The good news is that there wasn’t a nuclear weapons deal with Iran by the June 30 “deadline.” The bad news is that there will probably be one this week, and it’s going to be a very bad one.
The world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism – as even Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has to admit Iran is – is as recalcitrant as the “P5+1” group, led by Vichy John Kerry, is eager to make a deal. The more the Iranians demand, the more the West caves in.
As we go to press, an agreement has already been reached allowing Iran to get its multi-billion dollar signing bonus in the form of relief of the international economic sanctions that forced them to the bargaining table. One of the disagreements – as of Sunday – was on the risible “snap-back” mechanism to reimpose the sanctions if (that should be “when,” not “if,” but suspension of disbelief is a principle tenet of Western diplomacy) Iran violates the agreement. It’s risible because there will be no reimposition of the sanctions. The French, for example, are lining up for oil contracts with Iran. None of the Europeans will allow sanctions to be reimposed, nor will Obama.