A New York Times best seller and former Washington Post reporter has released a new book in which he reveals that President Bill Clinton has a ‘secret’ mistress whose visits are so well known amongst his security staff that she has been given the playful nickname, ‘Energizer.’ Ronald Kessler’s book, titled The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of Presidents, is set to be released in early August. Excerpts were obtained by the New York Post.
One source in the book claims ‘Energizer’ has no problem getting inside the Clintons’ home in Chappaqua, New York.

“You don’t stop her, you don’t approach her, you just let her go in,” the source is quoted as saying.

Another source that had gotten a good view of ‘Energizer’ claims that she may have had some … ahem … enhancements.

California School Backtracks on Common Core Opt-Out Punishment By Perry Chiaramonte See note please

The school has backtracked for now but this isn’t over by a long shot. Such actions smack of the purges of Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” or “Great Leap Forward” into Communism.Not only are students taught claptrap and forced to realign their values with politically correct balderdash but they are subjected to punishment for defending their values, going against the arbitrarily instituted new “norms,” voicing “incorrect” opinions and refusing to engage in “new speak.”If someone has male DNA and genitalia, they are now “courageous” to declare themselves “female.” If they want to don tanning gel and dreadlocks, they can be trans-racial. (A recent Rasmussen survey found that 35% of whites and 54% of blacks felt that former fake black NAACP leader, Rachel Dolezal, was NOT being deceitful).

Heather can have two mommies, Jennifer can have two daddies, Caitlin can celebrate Fathers’ Day in a dress with décolletage, Christianity is evil, Israel, NOT Hamas, commits war crimes defending the lives of its citizens, Islam is a “religion of peace,” ISIS has “nothing to do with Islam,” Al Qaeda is a “JV team” that was defeated, Iran can have nukes and serve on the U.N. Women’s Rights Board with the blessings of the E.U. and U.S., the American flag can be banned as inflammatory, a Stars and Stripes t-shirt can be declared a “micro-aggression,” a U.S. soldier can spend years in the brig for killing a terrorist, a military officer can be fired for teaching the enemy’s ideology, CO2 can be redefined as a pollutant rather than a life force, human life is equivalent to the life of a Delta smelt, rivers can have the same rights as people, bird-killing (up to 1 billion per year) wind turbines are environmentally sound, “global warming” or “climate change” (the climate has ALWAYS changed) is a more dangerous threat to the world than the global jihad and the Marxist Left, having an abortion can be a more “loving” act than breeding “eaters,” chewing a pop tart into the shape of a gun can be grounds for elementary school suspension, sending Oreos in school lunches warrants chastising notes to nutritionally-challenged parents, purchasing a 32 oz. soda is illegal but you can buy two 16s, refusing to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding can result in big fines and curtains for your business…and so much more. (I’ve barely gotten started)!

Isn’t the “fundamental transformation of America” grand? Janet Levy

Pros and cons of Common Core
A California high school where a majority of juniors opted out of Common Core testing has backed off of plans to ban the students from using the school’s parking lot and from taking part in senior class activities after parents and education groups raised a fuss.

Shocking UN Report Calls for Arrest of Israelis Around the World by Anne Bayefsky

Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu and any other “suspected” Israeli war criminals wherever and whenever you can get your hands on them. That is the shocking bottom line of a scandalous report released today from the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva.

The report emanates from a board of inquiry the Council created in the midst of the 2014 Gaza war. In legalese, the call to arrest Israelis either for trial before the International Criminal Court (ICC), or before any court in any country that the U.N. labels “fair,” reads like this:

The board “calls upon the international community … to support actively the work of the International Criminal Court in relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory; to exercise universal jurisdiction to try international crimes in national courts; and to comply with extradition requests pertaining to suspects of such crimes to countries where they would face a fair trial.”

Rep. Nunes: America Faces Highest Terror Threat Level Ever By Michael Cutler

Usually the first challenge I face in writing my commentaries is to come up with a concise title that captures the most salient part of the issue I am writing about. Today I found this task easy, I simply borrowed the headline from CBS News’ Face the Nation article that quoted none other than Congressional Representative Devin Nunes, the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

That headline is concise and echoes the very same concerns I have had in reviewing all of the publicly available information on the issue of threats posed by international terrorists.

International Farhud Day at the UN By Edwin Black

While I was speaking to the packed room, a woman I did not know, sitting in the front row, slowly shook her tear-stained head in disbelief and muttered softly … barely audible … “I never thought I would hear these words in this building.”

The woman, it turns out, was of Iraqi Jewish ancestry. The building was the iconic United Nations Headquarters in Manhattan, astride the East River. The event was in a hall routinely used by the UN Security Council. The day was June 1, 2015. The occasion was the proclamation of “International Farhud Day [2]” at the UN as a live global event broadcast by UN TV.

