Rabbi Dov Fischer is author of General Sharon’s War Against Time Magazine (Steimatzky: 1985). His political commentaries have appeared on the op-ed pages of the Wall Street Journal, The Weekly Standard, National Review, Los Angeles Times, and in other major American publications. He formerly was Chief Articles Editor of UCLA Law Review, is an adjunct professor of law at two prominent American law schools, and is Rav of Young Israel of Orange County, California. He is author of Jews for Nothing (Feldheim: 1983) and is in his fifth year as a member of the National Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America. His writings can be found at As with all of Rabbi Prof. Fischer’s writings, this commentary expresses his own views.

Not to worry about whether Obama will hate Bibi even more and be even more mixed on Israel. There is no “more” that he can hate Bibi, and Obama cannot be worse to Israel than he is because, for reasons beyond his control, he is as bad as he can be.

Bibi absolutely must make that speech. I do not know whether it will do any good, whether it will change anything. But he must make that speech to Congress.

We now have a President in the United States who has absolutely no comprehension as to how to deal with tyrants, dictators, bullies, and thugs. Worse — much worse than that — is that this President does not know what he does not know. He believes he is a genius, the smartest person in the room. He surrounds himself with sycophants who tell him that he is the smartest person in the room. Yes, history will clear it all up, recording him among the five least competent or qualified of all American presidents. Possibly the least of all.

Tsar Power By Andrew Stuttaford- Book Review.. “The Putin Mystique” By Anna Arutunyan To understand Putin’s power, it is essential to consider the millions of Russians who have molded him ‘into a sort of sacred king.’ When George W. Bush looked Vladimir Putin in the eye, he was, the president famously said, able to get “a sense of his soul.” The president was neither the first nor […]

Countering Putin’s Grand Strategy By Robert D. Kaplan

With Europe weak and distracted, only the U.S. can thwart the Kremlin’s growing ambitions.

The heavy fighting in eastern Ukraine this week isn’t the only reason to be skeptical about the prospects for the peace summit that began Wednesday in Minsk, Belarus. Even if the meeting among Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Russian President Vladimir Puti n, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande produces a cease-fire agreement that holds up—unlike the one signed last fall—the conflict’s underlying reality will remain unchanged: The Russian-backed separatist revolt in eastern Ukraine is part of Moscow’s larger grand strategy.

President Putin, who is consumed by historical humiliations, knows that Russia was invaded not only by Napoleon and Hitler, but before that also by the Swedes, Poles and Lithuanians. And so the Russian president seeks a post-Warsaw Pact buffer zone in Central and Eastern Europe. The Kremlin play book: imperialism by way of forcing energy dependence, intelligence operations, criminal rackets, buying infrastructure and media through third parties, the bribing of local politicians and playing off the insecurities of ethnic minorities.

Vaccines and Politicized Science : Daniel Henninger

Jenny McCarthy knows the credibility of science is a house of cards.

An important question that emerges from the rise of the vaccine doubter movement is by what process of persuasion did so many people come to believe what they do about vaccination? They believe the risks of vaccination are much greater than the risk of the diseases it is supposed to prevent.

Life without serious disease for the majority is now taken for granted as the natural order. The young don’t sign up for health insurance because they don’t need it.

Forgotten over time is the extraordinary human effort and intelligence that produced the good life today. The young women turning against vaccination, a decision that potentially imperils the lives of others in their communities, have mothers or grandmothers with personal experience of the last great pre-vaccine disease, which was polio

PBS: America’s “Most Trusted Institution” and its Coverage of Islam by Denis MacEoin ****

PBS may also be charged with having broadcast religious propaganda in place of balanced educational, instructional, and public information material, despite elaborate claims to the contrary.

The Muslim Brotherhood, in a 1991 memoir, spoke of its “work in America as a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within.”

The role played by radical individuals in a PBS broadcast and website raises many serious questions, not just for the trustees of PBS, but for national agencies responsible for accuracy in the U.S. media.

If PBS does not publicly correct this confusion and revoke its association with the project, may we not ask just how trusted — and publicly financed — this outlet should really be?

