The Non-Omnipotent US Presidency :Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger

The assertion that US foreign policy and national security are shaped by presidential omnipotence is refuted by recent precedents and the US Constitution. The latter was created by the Founding Fathers, who were determined to limit the power of government and preclude the possibility of executive dictatorship. They were apprehensive of potential presidential excesses and encroachment, and therefore assigned the formulation of domestic and foreign policy and national security policy to both Congress and the president. Obviously, the coalescing of congressional policy among 535 legislators constitutes a severe disadvantage for the legislature.


1. “Next 9/11 will be caused by hackers, not suicide bombers”
2. Alleged sexual assault on Iranian teens leads to anti-Saudi protests
3. Five “Save the Children” aid workers murdered by Islamists; 100 students hospitalized
4. ISIS starts issuing ID cards for those living under its control
5. “On the skylines of Africa, Arabia, and Asia”
6. “ISIS is losing. Watch how and why it’s happening.”
7. Many in Bosnian village pledge allegiance to the Islamic State
8. Jewish bookshop in Barcelona targeted for bombing by Islamists
9. Hundreds turn out for funeral of childless victim of Mengele’s experiments
10. “Auschwitz,” a new 15-minute documentary by Steven Spielberg
11. “Screaming Silence”
12. Russian-Jewish liberator of Auschwitz warns of another Holocaust
13. New figures show anti-Semitic attacks continuing to rise
14. Man killed, young woman seriously injured in possible terror attack
15. Roman Abramovich buys luxury Tel Aviv home
16. Something more fun: Find your Number 1

Queen of Denmark Outraged by Persecution of Jews, Calls for Opposition to Islam: Daniel Greenfield

The terrorist attack (February 14-15 2015 against a free speech even an a Jewish school) has helped to expose the existence of a fierce anger against Israel and Jews among groups of refugees and immigrants in Denmark. For the Queen, it has been painful to follow the harassment and persecution of the Danish Jews, and she is shocked that Jews again – in a completely unacceptable way – are threatened.

“That the Jews are so disliked, feel pressured and feel threatened, is shocking – because they are threatened. They take it with great dignity, as they have always done, but it is shocking to witness.”

Seen with the queen’s eyes is an important part of the reaction to the terror that we stand firmly by the key freedoms that Denmark is founded on – including freedom of expression – which makes it possible to speak, write and express ones opinion freely.


Ilana Mercer asks, where is ‘Victims of Communism Day’?

April the 15th marked Holocaust Memorial Day. Nearly everyone knows about the industrial killing of 6 million Jews, for no other reason than that they were Jews. “Serious historiography” of the subject has ensured that The Shoah, Holocaust in Hebrew, is “consigned to posterity,” its lessons remembered and commemorated throughout the civilized world.

Although she failed to dignify the Armenian genocide of 1915, CNN’s Christiane Amanpour certainly covered the Holocaust, the killing fields of Cambodia, Bosnia, northern Iraq, Rwanda and Darfur, for a 2008 documentary about genocide. In the interest of pacifying its Turkish allies, American officialdom has generally aped Amanpour, refusing to implicate the Ottomans in the mass murder of up to 1.5 million Armenians, 100 years ago.


April 15th this year was not just the day to pay our taxes to an all-powerful and intrusive government.

No, this year April 15th marked Holocaust Remembrance Day which should remind us of the horrors perpetrated by Nazi Germany and its European allies against the stateless and hapless Jews a mere 70 years ago. It is no accident to reflect upon the name of the largest Jewish cemetery in the world: It is called: Europe.

Before the Second World War, there were some 18 million Jews. After the war, and the defeat of Germany, there were only 12 million remaining. The six million who perished soaked the benighted soil of Europe with their blood and filled the skies with their ashes.

But these were the Jewish victims of the 20th century. For nearly two millennia – before that bloodiest of all centuries unleashed its barbarism and infernal hate upon the Jewish people – millions more had died and suffered cruel martyrdom at the hands of the medieval Church and the European temporal powers.

Settling Settlements Netanyahu’s Real Policies, Before and After the Election

For the first time in over 15 years, Israel may soon form a coalition government that is composed solely of right-wing factions. This could have major implications for settlement expansion. After all, both of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s previous governments (2009–2013 and 2013–2015) included center-left parties that opposed settlement expansion outside areas that—according to past negotiations and in any realistic future peace accord—would end up as part of Israel. That is, his governments allowed population growth to expand freely in the major settlement blocs that Israel is expected to keep, but they constrained growth in the smaller settlements beyond Israel’s security barrier, which would likely be part of any future Palestinian state.

