Muslim Rape Gangs, Terrorists as ‘Pop-Idols,’ and the Trafficking of Children A Month of Islam in Britain: April 2015 by Soeren Kern

“The boys want to be like them [jihadists] and the girls want to be with them. That’s what they used to say about the Beatles… [Muslim teenagers] see their own lives as poor by comparison, and don’t realize they are being used.” — Nazir Afzal, Britain’s leading Muslim prosecutor.

“The extreme views of a ‘racist, homophobe and anti-Semite’ who supports killing non-Muslims and ‘stoning adulterers’ are being made available to prison imams and prisoners…with the blessing of [prison] authorities.” — Newsweek magazine.

“Mohammed was selling me for £250 to paedophiles from all over the country. They came in, sat down and started touching me… Sometimes, I would be passed from one pervert to another… Mohammed’s defense was laughable… His barrister, a woman, implied I was a racist because all the defendants were Muslim.” — Excerpts from Girl for Sale, by Lara McDonnell.


It is alarming and upsetting, to say the least, that Pope Francis has given his blessing to a state that does not exist and whose so-called leaders are enablers and cheerleaders for savage behavior and terrorism. Relations between Jews and Catholics have steadily improved as our destinies coincide. Catholics are threatened throughout the Muslim world, lovely old churches in New York City are empty on Sundays- so much so- that many are threatened with abandonment and destruction to strengthen membership and prayer in others. Observant Catholics face ridicule and discrimination in academia, the media, and in jobs.

What on earth drives this Pope, a learned and civil man, to fraternize with and support tyrants?

Read Daniel Henninger’s column “Springtime for Dictators: Raul Castro’s Very Friendly Meeting with Pope Francis”

Also please read today’s : “The Vatican Channels War Against Israel By Melanie Phillips”

Separating Fact From Seymour Hersh’s Fiction About bin Laden By Michael Morell…See note please

Seymour Hersh is a blackbelt cad, cur, liar and scoundrel. To paraphrase Mary McCarthy on Lillian Hellman “Every word Seymour Hersh writes is a lie, including and and the. “….rsk

Mr. Morell, a former deputy director of the CIA, is the author of “The Great War of Our Time: The CIA’s Fight Against Terrorism—From al Qa’ida to ISIS,” published this week by Twelve.

Osama’s body was chopped up and dropped from a helicopter? That’s odd. I saw video of his burial at sea.

As a career intelligence officer, I learned that there are few things in life of which you can be absolutely certain. But I am positive that a lengthy new article by journalist Seymour Hersh, which is getting widespread attention with a whole new tale about how Osama bin Laden was brought to justice, is wrong in almost every significant respect.

Slaking California’s Thirst—if Politics Allows: Israel Solved Water Woes in Five Years by Desalination. By Allysia Finley

CEO Explains why it took him 10 years to build a single plant near San Diego.

Israel has made the desert bloom, but the task hasn’t always been an easy one. For decades, the country suffered chronic water shortages brought on by intermittent droughts amid rapid population growth—a problem only partly ameliorated by aggressive water pricing and conservation. In 2009, after five consecutive dry winters, the government water authority restricted outdoor gardening and agricultural irrigation.

By the end of this year, Israel will have completed three massive desalination plants in Ashdod, Hadera and Sorek that combined are capable of producing 100 billion gallons of potable water each year from the sea. More such projects are in the works. Next year desalination will provide about half of Israel’s water—not including the roughly 80% of recycled wastewater that goes mainly to agriculture—up from zero in 2004 and about 10% in 2009. The drought ended in 2012, and Israel doesn’t need to worry much about the next one. In a mere five years, desalination has turned a scarce resource into a commodity that may soon be exportable.

Clintons Receive More Than $25 Million From Speeches in Past 16 Months By Peter Nicholas And Rebecca Ballhaus

Campaign official says Hillary Clinton received more than $5 million from book ‘Hard Choices’

WASHINGTON—Hillary and Bill Clinton earned more than $30 million in the past 16 months, with $25 million coming from the delivery of 104 paid speeches and more than $5 million coming from Mrs. Clinton’s book, “Hard Choices.”

Mrs. Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, released the figures on the same day her campaign filed a personal financial disclosure statement going back to the beginning of 2014, which is required by the Federal Election Commission.

Mrs. Clinton’s financial disclosure reported assets ranging from $11.3 million to $52.7 million. She reported no liabilities. In her last financial disclosure before leaving the State Department, which covered 2012, Mrs. Clinton reported assets totaling between $5.2 million and $25.5 million. Government officials are generally required to report financial information in ranges, rather than specifics.


If the BBC reported 9/11 like it reports attacks against Israel….

