Give it BACK! …GEEVE EET BACK!” shrieked Russian reporter Paulina Leonovich as black thugs ran off with her purse in Baltimore. This reporter works for Vladimir Putin’s Russia Today (RT) TV network, which specializes in featuring the “terrible oppression” of “innocent blacks in racist America.” [2]
Am I the only person who laughed at the poor woman’s brief discomfiture? (Turns out she wasn’t hurt and the cops quickly ran down the thugs and retrieved her purse.)
“Just desserts,” some might say. “Mugged by reality,” say others. But her desserts are much juster than some think.
It’s not Paulina Leonovich’s fault she was born in Putin’s Russia, the remnants of an empire founded and run for decades by thieves and murderers. [3] And she’s probably lucky she works for that kleptocratic state’s propaganda organ.