Still Antisemitic After All These Years
It’s been estimated that during the Second World War Bosnian Muslims comprised almost 12 per cent of the mainly Croatian Ustaše, the Nazi puppet regime that embarked on a ruthless extermination of Serbs, Romany people, and of course Jews, who then numbered between 14,000 and 22,000 in Bosnia.But as Wikipedia states in its entry on the Mufti of Jerusalem:

“Among the Nazi leadership, the greatest interest in the idea of creating Muslim units under German command was shown by Heinrich Himmler, who viewed the Islamic world as a potential ally against the British Empire and regarded the Nazi-puppet Independent State of Croatia as a ‘ridiculous state’. Himmler had a romantic vision of Islam as a faith ‘fostering fearless soldiers’, and this probably played a significant role in his decision to raise three Muslim divisions under German leadership in the Balkans from Bosnian Muslims and Albanians: the 13th Handschar, the 21st Skanderberg, and the 23rd Kama (Shepherd’s dagger)…. Dissatisfied with low enlistenment, Himmler asked the mufti to intervene. Husseini negotiated, made several requests, mostly ignored by the SS, and conducted several visits to the area.] His speeches and charismatic authority proved instrumental in improving enlistment notably….’

Sad to say, despite the small number of Jews living in their country today, antisemitism is clearly alive and well among some Bosnians.

In this shocking footage,

“Bosnian fans meet a group of pro-Palestine demonstrators and after “Free Palestine” soon start chanting “Ubij, ubij Židove” (“Kill, kill the Jews!”) in Vienna’s central square (Stephansplatz) a few hours before the international friendly Austria – Bosnia&Herzegovina.”

The West’s Romance with Iran and Islamists by Uzay Bulut

The West seems to have lost the capacity and the will to criticize political Islam.

While “peace-loving” liberals in the West show support and sympathy for Hamas, and have removed Hamas from Europe’s terror list, Hamas leaders have been busy expressing their support and sympathy for Osama bin Laden and the Taliban.

Why then, for Europeans, is Hamas a “more acceptable” terrorist group than ISIS? Because it targets Jews?

If these Islamic jihadist groups cannot carry out their mission right away, it is not because they do not want to. It is because they do not have enough power to — at least for now.


2015.04.05 (Kayamla, Nigeria) – Islamists raid a local market, kill four trader and take their food for the cause of Allah.
2015.04.05 (Misrata, Libya) – A woman and two children are among six innocents laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.04.03 (Nalagonda, India) – Students Islamic Movement of India members gun down a local cop.
2015.04.03 (Logar, Afghanistan) – Four children and two women are among a family of seven disassembled by Religion of Peace bombers.
2015.04.03 (Sinai, Egypt) – Three civilians are murdered by a branch of the Islamic State.
2015.04.03 (Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan) – Sunni extremists gun down two people outside a children’s hospital.

Peter Smith: Freedom, Discrimination and Gay Pizzas

People surely have a right not to participate in any activity which goes against their religious beliefs. Certainly ministers of religion must be free to decide whether to officiate at a gay wedding or to offer their churches. After that, things get very grey indeed.
They are big on free speech and religious freedom in the United States and, because of the past treatment of blacks, sensitive and resistant to all forms of discrimination. However, they face the same dilemma that all tolerant democracies face — as we did in reconsidering Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act — which is to craft a balance between upholding individual freedoms on the one hand and rejecting discrimination on the other.

Recent events in the small town of Walkerton in Indiana illustrate the dilemma. The facts of the case have been in the news but, briefly, they are as follows: Indiana was in process of passing a religious freedom law not too different from a similar federal law signed by Bill Clinton and laws in place in most other US states. The law basically gives individuals and businesses a legal fallback (a better chance in court) if they object to being compelled by the government to do something against their religious beliefs.

The Middle East: In the Shadow of the Gunmen By Jonathan Spyer

In a process of profound importance, five Arab states in the Middle East have effectively ceased to exist over the last decade. The five states in question are Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Libya. It is possible that more will follow.