For more than ten years, the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at the University of Connecticut has singled out America’s Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) as the country’s most trusted public institution. A 2012 poll for PBS, carried out by independent survey consultants Harris Interactive and ORC Online Caravan found that public trust in PBS (at 26%) was far higher than in any other U.S. institution, such as the courts of law (13%), newspapers (6%), the Federal government (5%) or Congress (4%). That these figures have been consistent for so many years, would seem a strong indicator of PBS’s publicly funded role at the heart of America’s democracy. Almost 90% of US households with televisions watch PBS.

Dumping Riyadh For Tehran By Rachel Ehrenfeld

The Oscar worth direction of Iran’s image-laundering campaign is drowning, as hoped by the Obama administration and Tehran, in media headlines about the “new” evidence of Saudi funding of al Qaeda.

Documentation of the Desert Kingdom and its royals’ support of al Qaeda have been evident for years. However, Moussaoui allegations that the Saudi Royals funded al Qaeda, have “shocked shocked” the American media.

The Saudis should have been held accountable for supporting al Qaeda and other jihadist groups and for funding madrassas, mosques and Imams to spread globally the radical Wahhabi strain of Islam, much before the 9/11 attacks. However, political considerations prevented U.S. courts from prosecuting them, until now.

Austrian Prosecutor: Call to Kill Jews is Legal Criticism of Israel By Benjamin Weinthal

Court rules that Austrian hair stylist’s anti-Semitic Facebook posts
are a legitimate way to criticize Israel.

BERLIN – Facebook postings from a Turkish man showing Adolf Hitler,
with a statement praising the death of Jews, are a legitimate
expression of criticizing the Jewish state, the spokesman for the
prosecutor office in the city of Linz, Philip Christl, said on

Philly City Council Denounces Terrorist Supporter it had Honored Lori Lowenthal Marcus

In a dramatic turnaround, Philadelphia City Councilwoman denounces terrorist glorifications by Palestinian governor mistakenly honored.

The Philadelphia City Council recently presented the first woman governor of Ramallah with two of its highest honors.

Philadelphia City Councilwoman Maria Quiñones Sanchez gave the Citation of Honor and a replica of the Liberty Bell to Dr. Laila Ghannam, governor of Ramallah, on Jan. 30, 2015.

But unbeknownst to Quiñones Sanchez, Ghannam has honored, extolled and glorified dozens of Palestinian Arab murderers of hundreds of Israelis, including dozens of children, as well as men who tortured and murdered American diplomats.

Mid-afternoon Israel time, the Palestinian Media Watch released a detailed and documented dispatch cataloguing the many different occasions on which Ghannam expressed admiration for brutal terrorists.

Upon receipt and review of the information provided by PMW, Quiñones Sanchez issued a complete denunciation of the sentiments expressed by Ghannam. Quinoñes Sanches stated that she “has consistently condemned terrorist violence.”


If the polls are correct, Israelis are divided more or less half for the Left and half for the Right onto the elections in March for a new government.

Am I reading this correctly, or is this a joke? The delusional Left has numbers and a big following?

The people who produce Einsteins rarely seem to get it right on politics and self-preservation.

You, Dear Israel, cannot be serious about handing the country over to politicians whose platform begins with giving away Jewish territory.

How is it that so many Israelis are so ready to give…give…give? Arab leaders are not even taking. They don’t want the Land parceled out piece by piece. They want the whole package. This includes everything and everybody, even you, yes you sipping hafuch on Dizengoff Street.


“The Duffel Blog,” the best source for military satire these days, headlined a story on Groundhog Day reporting that Punxatawney Phil had seen his shadow and thus predicted ten more years of war.

In Easter Europe, the Middle East and in too many other places, that prediction is going to come true thanks to people such as Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Spring will soon come to Europe. In anticipation of it the “little green men” – Russian troops disguised as insurgents – have renewed Vladimir Putin’s campaign to conquer the rest of Ukraine.

Putin’s so-called “hybrid war” is not a new strategy or even a new tactic. As Sun Tzu wrote about 2300 years ago, deception is always a part of war and disguising troops as civilians, rebels or otherwise is as old as warfare. Whether it’s Russian troops whose insignia have been torn from their uniforms or terrorists wearing civilian clothes, aggressors’ intentions are the same.