PRESENTER: Dr. Trifkovic, what do you think of the latest poll suggesting that most West Europeans think that the U.S. contributed more to the defeat of Nazism during World War II than the Soviet Army?
ST: The current generation of Europeans, especially those under 50, is less well educated and has less of a historical awareness than their parents and their grandparents. If you look at the geography of Paris, there is a prominent square named after the battle of Stalingrad and a metro station called “Stalingrad.” In the immediate aftermath of World War II, most French people were aware of the real score.
As for Germany there could not have been any doubt, because after all the Germans were at the receiving end of it all. Ninety percent of their casualties, all casualties taken together – the Wehrmacht, the Luftwaffe, the Waffen SS, and so on – were inflicted by the Red Army.