The causes of their disappearance are not all the same. In two cases (Iraq, Libya) it was western military intervention which began the process of collapse. In another case (Lebanon) it is intervention from a Middle Eastern state (Iran) which is at the root of the definitive hollowing out of the state.

Munich, Anyone? Obama’s Iran Agreement in Translation By Roger L Simon

When Barack Obama told us on dozens of occasions [1] that we could keep our previous health plan and doctor under the Affordable Care Act, he was doing it for one of two reasons. Either he was ignorant of his own legislation (unlikely) or he was deliberately lying to get it passed. He knew best what was good for us and if he had to prevaricate, so be it.

The so-called framework agreement on Iranian nuclear activities is almost exactly the same. Obama again believes it is best for us, but if we are to believe Amir Taheri (and I do), this “agreement” (that the Iranians are calling merely a press release) is understood completely differently by both parties. We have been told another series of lies in order to get something passed — or in this case not to oppose it.

Leftist Feminists’ Abandonment of Women under Islam — on The Glazov Gang

This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Ann-Marie Murrell, the lead anchor and national director and editor-in-chief of She is the co-author (with Dr. Gina Loudon and Morgan Brittany) of the new book, What Women Really Want.

Ann-Marie focuses on Leftist Feminists’ Abandonment of Women under Islam, unveiling the heart of darkness of progressive feminism. The discussion occurred within a focus on What Women Really Want.

Ann-Marie also shed light on The Lies of Leftist Feminism, her own Journey from Left to Right, Why the Left Hates Sarah Palin, and much, much more:

Connecting the Dots: Iran, Immigration & National Security Posted By Michael Cutler

This past week John Kerry, bargaining from a self-imposed position of weakness, continued to negotiate with Iran, the world’s most pernicious state sponsor of international terrorism even after America’s allies walked away. It might be said that Kerry agreed to take “No” for an answer.

Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu left no doubt about his grave concerns about the wisdom of the agreement being hammered out at the behest of the Obama administration that legitimizes Iran’s nuclear program and therefore poses an existential threat to Israel.

Repeating History Yet Again By Bruce Thornton

We all should be angry right now about the disastrous “general understanding” with Iran about its nuclear ambitions. According to its terms, Iran will not shut down a single facility, will not dismantle a single centrifuge, and will not ship its stockpile of enriched uranium out of the country. Various inspection regimes and “sanctions snap-back” are supposed to punish Iran for cheating on its commitments, but those are empty threats. Worse yet, sanctions will be lifted upon signing, at least according to the Iranians. This means billions will pour into the coffers of the Republican Guard, money that will finance its current expansion throughout the region and support for terrorists.

The simple fact that will result from a formalization of these “key parameters” is that Iran will become a nuclear power and the regional hegemon, with serious consequences for our own and our allies’ security and interests. What is depressing about this failure is that it has happened so many times before, a history that should have aroused some prudence and caution in our leaders. Munich is everybody’s favorite analogy these days, but that disaster was the culmination of nearly two decades of wishful thinking, feckless idealism, and short-term thinking. Central to that dismal failure were arms agreements that in the end did nothing to prevent war, and instead armed the aggressors.

Obama Rehabilitates the Castro Brothers The Organization of American States is Now Open to Dictatorships.Mary Anastasia O’Grady

When President Obama travels to Panama for the 7th Summit of the Americas later this week, expect to be inundated with platitudes about the blossoming of democracy in the region. Don’t believe it. Repression is on the march in the Americas, and U.S. ambivalence is part of the problem.

In the White House’s lack of moral clarity, the region’s bullies smell weakness. One result is that a Caribbean backwater run by gangster brothers now has the upper hand in setting the regional agenda.

If the U.S. president is humiliated in Panama City like he was in Port of Spain in 2009, no one should be surprised. That’s when Mr. Obama tried to be one of the boys with Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez, who thanked him by presenting him a copy of the famous anti-American diatribe “The Open Veins of Latin America.”