Arabs massacred by Americans in day of tit-for-tat violence The cycle of violence in America spiralled out of control today when a series of violent incidents left thousands dead. Those killed are known to include many Arab and Muslim civilians. UN sources and Al Jaziera have confirmed that many of the Arabs killed were refugee children who had fled from oppression. Although an American spokesman claimed that they too suffered “many civilian deaths”, this has been denied by the UN-affiliated relief workers in the Al Quaeda organisation who maintain that the only Americans killed were military personnel and illegal settlers.

The violence started when one of five unarmed Arab civilians, who boarded a 767 aircraft in Boston, was refused permission to fly the plane, despite having a valid flying licence. The American authorities have been imposing increasingly tight restrictions on the freedom of movement of Arab civilians within the US. This humiliation to their dignity has created, not unsurprisingly, deep anger and resentment among even moderate Arabs and other Muslims. When the fully qualified pilot was denied the opportunity to work in his chosen profession, he became understandably angry. The outnumbered Arab men were then attacked by members of the crew, but what really happened next may never be known. What is certain is that all of the five Arabs were killed, along with the plane’s other occupants (primarily military and intelligence personnel along with some illegal American settlers) when the plane crashed into the North tower of the World Trade Center. Al Jaziera and the UN confirmed that the building (which housed a mosque) contained many Arab refugee children, who were all killed in the attack along with a number of Muslim workers. Some illegal American settlers dressed as businessmen may also have perished.

Simple Questions Relating to the Middle East That are Never Asked : Edgar Davidson

I have sent this to a couple of news outlets.

Why are Western countries expected to take in unlimited Muslim “refugees” while far wealthier (and under-populated) Muslim countries like Qatar, Saudi, UAE, Bahrein, etc never are despite them sharing the same religion, language and culture as the “refugees”?
Why is it a cause for celebration when Americans, Brits or Arabs kill Islamic terrorists, but a ‘war crime’ when Israel does it?
Why is the only country in the Middle East that is not an apartheid state (Israel) the only one that is accused of being an apartheid state?
How is it that the people who call Israel an ‘apartheid’ state also generally insist that every single Jew must leave ‘Palestinian territory’?
Why are antisemitic activists who are dedicated to the destruction of Israel always called “Pro-Palestinians” rather than what they really are?
Can you identify a single pro-Palestinian activity (as opposed to anti-Israel activity) that has ever been carried out by any Western “pro-Palestinian” activist?

The Clinton Cash List of Bill Clinton’s Shady, Foreign-Financed Speeches : Joel Gehrke

Did the Clintons profit from the sway they held over American foreign policy? It sure looks like it. Bill Clinton recently defended his high-priced speeches by explaining that he’s “gotta pay our bills,” but Peter Schweizer’s much-discussed forthcoming book Clinton Cash suggests that there’s a sense in which Hillary Clinton has been the real family breadwinner of late. “The really troubling thing about Bill’s speeches is the apparent correlation between his fees and Hillary’s decisions during her tenure as secretary of state,” Schweizer writes in the book, which comes out tomorrow. “The timing of the payments, the much higher than average size of some of them, and the subsequent actions taken by Hillary raise serious questions about just what those who underwrote these exorbitant fees were actually paying for.”

George Stephanopoulos’s Clinton Foundation Hypocrisy Is Staggering : VD Hanson

The problem with George Stephanopoulos’s Clinton-gate mess is that his own words prove him to be both a bully and a hypocrite, as well as abjectly unethical.

Set aside the fact that — if not outed — he would likely never have informed his viewership about his contributions to the Clinton Foundation (and presumably would have continued to grill authors like Peter Schweizer for attacking the pay-for-play Clinton culture). Set aside the fact that, in Clinton Foundation tax-reporting fashion, he “forgot” a $25,000 donation when he initially and erroneously stated that he had contributed $50,000 rather than the actual $75,000. And that he confused the news source that originally discovered his gifts. What we are left with is George Stephanopoulos indicting George Stephanopoulos.

The Iraq Question Conservatives Need to Do a Better Job Answering : Andrew McCarthy

I spent about 20 years getting people ready to answer questions from tough and even hostile inquisitors. It is what trial lawyers do. I can thus attest that over-preparing a witness can be worse than failing to prepare the witness at all. Ironically, this is especially so with a smart witness.

A person of merely average intelligence is apt to follow advice. A seasoned lawyer can quickly demonstrate how foolish he can be made to look if he doesn’t listen carefully to the questions, or if he readily accepts a loaded question’s premise. The smart guy who radiates self-confidence is often a different story. He outsmarts himself. He thinks, “What would I ask me?” Worse, he manages to hear the question that he calculates should be asked, which is not always the question that is actually asked. When he is over-prepared — when he and his handlers have pored over his vulnerabilities and meticulously scripted what he will say when grilled about them — the smart guy will give the scripted answer. It can end up sounding dumb, even smarmy, if he has the question wrong.

I think that’s what happened to Jeb Bush when he was asked about Iraq by Fox News’s Megyn Kelly this week.