150,000 Illegal Aliens Massed at the Border, Ready to Cross When Title 42 Ends By Rick Moran

There were 10,000 illegal alien encounters at the border on Sunday alone, according to the border patrol. Estimates up and down the southern border indicate that at least 150,000 illegal aliens are prepared to cross the border at midnight when the pandemic-era program Title 42 will end.

The Biden administration isn’t ready. Not by a long shot.

Orders have gone out to all border patrol sectors. If there’s no room in shelters provided by NGOs, agents are to begin a “safe” release of illegal aliens to city streets. CBP facilities to house newcomers are already bursting at the seams and with NGO shelters already strained, it’s likely that thousands of illegal aliens — perhaps more — are going to be released at bus stops, gas stations, supermarkets, and in towns and cities across the border.

Those small towns and cities aren’t ready, either.

The potential for a humanitarian disaster is right in front of us. Large numbers of desperate people all trying to cross the border at once leave little room for error.

“The dam is about to break,” one Border Patrol source said.

Fox News:

The mass releases will only happen if NGOs run out of space, but officials believe that is likely. Officials have made 26,000 apprehensions and seen over 7,000 “gotaways” in just 72 hours, according to Border Patrol. That comes ahead of the end of the Title 42 public health order on Thursday, which is expected to be accompanied by an even bigger wave of migration on top of the already overwhelming numbers authorities are seeing.

The Biden administration has put into place several policies that they hope will stem the flow of illegals. There will be restrictions on families arriving at the border and single adults will be turned back if they transited through another country before arriving at the U.S. border. But asylum seekers will, with few exceptions, still be processed and released.

The predominantly single adult migrants are expected to be encouraged by the belief they have a greater chance of being admitted into the U.S. once the order ends. The Biden administration has said that is misinformation and has warned that it is stiffening penalties for illegal entry while urging migrants to use expanded legal pathways instead. However, the prospect of mass releases into the U.S. interior of those who have illegally entered the U.S., after crossing multiple countries to do so, is likely to undercut that narrative.

But even with the new policies, there’s going to be mass confusion at the border.


The administration’s new policy will automatically reject asylum seekers who illegally cross into the U.S. without first seeking protection in a country they traveled through.

It’s a notable change from the U.S.’s longtime policy of giving people the right to seek asylum regardless of whether they crossed the border illegally. Title 42 also prevented migrants from seeking asylum, but was tied to public health concerns.

The new policy is expected to let more migrants be rapidly deported to their home countries or Mexico — and comes with severe penalties, including a five-year ban on re-entry.

Zoom in: There are many reasons migrants from Central and South America are overwhelming border communities now — but experts and officials say smugglers and cartels are part of the problem.

They often pounce on widespread confusion about U.S. border policies to recruit and exploit customers, experts say.

There was no way to avoid this situation after Biden lifted the pandemic emergency. With no pandemic, it was hard to justify using pandemic restrictions to limit illegal crossings at the border.

Related: Mexican President Calls DeSantis Illegal Immigration Bill ‘Immoral’

There are still policies the Biden administration could implement that would improve the situation, including tightening up asylum eligibility in order to prevent those border crossers from trying to game the system. But the open borders lobby has Biden in their hip pocket and he’s not likely to change America’s liberal asylum policies — unless Congress forces him to.

Media Scoffs at Damning Evidence Against the Biden Crime Family By Matt Margolis


On Wednesday morning, Republicans on the House Oversight Committee, led by Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.), unveiled an impressively detailed case against the Biden Crime Family. The committee revealed evidence that the Bidens were selling access and influence to Joe Biden while he was vice president. And the mainstream media scoffed at it.

The Bidens are accused of intentionally concealing their involvement in influence-peddling schemes, but these accusations aren’t mere innuendo or rumor. Bank records reveal that they made millions of dollars from foreign nationals without providing any apparent services other than granting access to the family’s most powerful member: Joe Biden.

NBC News shamelessly framed the story as a Republican attack. “The Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee mounted more attacks Wednesday against President Joe Biden and his family, alleging that relatives of the president engaged in business with foreign nationals,” the report began.

CNN similarly tried to cast doubt on the committee’s allegations. “The foreign payments raise questions about Hunter Biden’s business activities while his father was vice president,” the network conceded, “but the committee does not suggest any illegality about the payments from foreign sources.”

Really? It wasn’t all that long ago that the media was making a big reach by suggesting then-President Trump’s legitimate international business in Russia was some sort of influence-peddling scheme. Yet here, we have the Biden family getting rich while Joe Biden was Vice President, and they’re yawning like it’s no big deal.

