The West is too cowed by guilt to look honestly at immigration.

Is immigrating from less-developed countries to the West a good or a bad thing, for host and guest? Is the immigrant angry at, or nostalgic for, the country he left? Is he thankful to or resentful of the country he has come to? Does the Westerner know why the other seeks him out or why he himself chooses not to emigrate to the non-West? These questions and dozens like them are not so much never answered as never even asked.
The result is chaos. Thousands of refugees from the mess in North and East Africa are hiring smugglers to ship them across the Mediterranean into the southern ports of Europe — often with tragic results, as boats sink and passengers drown. Any visitor to Athens quickly notices that tens of thousands of Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, and Albanians have arrived illegally in Greece in hopes of reaching more prosperous Western European countries.

‘Space’ to Riot: Baltimore’s Mayor Writes a License for Lawlessness by Ian Tuttle

At his Friday press conference, Malik Z. Shabazz, itinerant inciter of outrage from the Washington, D.C.–based Black Lawyers for Justice, warned Baltimore that, to protest the mysterious death of Freddie Gray, “a wave will roll downtown to City Hall.”

He forgot to mention that it was a crime wave. In a 79-second clip filmed by a female Russia Today reporter, one young man (“Rest in peace to my man, Freddie G”) is joined by two other young men (“F*** the police”), who are joined by several other young men, each of whom, shouting, displays his middle finger to the camera. It takes just seconds for a dozen young men, likely more, to gather; they push against the camera, yell, and flash their own middle fingers.

Then, suddenly, the camera drops, the men scatter, and the RT camerawoman gives chase to a young man, shouting, frantically, “Give it back!” He has stolen her handbag. It’s harrowing footage. It’s also representative of this weekend in Baltimore, where hundreds of individuals honored the deceased Freddie Gray by throwing trashcans, smashing storefronts, blocking traffic, brawling in the streets, and perpetrating general mayhem. The only thing missing was a blazing Quiktrip.


Facts are always tougher and more revealing than rumors.

Bill Clinton’s loving wife… By Dick Morris former political adviser to President Bill Clinton.

If you happen to see the Bill Clinton 5-minute TV ad for Hillary in which he introduces the commercial by saying he wants to share some things we may not know about Hillary’s background, beware. As I was there for most of their presidency and know them better than just about anyone, I offer a few corrections.

Bill says: “In law school, Hillary worked on legal services for the poor.”

The facts are: Hillary’s main extra-curricular activity in law school was helping the Black Panthers, on trial in Connecticut for torturing and killing a federal agent. She went to court every day as part of a law student monitoring committee trying to spot civil rights violations and develop grounds for appeal.

Bill says: “Hillary spent a year after graduation working on a children’s rights project for poor kids.”

The facts are: Hillary interned with Bob Truehaft, the head of the California Communist Party. She met Bob when he represented the Panthers and traveled all the way to San Francisco to take an internship with him.

The Sunni Coalition By Herbert London

It was merely a question of time before Sunni brethren struck back. The recent attacks in Yemen by the Saudi airforce in conjunction with Egypt, Qatar, UAE, Bakrain, Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco, Turkey and Sudan were united in delivering message with devastating clarity to Iran. The presumptive target? Houthi militants that overran the government with the active involvement of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. In forging this joint Sunni military force the Saudis were saying there will be systematic opposition to the Iranian plan for hegemonic status in the region. Yemen’s fall was the final straw.

The attack was also a repudiation of the U.S. rapproachment with Iran. In effect, the Sunni states were saying a Persian empire will not be tolerated even if it has American approval. The Obama administration decision to withdraw military presence from the Middle East has led to a vacuum filled until now by Iranian special forces. This Saudi-led strike in Yemen is a new chapter in this on-going saga. Sunni nations that may have had their differences in the past are now seemingly united for the security of the region and purposely poised to challenge Iranian imperial ambitions.

The Real Elephant in Hillary’s Scandal-Plagued Room By Joan Swirsky ****

It took the socialists and communists – today known as progressives – nearly one-hundred years to implant one of their own in the Oval Office. One could include their ideological soul mates, the jihadists among us, since the dream they all have in common is to transform and/or to destroy America.

