Ari Lieberman:Obama Signs Iran Deal as Rouhani Attends a ‘Death to America’ Event

America’s new partners in “peace.”

Every year, on the last Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, millions of Iranians take to the streets to engage in a bizarre ritual. As if on cue, they incessantly and rhythmically chant “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” while burning effigies of the leaders and flags of those respective countries. Occasionally, they’ll burn the Union Jack as well. Rounding off the spectacle are fiery speeches issued by various military, political and religious leaders regurgitating the same banalities about how the “Great Satan” and the “Zionist Entity” will ultimately be destroyed and replaced by the banner of Islam.

The event is called Al-Quds Day and was sanctioned by the Islamic Republic’s now deceased and criminally insane Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979 as a way of underscoring the Muslim obligation to “liberate” Jerusalem and unshackle “Palestine” from those pesky Jewish infidels. While most normal countries maintain national holidays that celebrate freedom, independence and sacrifice, the mullahs invented a holiday that revels in an orgy of death, violence and depravity.

Obama’s Iran Nuke Deal Lies The Dirty Details of the Agreement That the President is Trying to Hide. Joseph Klein

The United States and its five negotiating partners (Russia, China, France, the United Kingdom and Germany) reached an agreement July 14th on the final terms of a deal with Iran, under which Iran would curb its nuclear program for a period of time in return for sanctions relief.

The agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (or JCPOA for short), will go into effect on what is called “Adoption Day” – the date 90 days after the endorsement of the JCPOA by the UN Security Council, or such earlier date as may be determined by mutual consent of the JCPOA participants. The Security Council is expected to act within days to endorse the deal.

During his victory lap announcing that a final deal had been reached with Iran, President Obama warned that he would veto any congressional legislation blocking his legacy foreign policy achievement. The president declared that the agreement was “built on verification,” not trust. In this regard, Obama claimed that international inspectors will have 24/7 access to Iran’s key nuclear facilities to ensure Iran is fulfilling its commitments. “[Inspectors] will have access to Iran’s entire nuclear supply chain – its uranium mines and mills, its conversion facility, and its centrifuge manufacturing and storage facilities,” he said. “This ensures that Iran will not be able to divert materials from known facilities to covert ones.”


Physicist and blogger John Jay on the debasement of science:

It works like this: activists use science to push for international action on a science-related issue in an area such as health or environment. Then, an international agreement is established, and the science on which it is has been based becomes institutionalized and funded by government. Time and again, when this happens, “the science” stops being science. This is because the scientists working on the relevant topic start being advocates and stop being researchers. After all, they are now being paid by the bureaucracy to support a particular doctrine, not to discover new stuff.

Real science, which requires a sceptical and innovative frame of mind, then withers on the vine.

The Subversion of Science by Green-Left Politics. by John Reid

The Enlightenment
The development of modern science in the late 18th century went hand in hand with the rise of modern industrial capitalism. Its potteries, mines, steam engines, mechanization, and science itself, were all done by private enterprise. The role of government was to enforce patents and maintain a healthy legal and commercial environment.

Nowadays most scientists are paid by the government. What passes for science has largely become taxpayer-funded Environmentalism. Environmentalism has taken over much of science.

Scientists discover, understand and inform.

Environmentalists preach.


Economically, Pope Francis’ encyclical is an uninspired re-hash of the Marxist-Leninist diatribes against Western imperialism that have been the lingua franca of the international Left for 150 years. Worse than that, this shallow, cliche-ridden document is a betrayal of the Christian faith
Pope Francis is playing with fire. It seems that the converging crises engulfing the Catholic Church and the need to cultivate a supportive global constituency based on the Third World may have pushed the Pope to both ignore the free-market basis of functioning economic systems and desert the fundamental principles of Christianity.

Caught in a perfect storm of scandal and relevance, Francis appears prepared to capitulate to the neo-Marxist paganism that underlies the Deep Green ideology of the global environmental movement and assume a vanguard role in constructing a global welfare state, established to mitigate the alleged effects of climate change. This capitulation has two dimensions: economic and theological, as will be discussed below.

Hillary: I ‘Twisted A Lot of Arms’ to Get Iran Deal By Bridget Johnson

Hillary Clinton issued a lengthy statement tonight not only giving props to the Iran nuclear deal but also basically taking credit for it.

