Progressives’ Two-Pronged Attack on America -Supporting America’s Enemies Abroad and Criminals at home.: Matthew Vadum

The modern-day progressive’s abiding hatred of the United States of America and the eternal principles for which it stands is what animates the Left’s efforts to cripple and destroy this one-of-a-kind nation.

It is fair to say that support for America’s enemies abroad and criminals at home are the twin pillars of progressivism today. Since in the real world left-wing social engineering schemes inflict great damage on the human beings selected for experimentation, progressives’ most effective tactic is the smear, which they deploy day in, day out, when they run out of arguments, or increasingly nowadays, as their opening argument.

Two recent events illustrate the dual tracks on which progressivism operates in its never-ending campaign to bring down America.

The first major news event is the bizarre, outrageously generous settlement that the public learned last week will be paid out to the late Eric Garner’s family.

New York City’s ultra-progressive mayor, Bill de Blasio (D), is behind the settlement that comes on the anniversary of career criminal Eric Garner’s unfortunate death in Staten Island. He died because he unlawfully resisted arrest by the NYPD and his body, weakened by years of disease, could not handle the stress.


Now that President Obama has secured peace in our time by striking a nuclear deal with Iran, he might have some spare moments for catching up with news and videos. This one, however, he might prefer to skip. Those who rate Islamic terror as a greater threat than a colourless trace gas will find it hard to disagree.
Tomi’s Red, White, Blue & Unfiltered Final Thoughts the Slaughter of 4 Marines by Another “Mohammad”

Radical Islamists, have brought the fight right here to the Red, White and Blue and it’s about time we bring it to them. Full force. Let’s show them what the U.S. of A looks like up close and personal. Show ’em what a B1 bomber looks like flying overhead. Show ’em what they’re messing with. Put the fear of OUR God in their desert. Because clearly our lack of strategy isn’t working..

Tony Thomas: The Hot-to-Trot Warmist

Remember when Rajendra Pachauri was the wholesome and much-quoted champion of a clean, green, low-carbon planet? UNSW certainly does because it lavished an honorary doctorate on the then-IPCC chief — an honour sexual harassment charges have called into question
In 2008, University of NSW Chancellor David Gonski awarded the university’s highest honor to a sexual predator and perjurer. Concurrently, the sexual predator and perjurer became the ‘godfather’ to the university’s Climate Change Research Centre, having been awarded the honor of opening the facility. Who was that man?

Answer: Dr Rajendra Pachauri, 75, the disgraced former head (2002-2015) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) whose sexual predator status was confirmed in May by a three-person Internal Complaints Committee of the TERI think-tank, of which Pachauri — amazingly – continues to be Director-General, albeit on leave.

The TERI committee upheld the complaints of a 29-year-old female researcher who was subjected to Pachauri’s hundreds of inappropriate messages, propositions and grabbings between September, 2013, and December, 2014. He is now separately arraigned on police charges that include molestation, stalking, sexual harassment and criminal intimidation. If convicted, he could spend seven years in jail. Other women from TERI also have come forward with allegations strongly suggesting his predatory ways date back a decade or more.

Sohrab Ahmari Doing Very Stupid Stuff – A Review of “Strategic Failure” by Mark Moyar

Clinton happily executed Obama’s vision of encouraging second-tier states like France and Britain to supplant U.S. leadership.

White House staffers have summed up Barack Obama’s foreign-policy doctrine as “Don’t do stupid s—.” Six years and change into his presidency, however, the stupid stuff has piled up so high—in Ukraine, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Iraq and beyond—that some Team Obama alumni are now trying to subtly dissociate themselves from this charming formulation and its legacy.

Chief among these is Hillary Clinton. “Great nations need organizing principles,” she told the Atlantic last August. “ ‘Don’t do stupid stuff’ is not an organizing principle.” Translation: Don’t blame me for the stupid stuff or hold it against me as I seek the presidency. Through leaks and interviews, the Clinton camp has tried to portray the former secretary of state as an administration dissident, pushing for tougher measures against Iran and greater support for the moderate Syrian opposition.

