The Tribalist, by Louis Marano, is ostensibly a work of fiction but at its core a kind of love song by a gentile journalist for the State of Israel, and especially its secular Zionist core. (Because of the relentless attacks by left-wing polemicists on Israel’s allegedly “messianic” fringe, it’s often forgotten that most of Israel’s founders and all its leaders have been secular Zionists.)

The author, the product of an Italian-American family in Buffalo, served two tours of duty in Vietnam as a Navy Seabee. After a brief career in academia, he spent 22 years as a journalist in Washington, D.C., including a decade at the Washington Post and five years as reporter, columnist, and feature writer for United Press International. His acute and vivid depiction of the mean-spirited, untidy passions of American Mideast correspondents toward Israel is the book’s great contribution to our understanding of one phalanx of the ignorant armies arrayed against the Jewish state.

“Politics in a work of literature,” wrote the great French novelist Stendhal, “is like a pistol-shot in the middle of a concert, something loud and vulgar, and yet a thing to which it is not possible to refuse one’s attention.”


Is this someone you’d like as your Commander in Chief?Is this someone who understands stealth jihad and creeping shariah in America and who will be a stalwart defender of our liberties?Is this someone who understands the threat posed by Islam with its goal of establishing a worldwide caliphate under shariah?Is this someone who understands that Mohammed was a tyrannical mass murderer and pedophile and believes that Islam is a “religion of peace?Is this someone who understands the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the government while focusing solely on the possibility that Huma Abedin’s “sexually deviant” husband had access to Hillary’s classified emails and NOT her more threatening (and obvious) MB connections?Is this someone who denounced “Piss Christ” and the dung-covered Madonna with equal fervor OR at all?Watch the two minute video and read the article below. Janet Levy


http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/10/whats-wrong-with-donald-trump/What’s Wrong with Donald Trump By Pamela Geller

Donald Trump has catapulted to the top of the Republican Party Presidential polls because he saying in plain language what so many are thinking about immigration. Immigration is out of control, and even most Republicans are so afraid of the “Latino vote” that the immigration issue has become the third rail. But Trump has numerous weaknesses – notably a huge blind spot about the jihad threat, including a disturbing willingness to kowtow to jihadist intimidation and surrender the freedom of speech.

And as always with Trump, it all goes back to his business interests.

Americans Need Not Apply-How DHS Rigs the Rules in Favor of Cheap Foreign Labor By Ian Smith

Work in BigTech for Hire: Americans Need Not Apply A post-graduate student-visa program is just another scheme to displace American technology workers.
American technology workers won a big victory in the federal courts this month. The D.C. District Court ruled that a STEM-related visa program created by the Department of Homeland Security was potentially damaging to the domestic labor market and also in violation of federal rule-making procedure. For the plaintiffs in the case, the Washington Alliance of Technology Workers, however, the fight against BigTech lobbyists and Homeland Security has only just begun.

DHS’s so-called Optional Practical Training (OPT) program allows foreign nationals to live and work in the U.S. on a student visa even after graduation. In a rule promulgated by DHS in 2008, foreigners graduating in a STEM field at a U.S. school had these authorizations extended to nearly two and a half years after their graduation. U.S. employers love this because, on top of the longer work period, they have a greater chance to transition them into the H-1B program, a “professional specialty worker” visa that can last up to an additional six years. Also, employers receive a tax benefit for hiring OPT participants over Americans, as they do not have to pay Medicare and Social Security taxes for aliens on student visas.

We Can Apply the 14th Amendment While Also Reforming Birthright Citizenship

Et Tu, John Yoo?By John C. Eastman

Birthright citizenship has exploded into the national discourse. The issue is generating a lot of heat on the Republican side of the aisle in particular, because it threatens to expose the long-standing rift between the party’s base and its pro-crony-capitalism establishment.

Unfortunately, in arguing that the 14th Amendment requires citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants, some of the more prominent interlocutors are promoting an incorrect understanding of history. The Wall Street Journal’s recent editorial on the matter is a case in point, and my good friend John Yoo’s NR essay repeats one of the same basic flaws.

The first clause of the 14th Amendment provides that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” The Journal thinks the meaning is “straightforward”: “Subject to the jurisdiction” covers everyone born on U.S. soil (except the children of diplomats and invading armies), because “‘jurisdiction’ defines the territory where the force of law applies and to whom — and this principle is well settled to include almost everyone within U.S. borders, regardless of their home country or the circumstances of their birth.” It then states: “By the circular restrictionist logic, illegal immigrants could not be prosecuted for committing crimes because they are not U.S. citizens.”

Professor Yoo makes the same claim (absent the ad hominem word “restrictionist”): “Almost all aliens in the United States, even citizens of other nations, still fall within our jurisdiction while they are in our territory: Otherwise they could commit crimes of all sorts without fear of punishment.”

This claim plays off a widespread ignorance about the meaning of the word “jurisdiction.” It fails to recognize that the same word covers two distinctly different ideas: 1) complete, political jurisdiction; and 2) partial, territorial jurisdiction.

Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal: Trust, but Don’t Verify By Deroy Murdock —

As with Obamacare, Congress will have to pass the ObamaNuke deal to find out what’s in it. Literally.

When many in Congress apparently failed to read the 2,409-page Obamacare legislation, it was mainly their fault. Although Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi jammed the final bill through the Senate and House with little time for their colleagues to absorb it, scores of lawmakers otherwise failed to consume that heaping helping of mind-numbing, nausea-inducing prose — nearly twice the length of War and Peace. Yes, every member of Congress should have devoured it. But what unappetizing reading.