In the years to come, though, the United States might have to contend with a new policy. During Netanyahu’s past six years as prime minister, his settlement policy has been the subject of great controversy and contradiction. On the one hand, the United States and Europe frequently criticized the policy as expanding Israeli presence in the West Bank. On the other, right-wing constituencies in Israel lashed out at Netanyahu for doing the exact opposite—implementing a “quiet freeze” policy that effectively halted Israeli construction outside of Jerusalem and the major settlement blocs.



This is very important. It is time for Jews to realign themselves firmly with the Republican party…to influence and support good candidates. Ron Johnson is an outstanding legislator and will face stiff competition in re-election in 2016. ….rsk

NEW YORK — April 15, 2015 — Manhattan real-estate developer and hotelier Ian Reisner recently hosted a private fundraiser for Senator Ron Johnson (R – Wisconsin), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Homeland Security Committee. Holocaust survivor Sam Domb and former Republican National Chairman Ken Mehlman were among the leading Jewish Republicans and other conservatives who supported this effort.

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R – Wisconsin) attends campaign fundraiser hosted by Manhattan real estate developer Ian Reisner (right).

Senator Johnson, who has begun campaigning for re-election in 2016, acknowledged the business leaders in the audience. He wondered, “Would any of you ask President Obama to negotiate on your behalf?” After the laughter subsided, Johnson listed his numerous concerns with Obama’s pending nuclear-weapons agreement with Iran’s dictatorship. Johnson also specified several amendments that he plans to introduce to assure that the U.S. Senate reviews and votes on this deal.
Those gathered at Reisner’s Central Park South penthouse included a bipartisan group of Jewish business leaders — both committed Republicans and several traditionally aligned with Democrats.

The Obama ‘Framework’ for Israel’s Doom Posted By Moshe Phillips and Benyamin Korn

So now it turns out that Israel’s security, perhaps its very existence, will be jeopardized in order to give Barack Obama some post-presidential bragging points.

It was recently revealed that the President intends to publicly endorse specific borders and other terms for a Palestinian state, which he hopes will go down in history as the “Obama Framework.” But it would be more truthful to call it what it is — the Palestinian Framework.

The new “Obama Framework” scheme was reported on March 30 by Jackson Diehl, deputy editorial page editor of the Washington Post, a journalist whom the Obama administration has often used to leak information it wants to float for trial balloons.

The Death of the Left Posted By Daniel Greenfield

The left is winning, but for the left winning is indistinguishable from dying. The West didn’t defeat Communism; it held it at bay long enough for it to defeat itself. The Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China crushed Communism more decisively than Goldwater could have ever dreamed of.

The embargo didn’t turn Cuba into a hellhole whose main tourism industry is inviting progressive Canadian pedophiles [1] to rape its children. Castro did that with help from the dead guy on the red t-shirts.

“One of the greatest benefits of the revolution is that even our prostitutes are college graduates,” Castro told Oliver Stone. In real life, his prostitutes are lucky if they graduated from elementary school [2].

American admirers eager to get to Havana claim to be worried that Starbucks will ruin their Socialist paradise. What really worries them is that American businesses might give Cuban teens an economic alternative to sexually servicing decrepit leftists from Berkeley for $10 a night in the revolutionary version of Thailand where everyone is free, especially the political prisoners and raped children.

Netanyahu: World ‘Lulled Into Slumber on Bed of Illusions’ Decades After Holocaust By Bridget Johnson

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned at this evening’s Yad Vashem ceremony to mark Yom HaShoah that the civilized world has been “lulled into slumber on a bed of illusions” this many years after the Holocaust.

“In the years before World War II, the free world tried to appease the Nazi regime, to gain its trust, to curry its favor through gestures,” Netanyahu said at the Holocaust Memorial Day event. “There were those who warned that a compromising policy would only whet Hitler’s appetite, but these warnings were ignored due to the natural human desire for calm at all costs.”

The prime minister spokes of those who like to repeat the phrase “never again,” vowing that the Holocaust’s lessons have been learned.

“They declare: ‘We will not turn a blind eye to the expansion aspirations of a violent tyranny.’ They promise: ‘We will oppose evil things as soon as they begin.’ But as long as these announcements are not backed by practical actions – they are meaningless,” Netanyahu said.

“Did the world truly learn a lesson from the inconceivable universal and Jewish tragedy of last century? I wish I could tell you that the answer to this was positive.”

He warned that “just as the Nazis aspired to crush civilization and to establish a ‘master race’ as ruler of the world while annihilating the Jewish people, so too does Iran strive to gain control over the region and then spread further, with the explicit intent of obliterating the Jewish state.”