mr. Corbyn leans so far left that he might not be able to assemble a parliamentary shadow cabinet, never mind a governing majority.

That’s one way of looking at it. Another is that the political ascent of a man who admires Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez and keeps company with Holocaust deniers is another milepost in Britain’s long decline amid a broader unraveling in the West.


The phrase “Only a Clinton” entered our lexicon in the nineties. Ever since then the unsinkable Clintons have continued spewing outrageous lies and ridiculous ploys that only a Clinton could get away with.

Hillary Clinton tried campaigning for the White House without actually taking positions on anything. Iran was a particularly touchy subject because the Democratic Party has two constituencies that are sharply divided on the issue. Jewish voters oppose the deal while left-wing voters back it.

Hillary Clinton couldn’t pander to both at the same time. Or could she?

Hillary Clinton endorsed the deal while in true “Only a Clinton” style running against it. She endorsed the deal using militant rhetoric that threatened Iran with war. Her message is that she endorses a deal that gives Iran near zero breakout time to the bomb and lets it self-inspect and fund terrorists, but that she’ll be the toughest terror deal supporter you ever saw. No one will be tougher on that deal than her.

Only a Clinton.

This isn’t the first time that Hillary Clinton pulled that particular scam. Trying to get Americans to forget about her infamous “Reset Button” photo, she compared Putin to Hitler. (But if Putin was Hitler, that would have made her Neville Chamberlain or, considering her politics, Vyacheslav Molotov.) It was over the top and even the media took her to task for it.

Hillary’s For-Profit Education The company that paid Bill doesn’t do well on the Obama scorecard.

Hillary Clinton has vowed to crack down on for-profit colleges. Very interesting. We wonder if she or her aides have looked at the new “college scorecard” that the Obama Administration released on the weekend.

The online tool, which provides data on college costs, graduation rates, average graduate debt and future earnings, is intended to help would-be students make more informed decisions. Who knows if kids will be enlightened, but the scorecard is a better alternative to the ratings plan that the White House scrapped over the summer to tie student aid to the government’s value judgments.

A major political goal of the scorecard is to steer students away from for-profit colleges, which educate a disproportionate share of low-income and non-traditional students like single parents. As a result, for-profit schools don’t perform as well as nonprofit and public colleges on measures like debt and graduation rates on the Obama scorecard.

Canada: The Spanish Inquisition Makes a Comeback by Douglas Murray

Some readers will remember the disputes during the last decade when the journalists were hauled before the farcical “Human Rights Commissions” of Canada and asked to explain why they had ever said anything that the state commissars did not agree with. Best of all is that the members of the Commission do not have to wait for anybody to complain to them before they act.

The Commission is allowed to head out all by itself and search for things that are offensive. One must wonder whether it may just – wholly unforeseeably – be a government department which continuously finds work to justify its existence?

The Tribunal is planning to keep a publicly available list of people found guilty of “hate speech” — like a sex-offender database. Presumably this means that members of the public can check that they are not living in the proximity of anybody who is likely to express him-or-herself with words.


This special edition of The Glazov Gang was hosted by Ari David, the host of the Ari David Show Podcast, and joined by Nonie Darwish, the author of The Devil We Don’t Know.

Nonie discussed Why Have Arab Countries Abandoned Muslim Refugees?, and analyses why the media won’t demand that Arab nations take care of their own.

Don’t miss it!



Slowing down aggressive brain cancer. Israel’s Novocure was featured recently on ABC 10 News, which showed Novocure’s TTFields helmet being used to keep a San Diego brain cancer sufferer alive. Novocure is soon to trial TTFields on other solid cancers and has just filed for an IPO to raise up to $300 million.

Israeli device warns of risk to liver. I featured the “liver-on-a-chip” testing device invented by Hebrew University of Jerusalem scientists in a previous (Aug 2015) newsletter. The device has now shown that acetaminophen (a readily-available pain relief) can be toxic at far lower doses than previously thought.