“I am still studying the details, but based on the briefings I received and a review of the documents, I support the agreement because it can help us prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. With vigorous enforcement, unyielding verification, and swift consequences for any violations, this agreement can make the United States, Israel, and our Arab partners safer,” Clinton said.

“…Today’s agreement is the culmination of a sustained strategy of pressure and engagement executed over many years. As secretary of State, I logged tens of thousands of miles and twisted a lot of arms to build a global coalition to impose the most crippling sanctions in history. That unprecedented pressure delivered a blow to Iran’s economy and gave us leverage at the negotiating table, starting in Oman in 2012. I know from experience what it took to build a global effort to get this done; I know what it will take to rally our partners to enforce it.”

Anger Is Making Us Stupid By Andrew Klavan

“Hillary’s a great friend of mine. Her husband is a great friend of mine. They’re fantastic people. I mean, they’re — you know, the thing, they get a bad knock. She’s a very nice woman. People think, tough, tough. And I guess she’s tough, but she’s a very nice woman. And he’s a very nice guy. We know all about the smarts and how smart they are, and all, but they are good people.” Donald Trump

“Fear is the path to the dark side,” said Yoda. “Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

The glorified muppet had a point. I’ve been watching Republicans cheer for Donald Trump, the pro-amnesty [1], pro-government healthcare [2], friend of Hillary Clinton [3], and all-around Democrat backer [4], who, it seems pretty likely, is running for president to bleed off enough Republican support to ensure the Democrat candidate’s election.

What Is Your Child Really Learning in Middle School? By Eileen F. Toplansky

Educators making kids into white-guilt drones…possibly in a public school near you.
Recently, ION Television cited Oman Frame in their “Everyday Heroes” segment for his work on race, gender, and class. Those last three words caught my attention, since white privilege is a constant meme in the academic world.

Frame teaches 7th and 8th grade in southwest Atlanta. He is a charismatic man who bonds easily with students of either race. Martha Caldwell also works with Oman Frame. She wrote “Inquiry into identity: Teaching critical thinking through a study of race, class, and gender.” Comments about their workshops for middle school students include this from a parent:

To say that these two dynamic teachers caused the scales to fall from the eyes of our white children of privilege would be an understatement. Both our children became increasingly aware of the vastly different lives others live, and the hugely uneven playing field that results when society bases its treatment of people on distinctions like household income, skin color, gender, or sexual orientation. Their concern continues to propel them to act in ways that reject the dehumanizing biases of the status quo. I fully expect this to continue for the rest of their lives.

Obama’s Deal: $150 Billion to Iran to Destroy Israel with Conventional Arms By Rabbi Aryeh Spero

One of the most alarming and catastrophic elements being overlooked in yesterday’s give-away deal to the mullahs is that Iran will soon receive $150 billion dollars. With that money they can immediately go after Israel with tens of billions in horrific conventional weapons, missiles, bombers… way before any nuclear bomb is fully functional. Israel will be overwhelmed as never before, and America will be more vulnerable to Iranian plots financed, bizarrely, by Mr. Obama’s giveaways. The mullahs can now echo Lenin: “The West will supply us the rope to hang them.

There is no reason for President Obama to give Iran that amount of money, which will be used tomorrow to try to destroy Israel, hire tens of thousands of ISIS, Hamas, and Hezb’allah terrorists, and finance terrorism against America and other countries. It will put at risk our Navy in the Persian Gulf, with Obama probably ordering some type of American retreat when challenged by the Iranians so as not to jeopardize our “partnership” with them as well as the hopes he has placed in the mullahs and his sympathy for other Iranian goals. This so-called treaty has been a hoax from the beginning, a ruse and cover-up for Mr. Obama’s plan to resurrect Iran and financially fortify the mullahs and Iran.

Obama’s Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Decree By Paul H. Robinson

Using presidential clemency to override existing policy on criminal sentences sets a dangerous precedent.

On Monday President Obama commuted the sentences of 46 drug offenders, bringing his commutation count to 89, more than the past four presidents combined. Meanwhile, the White House and Justice Department have signaled that this is only the beginning of an enormous clemency initiative by the administration.

Federal sentencing policy for nonviolent drug offenders is seriously misguided, leaving too many behind bars for far too long. But Mr. Obama’s apparent decision to use his clemency power to override existing sentencing policy is also misguided.