“The bank records by themselves also do not indicate the purpose of the payments that were made,” CNN notes. No kidding, really? “The memo marks Comer’s most direct attempt to substantiate his allegations that Biden family members have enriched themselves off the family name.”

Joe Biden’s Immigration Calamity The collapse of his border policy is on full and painful display.


Scenes from the Biden Administration’s immigration policy:

• More than 10,000 illegal migrant apprehensions on Tuesday, a record for a single day.

• Emergencies are declared in El Paso and other border cities, but also in Democratic-run New York state and Chicago, far from the border. Shelters and emergency-bed capacity are overwhelmed. New York City may create migrant tent shelters in Central Park.

• Tens of thousands more migrants from all over the world sit across the border in Mexico, waiting for the right moment to walk or swim to the U.S.

The Biden Administration has tried to minimize the collapse of its immigration policy, hoping most Americans wouldn’t notice if only Fox News reported on the border chaos. But as the Administration’s Title 42 authority to deport illegal migrants expires on Thursday, the human debacle and the burdens on American cities can’t be asserted away.

It’s important to recall how we got here. Democrats campaigned against the Trump Administration’s policies as cruel. Upon taking office, President Biden ended such Trump-era policies as Remain in Mexico.

The signal went out to migrants that the border was essentially open. If you entered the U.S. and claimed asylum, the chances were good you would be admitted with a future date for an asylum tribunal you may never have to show up for. Millions of migrants took the hint and came in record numbers.

Biden Cracks Down on Gas Stoves—and Much More The administration’s climate-change crusade is also coming for dishwashers, furnaces and light bulbs. By Ben Lieberman


Consumer Product Safety Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. fired a shot heard ’round America in January when he informed the public of his agency’s plans for natural-gas stoves. “This is a hidden hazard,” Mr. Trumka said in an interview with Bloomberg News. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

The comment sparked a strong consumer backlash, forcing the Biden administration to deny that its regulators were doing such a thing. But they most certainly were and still are. The gas-stove kerfuffle is merely one piece in a larger campaign against consumer appliances, all in the service of President Biden’s climate-change agenda. Let’s review the items under federal scrutiny:

• Lighting. Beginning in July, commercial retailers will no longer be able to sell incandescent light bulbs without incurring a significant penalty, thanks to an onerous Energy Department efficiency regulation. Last summer the Biden administration reversed a Trump-era reprieve for the old-fashioned bulbs, adjusting the appliance’s lumens-per-watt threshold beyond what the incandescent technology can meet. As a result, newer LED bulbs will soon be the only game in town. While LEDs are improving, they cost more than incandescent bulbs, don’t work well with most dimmers, and cast a light that some consumers consider unpleasant.

• Furnaces. Like stoves, furnaces commit the sin of sometimes running on natural gas. Though ostensibly a fuel-neutral efficiency standard, the Energy Department’s furnace regulation disproportionately burdens gas models relative to electric ones. “The proposed furnace rule has at least as much to do with the Biden administration’s war on natural gas [as] it does with saving energy,” says Mark Krebs, a natural-gas industry consultant, in an interview. The agency is moving ahead with this proposal despite its own analysis that natural gas is less than one-third as expensive as electricity on a per unit energy basis. The final rule could be out soon, and the only gas furnaces likely to survive will be more expensive and harder to install in millions of homes, especially older and space-constrained ones.

E. Jean Carroll’s Original Claims About Trump Were Absurd, But That Didn’t Stop The Media From Amplifying Them By: Eddie Scarry


It’s a good time to reflect on just how ridiculous her claim was when she originally made it in 2019.

But more critical than the 79-year-old magazine writer’s allegation that Trump assaulted her in a fitting room after the two noisily galavanted throughout a popular department store — a claim she made to promote a new book — is the absolute nonsense she said immediately after.

It’s pretty stunning to accuse a sitting president of rape but then not want to call it rape, which is exactly what Carroll did at the time. In an interview with The New York Times, “It was an episode. It was an action. It was a fight. It was not a crime. It was, I had a struggle with a guy.” She added in the same interview, “I am not — I have not been raped. Something has not been done to me. I fought. That’s the thing.”

If it were just some kind of coping mechanism, a self-empowerment move to omit the word from her vocabulary, it might make sense. But when asked in a separate interview on MSNBC whether she would consider attempting to press criminal charges against Trump, her answer was even more bizarre. She flatly said no, and when asked why, she said, “I would find it disrespectful to the women who are down on the border who are being raped around the clock down there without any protection … It would just be really disrespectful.”

