A discussion reveals how Obama purposefully broke the historic US-Israel alliance.Below is an interview that Daniel Pipes conducted with Michael Oren at the Free Library of Philadelphia on June 24, 2015. We are posting the video and transcript below because it reveals how Obama purposefully broke the historic US-Israel alliance.
Daniel Pipes: I am delighted to be here with Michael Oren.
I’ll admit that when I began reading his book, Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide, a very well-written account of his four-plus years as Israeli ambassador to the United States, I started at the beginning, as one tends to do with books, so I had no idea of the news bombshells that lay ahead. (Laughter)
The first inkling came to me when I read a column by John Podhoretz, who suggested that “the annals of diplomatic history” had never witnessed “anything quite like this astonishing account” that “makes news on almost every page.” Indeed, the next few days saw a furor over the book and its related three articles. “Borderline hysteria” is how one Israeli journalist, Ben Caspit, summarized the Obama administration’s response.