Huntington’s treatment gets go ahead. (TY Atid-EDI) The US FDA has approved the application by Israel’s Teva for its SD-809 (deutetrabenazine) treatment for Huntington’s disease. SD-809 was part of Teva’s May acquisition of Auspex and has completed two Phase-III studies.{B77B4464-664B-4DC5-8373-F7D040CE2327}

Glaucoma treatment goes global. (TY Atid-EDI) Israel’s BioLight has announced the first sale of XLVision Sciences’ IOPtiMate to a medical center in Peru. The innovative CO2 laser system has previously been purchased by hospitals in Hong Kong, Poland, Hungary and Romania. (See Sep 2014 newsletter)

MDA training for Israeli-Arab sector. Israel’s emergency services Magen David Adom has completed its first training course for 15 young medics who will provide emergency response to Eastern Jerusalem. The medics are bilingual in Hebrew and Arabic. The program was the initiative of Ziad Jadla, MDA’s Arab liaison.

Exercise to cure fatty liver disease. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) commonly known as “fatty liver disease” is the most common liver condition in the Western world. A study by Israeli doctors showed that 40 minutes resistance training, three times a week for three months reduced liver-fat and cholesterol significantly.


In Jeremy Corbyn, Labour now has a leader who is essentially anti-Western, and that manifests itself in a multiplicity of ways from opposition to domestic free market economics to a sytematic rationalisation of the anti-freedom agendas of groups such as Hamas and international leaders such as Vladimir Putin.

Retotalitarianisation is quite a mouthful, and, unfortunately, we can’t claim to have invented it. Largely, though, it only ever existed in academic and fringe discourse, and even that was quite some time ago.

It is time that it came back into fashion. Jeremy Corbyn’s huge victory in the Labour leadership contest shows that all the reformist drives in the party from Neil Kinnock to Tony Blair have come to nought. The heart of the typical Labour activist — especially the middle class ones — was never in it.

Now Labour has a leader who is essentially anti-Western, and that manifests itself in a multiplicity of ways from opposition to domestic free market economics to a sytematic rationalisation of the anti-freedom agendas of groups such as Hamas and international leaders such as Vladimir Putin.


“‘While European countries are being lectured about their failure to take in enough refugees, Saudi Arabia – which has taken in precisely zero migrants – has 100,000 air conditioned tents that can house over 3 million people sitting empty.

The sprawling network of high quality tents are located in the city of Mina, spreading across a 20 square km valley, and are only used for 5 days of the year by Hajj pilgrims. As the website Amusing Planet reports, “For the rest of the year, Mina remains pretty much deserted.”….

While Europe is being burdened by potentially millions of people who don’t share the same culture or religion as the host population, Gulf Arab states refuse to pull their weight, resolving only to throw money at the problem.’

Dutch right leader Geert Wilders called the wave of refugees pushing into Europe an “Islamic invasion”, during a parliamentary debate on Thursday that exposed deep divisions over how the Netherlands should respond to the crisis.
Dutch right leader Geert Wilders called the wave of refugees pushing into Europe an “Islamic invasion”, during a parliamentary debate on Thursday that exposed deep divisions over how the Netherlands should respond to the crisis.

European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker on Wednesday appealed to EU members to share out refugees arriving on the bloc’s fringes. Several EU countries oppose the idea of mandatory quotas, as supported by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the conservative Dutch government says it is only willing to take in more if all EU states agree.

At the start of the debate, Wilders called the wave of refugees passing through Hungary and other countries “an Islamic invasion of Europe, of the Netherlands.”

“Masses of young men in their twenties with beards singing Allahu Akbar across Europe. It’s an invasion that threatens our prosperity, our security, our culture and identity,” he said.

Tens of thousands of people, many fleeing war and Islamic State in Syria, are trying to get to Germany where Merkel has said they will be allowed to stay. Wilders said the fact that they were pushing northwards through the EU from the Mediterranean indicated many were economic migrants, not refugees.

“Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia are safe countries. If you flee them then you are doing it for benefits and a house,” said Wilders, whose Party for Freedom leads Dutch opinion polls.

Roughly 54 percent of Dutch voters are opposed to accepting more than roughly 2,000 refugees previously agreed, a poll from last week showed. Under the latest proposals that figure is seen rising to more than 9,000.