‘Preferring Iran over Israel? Has the World Gone Mad?’Shlomo Cesana

In opinion pieces in Italian daily Corriere della Sera and German paper Die Welt, Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid lambasts international community’s eagerness to embrace Iran while turning against Israel • Nuclear deal has made the West appear weak, he says.

Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid leveled harsh criticism at Europe over the weekend, stating in opinion pieces in two major European newspapers that the EU’s policy of preferring Iran over Israel was “scandalous.”


It’s the 14th edition of Paris Plages, a charming operation that transforms the banks of the Seine, from the Quai du Louvre all the way to rue de Crimée, into a summer playground. From mid-July to mid-August the quais are dressed up as sandy “beaches” with deck chairs, picnic tables, fun & games, rental bikes for kids, restaurants, cafés, ice cream stands, a lending library, and—for want of a dip in the river—a stretch of cool-off mist. It’s all done in nice French taste with a pretty blue & white striped and bright yellow color scheme, t-shirted monitors, and an international crowd.

One day each summer a guest country is invited to bring an exotic accent to the Paris Plages river beach. Tomorrow, August 13th, it’s Tel Aviv sur la Seine and, don’t you know, the slithery creatures are climbing up the riverbanks, determined to strangle the very thought of Tel Aviv and the Israel that goes with it. From pseudo-intellectual analyses of the stalemate in the peace process, attributed exclusively to Israel, to ill-concealed threats to smash up the whole thing if the City Hall doesn’t cancel it, the “debate” spins around a few simplistic notions. Should Tel Aviv be coddled because it’s not really Israel, it’s more of a Levantine Paris on the Mediterranean, populated by peace-making leftist gay-friendly secular progressives who detest Netanyahu like we do, or should Tel Aviv be kicked off the river bank until it can be kicked out of the world, no less guilty than the last baby-burning Occupier on a West Bank hilltop whose army massacred all of Gaza one year ago.

Paul Monk The Challenge of an Islamic Reformation

Ayaan Hirsi Ali argues that reason, not blind adherence to Islam’s sacred verses, must guide Muslims to a better way. While her optimism is admirable, those who share her convictions would do well to recall that, if Europe is her model, the process was neither quick nor yet complete
In the June Quadrant, Daryl McCann provided a thoughtful reflection on Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s newly published manifesto, Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now (Fourth Estate, 2015). He drew attention to the divergent reviews it has been getting, from ironical praise to angry condemnation. While generally supportive of her stance, he noted in passing that “in her heart of hearts Ayaan Hirsi Ali remains an apostate and her true sympathies are for those who, like herself, are daring and fortunate enough to escape”. No one reading her book, I believe, could avoid reaching the same conclusion.

Hirsi Ali seeks to appeal to as many Muslims as possible to embrace modernity and tolerance, but what she seeks is not the Reformation. It is the Enlightenment. She evokes Locke and Voltaire, not Luther and Calvin, when she speaks most forthrightly about the principles and values that should prevail.

Castro Brutalizes Cuban Dissidents for Wearing Obama Masks : Humberto Fontova

How Obama’s outreach to Cuba is encouraging oppression of its people.

In a stinging rebuke to their (self-proclaimed) U.S. benefactors, Cuban dissidents wore Obama masks this weekend while peacefully demonstrating against the ever-increasing repression in Cuba.

“It’s his (Obama’s) fault, what is happening,” stressed Cuban dissident and former political prisoner Angel Moya. “The Cuban government has grown even bolder. That’s why we have this (Obama) mask on. Because it’s his fault.”

As these Cuban dissidents (and their “hardliner-right-wing” U.S. allies) had repeatedly warned, Castroite repression has cranked up in precise proportion to Obama’s new Cuba policy.

Here in the U.S. the phrase “I told you so” usually comes with a smirk. For Cuban dissidents it’s a different story. All the clubs, truncheons and machete blades landing on their bodies makes for extremely difficult smirking.

The EPA Spills a Million Gallons of Mine Waste into a Colorado River By Jillian Kay Melchior

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) accidentally spilled a million gallons of mine waste into Colorado’s Animas River yesterday. The river’s befouled waters turned a bright yellow, their acidity increasing by 100-fold, as officials warned of risks to fish and cautioned that the contaminated sludge could irritate human skin.

