The Palestinians No One Talks About by Khaled Abu Toameh

The international media continues to ignore the “plight” of the Palestinians living under the rule of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, as well as a number of Arab countries, especially Syria, Jordan and Lebanon.

“The Palestinian Authority does not want democracy.” — Mother of Jihad Salim, assaulted by Palestinian interrogators who asked him why the Islamic Bloc won student elections at Bir Zeit University.

The international community pays attention to Palestinians only when they are “victims” of Israel. The continued obsession of the media with Israel allows the Arab countries, as well as the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, to proceed with their systematic violations of human rights and freedom of speech.

The international community seems to have forgotten that Palestinians live not only in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but also in a number of Arab countries, especially Syria, Jordan and Lebanon.


Last October, I was humbled and honored to help launch the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) in Boston. The Center is a medical research hub designed to accelerate treatments, prevention, and cures for five of the world’s most complex neurologic diseases: multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer’s disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Parkinson’s disease, and brain tumors.

More than 50 million people worldwide—and their loved ones—are living with these devastating neurologic diseases. So today, the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases at BWH is launching a social media initiative called 50 Million Faces ( that will bring this community together to share our stories, raise awareness, and increase focus on the need for research and cures. Will you join us?

I invite you to spread awareness of the 50 Million Faces campaign by sharing your story or the story of a loved one at Short videos, written messages, and photos are all welcome. I also invite you to help us spread the word by sharing your story with friends and family on your social networks, using the hashtag #50millionfaces.

Let’s join together to raise awareness and build a community of hope.


Ask people in the United States what a dhimmi is and perhaps a handful might know. In Europe, and as far as India and the far east, the number would be higher because of latent memories of battles fought against invading Moslem armies across the span of centuries.

For a while there was the specter of triumphant Islam building a giant mosque mere yards from Ground Zero in New York City where Islamic fanatics, in the name of Allah, destroyed the World Trade Center and brought the two magnificent towers down in a cascade of horror.

The mosque would have risen to thirteen or more stories and overlooked the blasted hole in the ground that was once a symbol of America’s freedom and technical ingenuity.

If this outrage had been built, it would not have been a symbol of Muslim outreach to non-Moslems; it would have been a sickening insult to the victims of Islamic barbarism and a tangible rallying cry to millions more jihadists who would see it as Islam’s victory over a vanquished United States of America.


Ruthie Blum is the web editor of Voice of Israel talk radio (
According to Wafa, the news agency that serves as the mouthpiece for the Palestinian Authority, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas extended his condolences to the people and government of Nepal on Sunday, and affirmed his willingness “to provide all possible help.”

This statement of sympathy from Abbas on the day after the massive earthquake struck Nepal went largely unnoticed for two reasons. The first is that countries across the world were already mobilizing to send actual help to the scene of the disaster, in which the death toll has now surpassed 4,000 and is still rising. Indeed, assistance of all kinds is being dispatched to the area, including medical supplies and personnel, governmental and volunteer search-and-rescue teams, equipment, food, clothing, blankets and money.

The second reason that Abbas’ words of solace for the quake victims have been drowned out is that his actions are speaking far louder. While Israel is tirelessly trying to locate all of its own citizens in Nepal (to bring both bodies and survivors back home) — and engaged in saving everyone else — the PA is busy promoting and abetting terrorism inside Israel.

Obama’s Last Red-Line: Blockade of Iranian Weapons to Yemen: Mark Langfan

The all-too realistic scenarios that will follow if Obama fails to set a red line
for Iranian arms supply to the Houthis.

President Obama has ordered the USS Theodore Roosevelt Aircraft carrier battle group to the shores of Yemen to interdict likely Iranian attempts to resupply their Shiite proxies in Yemen, the Houthis. It has been reported that the Saudi Air campaign has very effectively destroyed over 80% of the Houthis’ weapons supply in a very short time. In respect of the Saudi bravery, Sunni Yemen army elements have begun to side with the Saudis.

After Failing to Preempt: Israel, Iran and Nuclear war By Louis Rene Beres

Back in January 2003, the Project Daniel Group advised prime minister Ariel Sharon on the issue of Iranian nuclearization. In its then-confidential final report to Sharon, titled “Israel’s Strategic Future,” the group underscored a significant core conclusion: allowing Iran to become a nuclear power can never be construed as an acceptable option. To further support this position legally, as well as strategically, the group referenced a very basic or “peremptory” national right under international law. This prerogative, we counseled, is known formally as “anticipatory self-defense.”