If you’re not following, that’s okay. Carroll was simply saying that she wouldn’t seek charges against the man who allegedly raped her because she had too much compassion for illegal immigrants. Understand?

Further minimizing the traumatic event she supposedly went through, Carroll said, “Mine was three minutes, I’m a mature woman. I can handle it. I can keep going. You know, my life has gone on. I’m a happy woman.”

Title 42 Ends Tomorrow – With the Onslaught of Full Scale Invasion All hell breaks loose on Thursday, May 11. by Wayne Allyn Root


Our nation is in grave danger. If you thought the invasion of Ukraine was bad, wait until tomorrow, May 11, when the full-scale invasion of America begins.

As many as one million foreigners have amassed on our southern border, ready to invade the moment Title 42 ends on May 11. Tens of millions more will soon follow.

Our nation is under attack. Our nation is under invasion. Our nation and economy are in danger of collapse. Your family is in grave danger. America will never recover.

How did this happen? Why is there a virtual media blackout?

If Russia or China were at our southern border with one million troops ready to attack on May 11, wouldn’t you be scared to death? Wouldn’t you expect the media to report on it?

Well, we are being attacked by an army of a million foreign invaders — made up of illegal aliens, criminals released from prisons all over the world, drug traffickers, terrorists and even thousands of Chinese military-age males.

Is anyone asking why Chinese military-age males are here? How did they get out of compulsory military service in China? How did they get here? Who paid for this long, expensive journey? Why would China pay for them to mass at our border? Are these spies? Is this a stealth Chinese invasion of America?

May 11 is tomorrow. Yet no one seems too concerned. The media is covering it up like it’s a rigged election, or proof of corruption on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

A Global Pandemic: The Jihadist Rape of Christian Women by Raymond Ibrahim


The top five “pressure points” Christian women experience are: 1) sexual violence; 2) forced marriage; 3) physical violence; 4) incarceration or house arrest by male family members; and 5) psychological violence.

“Faith-based sexual violence is recorded as a risk for Christian women and girls in 86% [of the top 50 nations where Christians are most persecuted in general]. Sexual violence is consistently chosen time and time again to target Christian women and girls across the globe….” [Emphasis in original] — Open Doors, A Web of Forces: The 2023 Gender Report.

Of the top 20 nations where gender most shapes the experience of persecution for female Christians, 18 are either Muslim-majority or have a significant Muslim population.

Pakistan: ” [I]t is becoming the norm to rape Christian children [some as young as three]…. Many families never see their girls again, partly because the authorities rarely take meaningful action to bring perpetrators to justice…. There are also reports of Christian boys being subject to sexual abuse. Experts indicate that instances of rape and murder of young boys are on the rise in Pakistan…” — Open Doors, A Web of Forces: The 2023 Gender Report.

Saudi Arabia: “[R]ape and sexual assault are commonplace across Saudi Arabia for the thousands of non-Saudi (especially Asian and African) housemaids across the country who are Christian (or non-Islamic), a position in which they are commonly abused and virtually treated as slaves.” — Open Doors, A Web of Forces: The 2023 Gender Report.

“House-maids working in the UAE often face sexual harassment or slave-like treatment.” — Open Doors, A Web of Forces: The 2023 Gender Report.

Among other sad conclusions, these disturbing trends make one thing clear: the notorious sexual abuses that the Islamic State (“ISIS”) committed against Christians, Yazidis, and other non-Muslim minorities—which the world heard of, but was also reassured had “nothing to do with Islam” — are, in fact, part and parcel of Muslim societies, rich or poor, whether African, Arab, or Asian.

The global targeting of Christian women for rape and sexual violence, according to a new study, appears to be at an all-time high, especially in the Muslim world.

Open Doors, a human rights organization that tracks the global persecution of Christians, recently published reports examining the role of gender. One of these, “A Web of Forces: The 2023 Gender Report,” ranks nations based on the category of “gender-specific religious persecution” and shows how a victim’s gender shapes their respective persecution.

Soros-backed PAC spends big to install liberal criminal defense attorney as Pittsburgh’s next DA by Salena Zito


PITTSBURGH — A D.C.-based social justice PAC with no ties to western Pennsylvania has invested a whopping $734,000 into electing liberal public defender Matt Dugan as Allegheny County’s district attorney over incumbent Steve Zappala in next Tuesday’s Pennsylvania Democratic primary.