[3]Farhud in an Arabic dialect means violent dispossession. The words I spoke that gripped the woman listening described in detail how the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, leader of the Arab community in Mandate Palestine, organized a blood-curdling massacre by Nazi-allied Arabs against Baghdad’s peaceful Jewish community on June 1-2, 1941. The ensuing mass rape, beheading, murder, burning, and looting spree [4] was the first step in a process that throughout the Arab world effectively ended 2,600 years of Jewish existence in those lands. Ultimately, some 850,000 to 900,000 Jews were systemically pauperized and made stateless in a coordinated forced exodus from the Arab world.

Many Sephardic Jews consider the 1941 Farhud, which murdered and maimed hundreds, to be their Kristallnacht.

Peter Smith: Mufti-Culturalism by Peter Smith (spoof)

This is a fictional account of a meeting between a female journalist and a touring Islamist cleric. How do we know it’s fictional? In real life, the J-school educated reporter wouldn’t be scarpering in fear of Allah’s retribution. She would be making excuses for the inexcusable
Grand Mufti Ishalfulyu Ifi Khan, the well-known Islamic scholar now living in England, is spending two weeks travelling around Australia explaining the benefits of Sharia law. Intrepid, young and irreverent reporter Lois Long catches up with him in Melbourne.

“Welcome to Australia, Mufti baby,” Lois says, as she holds out her hand.

“Assalamu Alaykum, which means peace be upon you, young lady. But I am sorry, I must refuse your hand in case it drives me to distraction.”

“Well, I gotta admit, I sometimes have that effect on men. So, Mufti, you’re forgiven.”

Freddy Gray Autopsy Report Deals Blow to Murder Charges By Andrew C. McCarthy

Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby has withheld the autopsy report on Freddie Gray from defense counsel and the public for nearly two months. It is the report on which she relied to file murder and other charges against six police officers, even though the investigation into Mr. Gray’s death was not close to being complete.

Now, just two days before Friday’s court deadline for the state to disclose the report to the defense, it has been leaked to the Baltimore Sun.

The Sun’s story makes it easier to understand why Ms. Mosby wanted the autopsy kept under wraps. It raises additional disturbing questions about her case — a case in which she has already had to dismiss false-imprisonment charges, the untenable nature of which I explained when Mosby filed them.

The Problem with Pope Francis’ Encyclical is That Nature is Nasty: David ‘Spengler’ Goldman

The trouble with natural theology (the notion that nature itself points us to an understanding of the divine) is that nature herself is a nasty piece of work. When St. Francis of Assisi and his namesake, the reigning Pope, laud nature as “mother” and “sister,” they open a can of theological worms. Nature is no sister of mine. Christians like to view things in terms of teleology–their ultimate goal–and the teleology of the world we know is to be destroyed in a fireball.

Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ opens with this praise of nature:

“LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord”. In the words of this beautiful canticle, Saint Francis of Assisi reminds us that our common home is like a sister with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us. “Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with coloured flowers and herbs”.

How the Talmud Came to South Korea: Ross Arbes…see note please

If my dear mother were here she would say….” Go figure that….”rsk

In South Korea, widespread admiration for Jews and especially for the Talmud has led some schools to include Talmud classes in their curricula. But the book being studied is a digest of selected passages compiled by an American rabbi for translation into Japanese in 1968. Unbeknownst to the compiler, Korean publishers then began producing their own translations—some abridged, some illustrated. Ross Arbes writes:

In 2011, the South Korean ambassador to Israel at the time, Young-sam Ma, was interviewed on the Israeli public-television show “Culture Today.” “I wanted to show you this,” he told the host, straying briefly from the topic at hand. . . . It was a white paperback book with “Talmud” written in Korean and English on the cover, along with a cartoon sketch of a biblical character with a robe and staff. “Each Korean family has at least one copy of the Talmud. Korean mothers want to know how so many Jewish people became geniuses.” Looking up at the surprised host, he added, “Twenty-three percent of Nobel Prize winners are Jewish people. Korean women want to know the secret. They found the secret in this book.” . . .

Anti-Semitism and the New Russian Idea : Walter Laqueur

Walter Laqueur, born in 1921, is the author of, among other books, Weimar, A History of Terrorism, Fascism: Past, Present, Future, and The Dream that Failed: Reflections on the Soviet Union. His newest book, Putinism: Russia and Its Future with the West, has just been released by Thomas Dunne/St. Martin’s.
There’s a new national ideology forming in Russia—and “the Jews” play a big part in it.

Vladimir Putin’s steely nationalist rule has raised fears in the West of a return to Soviet-style dictatorship in Russia. But what many outsiders fail to understand is that the country is still in a period of ideological transition, with a new national idea gradually emerging from the Marxism-Leninism of old. Among the more noteworthy aspects of this new “Russian idea” is the explanation it provides for the upheavals of the 20th century and the country’s perceived current decline. Unfortunately, as is often the case with such overarching narratives, Jews play a disproportionately significant role.

Home to a prominent anti-Semitic tradition under the tsars, and again under the Communist regime that replaced them, Russia has long been seized by the “Jewish question.” During the Soviet Union’s first two decades, many among its key leaders were themselves Jewish—and Marx himself, of course, was of Jewish origin—but within the party apparatus, though less strong at the top than in the middle and lower echelons, there was a great deal of animosity toward Jews.