Our jurisprudential message was loud and clear: international law is never a suicide pact. Under no circumstances can a state ever be expected to become complicit in its own annihilation. Indeed, following the authoritative 1996 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice, a country may even maintain a limited right to use nuclear weapons.


The Blame Game is not a game. It is serious business, particularly at this point of implosion. We still have the capabilities to think and speak and even act, but they should no longer be regarded as an open-ended proposition.

At this perhaps precious moment, then, it is important not to waste the opportunity to assess blame (and, best case scenario, regroup) in yet another aerobic exercise of venting at the Left (self-congratulation). Especially not when we — our side, not the Left — are to blame.


Editor: Rael Jean Isaac
Editorial Board: Ruth King, Rita Kramer

Outpost is distributed free to Members of Americans for a Safe Israel

In Memoriam: Beverly Bar Illan

AFSI mourns the death of Beverly Bar-Illan, author, editor and staunch proud Zionist. Her love of Israel, expressed in her columns, culminated in her conversion to Judaism and subsequent Aliyah with her husband David, the late pianist, editor of the Jerusalem Post and chief of information and planning for Benjamin Netanyahu during his first tenure as Prime Minister. We offer deep condolences to her sons Tony and Brian and her many friends and admirers in Israel and America.

Next AFSI Mission to Israel: June 2-10, 2015

Join us for an extraordinary, eye-opening experience.
Learn about the real Israel.
Reservations now being taken.

Baltimore Burns While Obama Plots By Matthew Vadum

Baltimore is burning because community organizers and various thugs are tearing the city apart in the aftermath of the strange death of a young black man who was in the custody of police — and President Obama is trying to make things worse.

In an incredible non-coincidence the rioting follows a weekend rally by the Occupy Wall Street-like Baltimore Peoples Assembly. There also was a first wave of rioting over the weekend. Outside activists have been flooding into Baltimore, according to reports. Police and civilians have been injured. A CVS store was looted and set on fire. Rioters chopped up fire hoses to prevent firefighters from doing their job. Criminal gangs have declared open season on cops. Rioters have been throwing cinder blocks, bricks, and other objects at police. And there aren’t enough cops to go around. Baltimore police are begging police officers in other states to come to Baltimore to help out. Schools are closed Tuesday.

Bikinis Not Burqas:By Bari Weiss…..A Review of Mona Eltahawy’s Book “Headscarves and Hymens-Why the Middle East Needs Sexual Revolution”…see note please

Mona Eltahawy is no Nonie Darwish, Wafa Sultan or Ayaan Hirsi Ali…… She is an inveterate Israel/Jew basher and apologist for Jihad…..As the reviewer points out….

“The sloppy thinking in “Headscarves and Hymens” reflects an unfortunate tendency in Ms. Eltahawy’s political advocacy. In 2012, after publicizing her plans on the Web, she was charged with vandalism for defacing with pink spray paint a controversial subway ad reading: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.” She compromises her credibility especially on the subject of Israel and anti-Semitism: In 2011, for example, she claimed that “not one anti-Israeli or anti-American sentiment was expressed” during the Arab Spring uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt. As a writer so passionate about women’s rights, Ms. Eltahawy may want to look more closely at the one country in the Middle East where women have been elected prime minister and wear bikinis on the beach.”
Everyone should know the name of Genet Girma, who wore a placard on her wedding reading: ‘I am not circumcised, learn from me.’

If you are cursed to be born a girl in Egypt, there is a 90% chance you will have your genitals cut in the name of purity. In Yemen, there is a 55% chance you will never learn to read and a 79% chance you will never work. And in the United Arab Emirates, your father or husband can beat you and remain fully compliant with the law so long as he leaves no mark.

Yet Muslim women who decry this appalling reality are often branded traitors to their culture and handmaidens to the imperialist forces of Dick Cheney. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Irshad Manji and Asra Nomani have all been dismissed as attention-seeking contrarians or unsophisticated bigots who perpetuate stereotypes about Muslims and the Arab world.