The Justice and Safety PAC, a national organization backed by liberal billionaire businessman George Soros, has used the bulk of its money on ads and mailers aimed at Zappala’s record. Take the Soros money out of the equation, and Dugan has only raised $76,764.17 for his entire campaign, with Zappala raising $226,800.

Zappala has blasted the outside influence, noting that the social justice PAC was spending 10 times as much money to elect Dugan as Dugan was spending on himself.

“No rational person believes that any politician who gets nearly all their funding from one source won’t be taking orders from them once taking office,” Zappala spokesman Mike Mikus said in the statement.

Instead of donating directly to Dugan, the Soros group is listing the commercials and mailers as in-kind donations with Dugan’s authorization. This unusual arrangement allows the PAC to have final say on the ad.

In short, Dugan seemingly has no say, even in his own campaign message.

In 2017, Soros himself spent $1.7 million supporting the winning campaign of Larry Krasner for Philadelphia district attorney, a whopping five times as much as Krasner himself spent. The amount represented over 30% of all the spending in the seven-candidate primary.

‘Childism’: The Latest Predatory LGBTQ+++™ Ideological Machination By Ben Bartee


“The thrust of childism is that children, no matter their age or maturity level, should be granted full decision-making autonomy of the same kind granted to adults – presumably, of course, including consenting to sexual encounters with adults.”

You may, by now, be familiar with the increasingly mainstreamed LGBTQ+++™ sexual identity called MAPS, an acronym that stands for “minor-attracted persons” and serves as a euphemism for pedophiles.

The gist of the pro-MAPS argument, as illuminated below by MAPS apologist and transgender professors Allyn Walker, is that the term “pedophile” is unnecessarily stigmatizing and that MAPS are not necessarily sex offenders because they don’t always act out on their urges.

Differentiating between MAPS and active, offending pedophiles might be legitimate, but the question is: why expend all the effort trying to legitimize a sexual identity that is inherently immoral?

The MAPS even have their very own inclusive LGBTQ+++™ flag!

Very dark stuff, by most normal people’s estimation.

But the rabbit hole into the LGBTQ+++™ abyss only leads to darker darkness – like some other weird euphemism called “childism.”

Karine, Kamala and the Killers From Nashville to San Bernardino, ignoring victims and excusing terrorists. by Lloyd Billingsley


“Our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now.”

That was Biden White House press secretary Karine Saint-Pierre, several days after Audrey Hale murdered Evelyn Dieckhaus, 9, Mike Hill, 61, William Kinney, 9, Katherine Koonce, 60, Cynthia Peak, 61, and Hallie Scruggs, nine years old and the daughter of Covenant Presbyterian pastor Chad Scruggs. By any standard, this mass murder, committed in the run-up to “Trans Vengeance Day,” was an act of terrorism.

Biden press secretary Karine Saint-Pierre did not name or condemn Audrey Hale, a woman who thought she was a man. The White House mouthpiece also failed to name a single victim, including Mike Hill, who was black. No word from Saint-Pierre whether Hale could have been motivated by racism.

The Nashville mourners might be hard pressed to find a similar demonstration of indulgence for  terrorism and callousness toward their victims. Something similar took place on December 2, 2015, in San Bernardino, California.

That day, employees of the Inland Regional Center gathered for holiday party. A National Police Foundation report explains what happened.

“Suddenly, a door swung open and a person clad in all black, with a mask shielding his or her face, stepped inside, wielding what appeared to be an automatic rifle. Without saying a word, the person, now believed to be [Syed] Farook, opened fire.” Then Tashfeen Malik followed.

“She also wore all black and entered the room shooting. Together, the shooters fired more than 100 rounds.”  The shooters then “hastily departed, heading out to a black SUV they had parked just outside, leaving behind a chaotic scene of noise, fear, and pain.” And death.

American-born Syed Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik, a green-card holder born in Pakistan, murdered Robert Adams, Isaac Amianos, Bennetta Betbadal, Harry Bowman, Sierra Clayborn, Juan Espinoza, Aurora Godoy, Shannon Johnson, Larry Daniel Kaufman, Damien Meins, Tin Ngyen, Nicholas Thalasinos, Yvette Velasco, and Michael Wetzel.

Isaac Amanios, 60, immigrated from Eritrea to California in 2000 to escape violence and repression. Bennetta Betbadal, 46, fled to America with her family to “escape Islamic extremism and the persecution of Christians that followed the Iranian Revolution.”