First, let me say I am proud to be a Conservative Republican…. All the candidates in both debates , are patriots and have a vision and dedication to restoring our security, freedom and purpose…some more eloquent and knowledgeable than others.
Second: I was right about Trump. He is an ass, crass with no class and has not a single policy or principle that he can discuss without insult. I found his most repellant answer to be his boast that he supports all candidates of both parties so that he can call in favors. He is boorish and people will soon tire of him.
Third, I was wrong about Carly Fiorina who is beyond impressive…calm, in control and knows all the facts on both domestic and foreign policy. She is clearly in fighting form and deserves a place at the top even though it is hard to overlook her past (as advisor to John McCain) positions on immigration reform and cap and trade, and renewable energy and climate change.
Fourth: And what about Ben Carson? His instincts are perfect and his comments on race, and his closing comments were perfection. Not really presidential but a solid 10 on the likeability.
Fifth: Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio both did really well- the best in my opinion…polite, concise, and bless Cruz for stating that he would move America’s embassy to Jerusalem.
Sixth:Christie and Huckabee were fine and Huckabee provided a great line with contrasting Reagan’s “trust but verify” with Obama’s “trust and vilify” and he did scorch Hillary but his tax plan is very wobbly. Walker was colorless but made no glaring error. Kasich and Jeb Bush were boring and I am sick of hearing how the latter wants to “lift our spirits.” My spirits are soaring but thanks anyway. Rand, Jindal, Santorum, Pataki, Graham and Perry? Bye, bye.