The ObamaNuke deal with Iran is something entirely different.

Congress cannot read key details of the agreement. They are secret, and America’s duly elected representatives are forbidden to see the entirety of what Obama is pressuring them to approve.

Case in point: the recently exposed provision that allows Iran to self-inspect its Parchin military site, south of Tehran, long feared to be a nuclear-research facility.

Iran Deal Will Trigger Major War in Middle East by Nima Gholam Ali Pour

The Islamic Republic of Iran, since its founding in 1979, has had an ideology that seeks to “export the Islamic revolution” — if necessary, by force.

Despite what President Obama likes to say, it is not true that the agreement, “permanently prohibits Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon” or “cuts off all of Iran’s pathways to a bomb.” This agreement means the U.S. has accepted that after 15 years, or sooner, Iran may build as many bombs as it likes.

Iran is not a country busy trying to preserve its own sovereignty. Iran, instead, undermines other countries’ sovereignty.

Iran’s regime is extremely pragmatic: it sees that its survival is not, threatened no matter what it does. It sees — as does everyone else – that transgressions are, in fact, rewarded.

Why does the U.S. wish to allow a regime that wants to destroy America’s closest Middle East ally to acquire more advanced conventional — and later, nuclear — weapons? Why would anyone allow a country that gives missiles to terrorists to get hold of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)?

The Fate of Eston Kohver Shows Putin’s Contempt for Obama By David Pryce-Jones —

The appeasement of Iran in respect of its nuclear development is so likely to be the prelude to future violence that other danger-spots are overlooked. Vladimir Putin’s imperialist Russia is bearing down on Estonia, formerly occupied by Communist Russia and now independent and a member of the EU and NATO. Last September, President Obama visited this Baltic State, and gave an assurance that NATO’s doctrine of collective defense would be applicable in the event of Russian aggression. Only two days later, a Russian strong-arm squad crossed the border, and on Estonian territory kidnapped Eston Kohver, an Estonian security agent. Taken illegally to Russia, he was held in prison, for all we know in the former KGB and now FSB’s Lubianka headquarters itself, where tens of thousands of innocent victims have met their fates.

Democrats Look at Plan B: Biden as a One-Term President, with Warren as His VP By John Fund

Joe Biden had good reasons to huddle privately with Elizabeth Warren on Saturday at his official residence. The Massachusetts senator may have chosen not to run next year, but her populist rhetoric and agenda dominate the 2016 Democratic contest. Should Biden challenge Hillary Clinton for the nomination, he will need either Warren’s neutrality or her blessing.

Socialist Bernie Sanders isn’t the only candidate pounding the drums of class warfare. Hillary claims “the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top,” attacks high-level corporate salaries, and says that “we have to go beyond Dodd-Frank” in passing laws to rein in Wall Street firms. All of these themes are straight from Elizabeth Warren’s playbook and bear scant resemblance to the centrism that Bill Clinton embraced as president in the 1990s.

But Warren is stoutly refusing to endorse any candidate, so far preferring to use her leverage to influence the entire Democratic field. In an interview on Friday, she told WBZ in Boston: “I don’t think anyone has been anointed.”

David Flint -Defending the Nation- A Review of Mervyn Bendle’s Book Anzac and Its Enemies: The History War on Australia’s National Identity”

Happening right here in the USA….erasing and air brushing history to enable self loathing and “blame America first.” rsk
One hundred years ago this month, the six-day Battle of Lone Pine came to an end on the Gallipoli Peninsular. All these years later, the ghosts of those long-gone Diggers face an enemy even more implacable than Johnny Turk, as Meryn Bendle chronicles in his latest book

Anzac and Its Enemies: The History War on Australia’s National Identity
by Mervyn F. Bendle
Quadrant Books, 2015, 343 pages, $44.95

For most Australians, the Anzac legend born in the First World War represents precisely those values which Australians cherish—courage, initiative, egalitarianism, mateship, loyalty and sacrifice. While this is at the heart of Australia’s national identity, with its celebration centred on Anzac Day, it is detested by a powerful group who loathe Australia. In Anzac and Its Enemies Mervyn Bendle explains the origins of the Anzac tradition and exposes the long campaign against it.

The ultimate wish of the campaigners, first the Communist Party and its allies and then the intellectual elites, is not only to destroy the legend. It is to replace it with a national self-loathing about almost everything in our history which most Australians hold dear.

Absurd—and Not-so-Absurd—Immigration By Victor Davis Hanson

In the discussion of Donald Trump’s agenda for dealing with illegal immigration, lots of his proposals are said to be absurd. But are they all?

Mass Deportations?

Targeted deportations are not the same as mass deportations. Trump may want all of the latter, but just as absurdly the Democratic Party seems not to want any of the former.

We don’t know how many illegal immigrants are in the United States, only that the proverbial figure of “11 million” exists in amber since the last century, and despite massive influxes each year. So there is no way to ascertain either the size of the pool of illegal immigrants or how many have committed crimes. Rounding up every illegal alien and immediately deporting them is not feasible, but that does not mean that over one million with criminal records could not be returned to their home countries as undesirables.

Even liberal sources suggest that somewhere between 12% to 15% of that figure are likely criminals or have arrest records. Some states report a fourth to a third of their murders are likely committed by illegal aliens. That cohort makes up over 25% of federal prisoners.

In other words, the number of what Trump in politically incorrect fashion called “good people” (e.g., does he mean those without a criminal record other than entering the U.S. illegally?) is likely quite large, in both absolute numbers, and percentage wise.