Alan Stern: The Man Who Flew Mankind to Pluto : Kyle Peterson

The New Horizons leader on how the mission succeeded, what the distant planet revealed, and where the probe is going next.

Laurel, Md. Pluto is alive—and no one knows why.

On Tuesday the New Horizons spacecraft, having traveled three billion miles since 2006, darted past this orb of rock and ice, gathering data and taking photographs. The first high-resolution shots beamed home showed mountains of water ice roughly the size of the Rockies, and a smooth area without impact craters.

That indicates the section of the planet’s surface is young, renewed and reformed by geological activity. “The solar system, meaning also Pluto, is four and a half billion years old,” Alan Stern, the scientist in charge of the mission, tells me during a Thursday interview. “Already—and this is loose, we can do better later—we can show that surface is less than 100 million years old.”

But geological processes require heat, and therein lies the riddle. “There’s no really good model for how these small planets can have their engines running after four billion years. As planets get smaller, the ratio of surface area compared to their mass goes up. That means that they can’t trap the heat inside very long. They cool off.”

He gestures to the paper cup of coffee on the table in front of him. A small cup of coffee will go cold faster than a large one; a large cup of coffee will go cold faster than a big pot. The point is that without an outside source of energy, such as tidal forces from a nearby gas giant, a planet like Pluto, which is one-sixth the size of our moon and circles the outer reaches of our solar system, should be long dead.


The worldview of President Jimmy Carter– which was resoundingly rejected by President Clinton during the 1992 and 1996 presidential campaigns – has been resuscitated throughout the lengthy negotiations – and the July 2015 agreement – with Iran.

Consistent with Carter’s worldview, the negotiation process and the agreement with Iran have highlighted the sacrifice of America’s independent unilateral national security action on the altar of multilateralism (which has rarely been a US home court); the erosion of US confidence in its own (well-established) moral and geo-strategic high-ground and capabilities; underestimation of the intensifying threats, by rogue regimes, to the US national and homeland security; the assumption (which defies precedents) that rogue regimes respond constructively to diplomatic engagement rather than to surgical military threat to vital installations (with no troops on the ground); the voluntary abdication of pro-active US global leadership (at a time when the US and global sanity need it desperately); and the collapse of the US power-projection and posture of deterrence (lower than its breakdown during the Carter era).


A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.”
Unbeknown to most Americans, Obama’s racial bean counters are furiously mining data on their health, home loans, credit cards, places of work, neighborhoods, even how their kids are disciplined in school — all to document “inequalities” between minorities and whites.

Trump and His Apologists

The conservative media who applaud him are hurting the cause.

It came slightly ahead of schedule, but Donald Trump’s inevitable self-immolation arrived on the weekend when he assailed John McCain’s war record. The question now is how long his political and media apologists on the right will keep pretending he’s a serious candidate.

Speaking at a forum in Iowa, Mr. Trump declared that Senator McCain was “not a war hero,” adding that “he’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Mr. McCain spent more than five years in a Vietnamese prison camp, was tortured to the point of lifelong disability, and yet refused an offer to be released before all of his fellow prisoners. Mr. Trump had a more relaxed war due to military deferments. The Trump dump drew immediate condemnations from most GOP candidates and others, but the political apprentice refused to apologize.


Trinity: 2015 The Nuclear Age began 70 Years Ago Today (July 16, 1945) By Warren Kozak ****

One of history’s most important dividing lines was etched in a remote and desolate part of New Mexico exactly 70 years ago today, and the world knew nothing about it at the time.

Ask most people when the nuclear age began and they will probably answer Hiroshima, Aug. 6, 1945. It did not. Three weeks earlier, on July 16, the world’s leading scientists, including Lawrence, Fermi, Teller, and, of course, Oppenheimer, assembled in the middle of the night at an abandoned ranch near Alamogordo. Along with hundreds of engineers and soldiers, they huddled in anticipation, wondering what, if anything, their long labor to create a nuclear bomb would produce.

Years later, Norris Bradbury, the Director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1945 to 1970, put the entire event in context: “Most experiences in life can be comprehended by previous experiences. But the [first] atom bomb did not fit into any preconception possessed by anybody.”