“The water is a nasty color yellow, sort of putrid-looking,” a volunteer with the La Plata County search and rescue team tells National Review by phone. Because the county draws some of its water from the Animas, the city has imposed water rationing, he said. And, he explained, the spill will also have an effect on the county’s tourism industry, which relies heavily on rafting, kayaking, and fishing in the river. “The sheriff decided that because we don’t know what’s in the water, he ordered no one can go in the water,” he said.

‘Endangered Species Condoms’ Distributed at Colleges to Push Population Control (?????!!!)By Katherine Timpf

‘Endangered Species Condoms’ Distributed at Colleges to Push Population Control The Center for Biological Diversity swears it’s “not anti-human.”
Hundreds of thousands of “endangered species condoms” provided by the Center for Biological Diversity have been distributed on college campuses to push population control, or, as the center puts it, the need for people to “stop hogging the planet.”

Under a “Why Condoms?” heading on the project’s website, the center explains:

Our runaway population growth is too often ignored by the public, the media and even the environmental movement. Endangered Species Condoms offer a fun, unique way to break through the taboo and get people talking about the link between human population growth and the wildlife extinction crisis.

Is Hillary above the Law? By Buck Sexton

Hillary Clinton is in trouble. Or more accurately put, she should be in trouble — very big trouble, in fact. The latest from the Department of Justice is that, yes, they have seized Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server and an accompanying thumb drive. The FBI has reportedly confiscated copies of the same e-mails from Hillary’s lawyer because it deemed the information contained in them too sensitive for him to keep.

While attempting to defend the indefensible, a Clinton spokesman said that this merely shows that the former secretary of state is cooperating with a “security inquiry.” That pathetic spin was meant to prevent the American people from recognizing there is not just smoke but fire to the Hillary e-mail scandal.

While Still a Senator, Kerry Communicated Obama’s Capitulation Policy to the Iranian Regime By Andrew C. McCarthy

In a column on Tuesday and follow-up post on the Corner, I relate that beginning in 2011, President Obama secretly enticed the Iranian regime to the bargaining table by communicating that he was open to abandoning longstanding American opposition to Iran’s claimed “right” to enrich uranium. This news comes to us from a new MEMRI report, which elaborates that Obama relied on then-senator John Kerry to grease the wheels for his entreaty to Iran’s leader.

Why Kerry?

Though he was surely a key Obama ally on Capitol Hill, Kerry was not in the administration. The president already had a compliant secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, who was dutifully implementing his appeasement policies. He also had any number of subordinate administration officials capable of passing messages. So why would Obama choose Kerry as his emissary to alert Iran to a dramatic shift in American policy?

Clearly, there are two reasons: Obama needed someone outside the administration, and Kerry’s status and track record made him a natural.

Clinton Trails Four GOPers in Latest Iowa Poll By Eliana Johnson —

The latest PPP poll out of Iowa shows Hillary Clinton trailing four Republican candidates in head-to-head matchups.

Ben Carson performs best against the former secretary of state, besting her by by four percentage points, 44–40, while former Florida governor Jeb Bush performs the worst. He trails her by four points, 44–40. The other three GOPers who came out ahead of Clinton are Wisconsin governor Scott Walker and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, leading her 44–43, and Florida senator Marco Rubio, who leads her 43–42.

Kentucky senator Rand Paul and real-estate mogul Donald Trump both trail Clinton by three points, 43–40; Texas senator Ted Cruz, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, New Jersey governor Chris Christie, and Ohio governor John Kasich all trail her by two points.

The poll’s margin of error is four points, so all of the results remain, of course, with the margin.


Carly Fiorina Shows How to Address the Left on Climate Change
By David French

In the political battles over climate change, there are three distinct and relevant questions. First, does mankind have a material affect on the Earth’s climate? Second, if mankind does impact the climate, is that impact harmful? And third, if we assume that mankind is harming the environment, will any given American policy or collection of policies have a meaningful beneficial impact? So far, the conservative movement has mainly pushed back on the “scientific consensus” related to the first question — the extent of human influence over the Earth’s climate. To see a textbook example, watch Ted Cruz’s recent interview with Katie Couric earlier this year, when he confronted her with the miserable recent history of environmentalist predictions: