Saigon’s Fall Still Echoes Today: By Robert F. Turner

Myths about the Vietnam War persist, weakening America’s role in the world.

our decades ago this week, in what was then Saigon, I was trying to facilitate the evacuation of orphans as North Vietnam’s armed forces approached the city. I had left the U.S. Army after two tours in Vietnam and had returned to do what I could to help as America fled a war—a fight for freedom—that it had shamefully chosen to forfeit.

As the nation marks the 40th anniversary of the fall of Saigon on April 30, we would do well to clear away the myths that still adhere to that bloody conflict and understand why America got involved, what went wrong and what the consequences were.

We went to war because by ratifying the United Nations Charter in 1945 and the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (Seato) treaty a decade later, the U.S. pledged to oppose armed international aggression. Critics have long claimed that the State Department lied when it said the U.S. was responding to North Vietnamese aggression. That charge is baseless. After the war, Hanoi repeatedly acknowledged—including in its official history, “Victory in Vietnam”—its decision in May 1959 to open the Ho Chi Minh Trail and send vast numbers of troops, weapons and supplies to overthrow its neighbor by armed force. That was every bit as illegal as when North Korea invaded its southern neighbor in June 1950.

Notable & Quotable: Global Cooling From Time magazine, June 24, 1974.

From Time magazine, June 24, 1974:

As they review the bizarre and unpredictable weather pattern of the past several years, a growing number of scientists are beginning to suspect that many seemingly contradictory meteorological fluctuations are actually part of a global climatic upheaval. However widely the weather varies from place to place and time to time, when meteorologists take an average of temperatures around the globe they find that the atmosphere has been growing gradually cooler for the past three decades. The trend shows no indication of reversing. Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age.

Al Sharpton’s Baltimore :“No justice, no Peace” Finally Blew Into an Urban Riot. Dan Henninger

‘No justice, no peace.”

In Baltimore now, they’ve got both.

When Al Sharpton popularized the chant, “No justice, no peace,” it was unmistakably clear that “no peace” was an implicit threat of civil unrest.

Not civil disobedience, as practiced by Martin Luther King Jr. Civil unrest.

Civil unrest can come in degrees. It might be a brief fight between protesters and the cops. It might be someone throwing rocks through store windows. Or it might be more than that.

Daniel Suleiman:More Than ‘Moral Complicity’ at Auschwitz

On the opening day of his criminal trial in Lüneburg, Germany, on April 21 for complicity in the deaths of approximately 300,000 Jews, most of whom were Hungarian, former Waffen-SS officer Oskar Gröning conceded that he bears “moral” responsibility for the role he served at Auschwitz, the notorious concentration camp where he was stationed from 1942-44. But Mr. Gröning, who is 93, does not admit that he is guilty of crimes.

“It is without question that I am morally complicit in the murder of millions of Jews through my activities at Auschwitz,” he told the court, according to the Guardian. “But as to the question whether I am criminally culpable, that’s for you to decide.”

Western Historical Amnesia: Srdja Trifkovic

PRESENTER: Dr. Trifkovic, what do you think of the latest poll suggesting that most West Europeans think that the U.S. contributed more to the defeat of Nazism during World War II than the Soviet Army?

ST: The current generation of Europeans, especially those under 50, is less well educated and has less of a historical awareness than their parents and their grandparents. If you look at the geography of Paris, there is a prominent square named after the battle of Stalingrad and a metro station called “Stalingrad.” In the immediate aftermath of World War II, most French people were aware of the real score.

As for Germany there could not have been any doubt, because after all the Germans were at the receiving end of it all. Ninety percent of their casualties, all casualties taken together – the Wehrmacht, the Luftwaffe, the Waffen SS, and so on – were inflicted by the Red Army.

Two-State-Solution? Try Baltimore : Jack Engelhard

Perhaps the US administration should fix America’s inner-city problems first.
Considering Baltimore, the Obama Administration ought to think twice before lecturing Israel about adopting a “two-state-solution.”

Baltimore is where an incident of alleged police brutality led to a fatality and to days of looting, burning and rioting. It’s still going on as we write.

Inner-city unrest is something we will have to fix for ourselves and we do not need outsiders telling us what to do or how to behave.

How Non-Muslims “Survive” in Turkey by Burak Bekdil

A non-Muslim can rise and become a darling of today’s neo-Ottoman Turks. He can win hearts and minds in important offices in Ankara — and a bright career. But to maintain his fortunes, he must remain loyal to the official Islamist line, both in deed and rhetoric.

That is the kind of collective psychology into which Turkey’s ruling Islamists force non-Muslims: either become a collaborator or…

Last October, Etyen Mahcupyan, a leading Turkish Armenian intellectual, “liberal” writer and columnist, was appointed as “chief advisor” to Turkey’s Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu. At first glance, this was good news in a country where Islamists privately adhere to the old Ottoman “millet” system, in which non-Muslims were treated as second-class (if not third-class) citizens.

Clinton Aide Gets Life in Prison By Matthew Vadum

An Islamic terrorist leader who jumped straight from his job at the Clinton Foundation to a post with Egypt’s jihadist Muslim Brotherhood has received a life sentence back home for seditious activities.

It provides yet more damning proof of the ties of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to totalitarian Muslims while throwing more light on the shady goings-on of the terrorist-friendly international cash-for-favors clearinghouse known as the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. (The endlessly corrupt foundation, which has taken oceans of cash from Islamic regimes that persecute women and religious dissenters, was profiled at length [2] by this writer last week in FrontPage).

Can the Democrats Get Rid of Hillary? By Daniel Greenfield

The worst Clinton marriage isn’t the one between Hillary and Bill. It’s between Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. The Democrats don’t want Hillary, but they’re stuck with her anyway.

Since her last loss, the Clintons have made it clear that 2016 will be Hillary’s year. Making her the inevitable candidate, scared off other candidates and their donors. Hillary camped out on the Democratic ticket the way that Jeb tried and failed to do on the Republican ticket.

Hillary has the Democratic Party where she wants it. By scaring off every serious candidate, the party has no choice but to get behind her. And the more it gets behind her, the more it’s stuck with her

Islam and the Omaha Tri-Faith Initiative By Dr. Stephen M. Kirby

A Muslim Brotherhood charade in the American heartland.

Currently underway in the Heartland of America is an experiment in interfaith dialogue and coexistence: the Tri-Faith Initiative in Omaha, Nebraska. The goal of the Tri-Faith Initiative is to have a synagogue, a mosque, and a church located on a common piece of land, each with its own separate building; the Tri-Faith hopes to later add a fourth building as a shared Tri-Faith Center. The location for this venture is 35 acres in the Sterling Ridge development in Omaha.