“Forget 50 years of occupation. Six years of Obama’s occupation of the White House must end.”
Is that the White House Chief of Staff or the Chief of Staff for the PLO? Hard to tell the difference these days.
White House Chief of Staff, Denis McDonough showed up at J Street, an anti-Israel group funded by a lot of the same left-wing billionaires as Obama, e.g. George Soros, to denounce Israel and praise the work of the anti-Israel org.
After delivering some standard talking points about how great the economy is these days (for anyone who works for the government), McDonough bashed Republicans for not being supportive of Israel.
(Yes, the errand boy for the guy who spent the past week threatening Israel is accusing Republicans of not being supportive of Israel. George Orwell, please pick up the white courtesy phone.)
“To achieve this, the United States has long advocated direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. In 2009, Prime Minister Netanyahu publicly endorsed a two-state solution. Over the course of President Obama’s administration, most recently with the tireless efforts of Secretary Kerry, the United States has expended tremendous energy in pursuit of this goal,” McDonough said.