The leftist precursors to Barack Obama, of course, were the Clintons (“two for the price of one,” as Bill promised in 1992). Yes, Bill was blindsided – no doubt Hillary thought hornswoggled – when then-Minority Whip Newt Gingrich and Congressman Richard Armey introduced sweeping reforms in their Contract with America, and converted the midterm elections of 1994 into a thunderous Republican victory.

Obama’s Dreams of Texas and Beyond: Edward Cline

In this exercise in satire, I reveal Barack Obama’s plans for Texas and the rest of the country.
Russian hackers who snuck into President Obama’s unclassified computer system at the White House inadvertently sent some of their booty to all sorts of people around the globe. Including to me. I don’t think they meant to, but some hacker’s fingers probably strayed and included me in the privileged few. And I don’t even speak Russian!

In her April 7th report, “Russian hackers got Obama’s schedule in White House cyberattack” in The Hill, Elise Viebeck wrote:

Russian hackers who hit the White House infiltrated an unclassified computer system and apparently accessed details about President Obama’s schedule.

While the White House previously sought to downplay the seriousness of the hack, which took place last year, the intruders were able to see information about the president that was not publicly available, CNN reported Tuesday.

Hillary, Iran, and The Clinton Foundation by Rachel Ehrenfeld

Until on November 20, 2008, then Senator Hillary Clinton ardently opposed direct talks with the terrorist Republic of Iran, favored increased sanctions and stated that any attempt of direct talks with Iran, is “irresponsible and frankly naïve.”

However, to become Obama’s Secretary of State she changed her tune and agreed to “low level talks” with Iran.

On January 1, 2009, Forbes was first to publish my Clinton’s Iranian Connection, reporting that on Dec. 19, 2008, at 2pm, the New York based Iranian government’s Alavi Foundation, which “reported directly” to the Supreme Leader, contributed between $25,000 and $50,000 to the William J. Clinton Foundation.

Earlier that very same day, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York indicted the president of the Alavi Foundation, Farshid Jahedi, “on a charge of obstruction of justice for allegedly destroying documents required to be produced under a grand jury subpoena concerning the Alavi Foundation’s relationship with Bank Melli Iran and the ownership of a Manhattan office building.”


In 2008 Hillary’s campaign song was Celine Dion’s “You and I”

For 2016 Hillary should choose Ella Fitzgerld’s “Love for Sale”

Sydney M. Williams “Greece – ‘You Can Run, but You Can’t Hide’”

“Will she, or won’t she?” That is, will Greece, with a population of eleven million, abandon the Euro and strike out on her own, or will she just strike out? Will she default? Would there be collateral damage? It is not as though Greece is critical to Europe’s economy (her GDP represents less than 1.5% of the Eurozone’s GDP), but her exit could start a precedent – contagion is the word preferred by the cognoscenti. But the most important question: Why has this happened? Are Europe and the West also vulnerable?

Europe, along with much of the world, suffered a protracted recession in the wake of the 2008 credit crisis. Other than a brief interlude of little over a year, Europe’s recession lasted five years, from early 2008 through early 2013. (Greece’s GDP is still 30% below where it was in 2008.) But the troubles in Europe are more pestiferous than simply the aftershocks of a damaging recession. According to Eurostat, for the twenty years ending 2014 Europe’s GDP growth has compounded annually at a mere 0.35%. Europe’s problem is (and has been) a lack of economic growth.

Black Violence Matters By Daniel Greenfield

For black lives to start really mattering, black violence has to matter.

Baltimore has the fifth highest big city [2] murder rate in the country. The four cities ahead of it are Detroit, New Orleans, Newark and St. Louis. All these cities have something in common. Not racism, but race.

The killers and the dead are black.

The murder rate in Baltimore stood at 37.4 to 100,000 people. There have already been 63 murders this year. Fifty-six of the victims were black. Of the 16 murders in the last 30 days [3], 14 of the victims were black.

If black lives really mattered, then black violence would matter. But that would mean taking responsibility for a broken culture which few leaders in the black community are ready to do.

Instead the death of Freddie Gray in police custody became the excuse for another round of #BlackLivesMatter riots, looting and assaults. Rather than dealing with the violence killing black Baltimore, it became another excuse for more of the same.

The media is always ready with the usual lies about peaceful protests being “marred” by sudden outbreaks of violence. Ferguson’s peaceful protests of screaming and throwing things at cops were suddenly marred by days of looting, arson and shootings.