Coffee, Tea, or an ‘Honest’ Conversation about Race? Jonah Goldberg
Starbucks’s new campaign is yet another sign of the relentless politicization of American culture.
Starbucks is easy to make fun of on its best days, what with the pretentious names for everyday items, never mind the ridiculously high prices for those same everyday items. Even the cashiers have fancy monikers — “barista.” The snootiness is by design, of course. And you can make fun of it all you want; it’s worked. Using many of the same techniques realtors have employed to hawk borderline tenements as unique gateways to the urban experience, Starbucks has managed to educate the consumer that it’s okay to pay through the nose for what used to be a “cuppa joe.” Even that slightly burnt taste is spun as a feature, not a bug. We’re subtly informed, “That’s the way it’s supposed to taste, you philistine.”
Now, Starbucks has decided to lean into the mockery. Howard Schultz, the company’s CEO, is launching a new initiative called “Race Together.” Starting March 20, baristas will be encouraged to write “Race Together” on coffee cups “to facilitate a conversation between you and our customers” about their “race journey.” It’s ironic. The Obama years were supposed to usher in an era of racial harmony. That didn’t happen — which presumably is why Schultz feels the need to help mend our racial wounds. What has happened, however, is that hordes of college graduates, unable to find jobs suitable to their degrees, have ended up toiling away at places like Starbucks. It’s kind of ingenious. Since sociology majors can’t find relevant jobs, Schultz is making the jobs they have relevant to their majors. If this becomes a trend, maybe my dog walkers will start reciting Proust in French on their perambulations. As a business decision, I find the whole thing bizarre. If I don’t have my coffee in the morning, I get a headache that feels like a Hell’s Angel is trying to press his meaty thumb through my forehead. This is not the most propitious moment to engage me in a conversation about my “race journey.”