Posted By Ruth King on April 15th, 2015
I know the (Aussie) ABC are a bunch of doctrinaire lefties for the most part, but I always enjoy my appearances thereon and Tony Jones is a not un-agreeable host, all things considered. Still, it’s sad to see them providing a platform for serial litigant and Clime Syndicate warmano Michael E Mann.
As you know, Mann is suing me for describing his famous scary “hockey stick” graph as “fraudulent”, which it is. The graph shows a straight-line “shaft” of the stick representing 900 years of stable global temperature, followed by a sharp upturned blade representing the 20th century temperature rocketing up and out the top right-hand corner. The “message” (which Mann and his colleagues were concerned not to “dilute” with any subtleties or qualifications) was simple: We’re all outta graph paper. This thing’s off the charts with nowhere to go but up through the ceiling at an unprecedented rate. Give us all your money or the planet’s gonna fry.
Instead, from the very moment Mann joined the global-warming A-listers, the actual, real-world temperature flatlined and his hockey stick got the worst case of brewer’s droop since records began. As I’ve said before, if you graduated from college last summer, there’s been no “global warming” since you were in kindergarten; if you graduated from high school, there’s been none since you were born. For the generation that had Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth (heavily reliant on the hockey stick) shoved down its throat from K through 12, it doesn’t feel like that, but nevertheless it’s a fact: The “pause” in global warming is about to enter its third decade, and simply being a climate-pause denier (to coin a phrase) is no longer tenable.