Last year, Barack Obama ordered that five bloodthirsty terrorist masterminds be traded to the Taliban for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, whose desertion and possible traitorous activity had been known by the White House prior to the exchange. The White House staged a photo-op at the White House with Bergdahl’s parents and sent Susan Rice out to the media to portray Bergdahl as a soldier who served with honor and dignity.
Monday, the White House signed a controversial nuclear deal with the Iranian regime that Obama celebrated as a historic achievement (Munich was historic; Pearl Harbor; 9/11 were all historic, too). Left behind were 4 innocent American hostages imprisoned by the regime for years. On Wednesday, CBS White House correspondent, Major Garrett asked about them. Barack Obama, the snarkiest most thin-skinned president in American history lashed out — not at the Iranians but at the temerity of Garrett for daring to ask him the question.