France, the West and the Islamist Challenge by Amir Taheri

Even in poor countries that become breeding grounds for Islamic terror, the funds needed always come from richer Muslim nations. What we are facing is not a revolt of the poor.

What matters is what you are taught, where and by whom and for what purpose. Many jihadists are taught a vision of the world and the place of Islam in it that is bound to lead to conflict, violence, terror and ultimately war.

Non-Western cultures have no doubt that they are the best… it is only Western civilization that regards self-criticism as as an almost sacred duty. In a civilization built on critical, and self-critical, thinking, we are invited to practice censorship and self-censorship. If danger there is, it comes from those who wish to silence such voices in the name of multiculturalism and “respect for the other.”

The adepts of political correctness in the West measure everyone’s worth with the degree of his or her victimhood.

Perry Rips Obama’s ‘State of Delusion’ on National Security : Jim Geraghty

““The president’s negotiations with Iran have served to legitimize – not limit – their nuclear ambitions,” Perry said. “They are an aggressive power seeking dominance in the Middle East. They fund the terror groups Hamas and Hezbollah. They control four proxy states. And nuclear weapons in their hands will destabilize the Middle East, setting off a nuclear arms race that will lead to a Sunni bomb, and create a grave escalation of the threat posed to the one vibrant democracy in the Middle East: Israel.”

Former Texas governor Rick Perry accused the Obama administration of “delusional thinking” and keeping the American military in the dark about the threats facing the country in a speech at the Citadel, South Carolina’s military college, earlier today. “If you choose to wear the uniform of our nation, you deserve the truth about the realities you will face, however unpleasant,” Perry said. “At no time in the last 25 years has the world been more dangerous. And because of it, some of you will be called upon to put your lives at risk.”

Perry effectively accused President Obama of lying in his statements on U.S. efforts against ISIS and other terror groups: “The president’s State of the Union address has become the State of Delusion address,” Perry said. “When Yemen is held up as a model for containing terrorism, when ISIS is declared contained and its religious roots are denied, our president has fallen victim to delusional thinking.” Perry is arguably the only viable GOP presidential candidate in the field with military experience, depending upon whether South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham or former U.N. ambassador John Bolton are considered serious contenders. He served in the Air Force from 1972 to 1977, a unique qualification he’s likely to emphasize in his White House bid.

Previously Deported Immigrants Can Now Enter the U.S. on Taxpayers’ Dime : Ryan Lovelace

They can also receive a wide variety of federal benefits once they arrive.
In 2014, unaccompanied alien children from Central America walked across America’s southern border in droves. This year, the U.S. government will pay for unaccompanied alien children to be flown into the country, even if they were convicted of a felony, and furnish them with federal benefits to boot. It sounds outlandish, so how is it happening? It’s called the In-Country Refugee/Parole Program for Central American Minors, and the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security introduced it on November 14, 2014.


From gay weddings to Iran’s muscle-flexing, PC enforcers have a big job. It is not easy being a contemporary thought policeman. No sooner had the radical gay Left demonized the owners of an Indiana pizza parlor, which does not cater weddings, for suggesting that in theory they might not wish to cater a gay wedding than all sorts of stories surfaced saying that lots of Muslim eateries professed that they too would not cater gay weddings. What can the thought bullies do if one victim should victimize another? Money complicates thought policing as well.

The CEO of Apple is outraged at the thought crimes of Indiana pizza-parlor owners who offer his trillion-dollar company no chance of lucre — but he is not outraged at the concretely homophobic culture of the Middle East or the religious intolerance of China, which are hooked on i-products. Are theoretical sins worse than actual ones? We are back in spirit to the scripted outrage of a few years ago at Mormons in California for supposedly voting down gay marriage on a ballot proposition — until exit polls suggested that the state’s black voters had proved as much opposed to gay marriage as the so-called Religious Right.



Vaccines from your own cells. (TY Nocamels) Israeli biotech SynVaccine is developing safe synthetic vaccines from the recipient’s own tissue cells, which the body’s immune system can easily recognize and build protection. In addition, SynVaccine’s computer-engineered vaccines cannot release the original virus.

Treatment to stop pain. Israel’s Teva has begun a Phase 2b trial of TV-45070 in patients with post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN). TV-45070 inhibits the sodium channels expressed in the pain-sensing peripheral nervous system and can treat patients with various pain indications, including neuropathic and osteo-arthritis pain.

Cause of ovarian failure discovered. Tel Aviv University and Schneider Medical Center researchers have discovered a genetic mutation responsible for Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) that affects one percent of all women worldwide. The study began after DNA testing two affected Israeli-Arab girls.

US journalists see Israeli medical innovations. For the past 10 years, the Murray Fromson American Associates, Ben-Gurion University Media Mission has brought US reporters and editors to see cutting-edge Israeli research at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. This year’s themes included neuroscience, stem cells and medical robotics.

Saving lives of the wounded. A higher percentage of Israelis were seriously or critically injured in last summer’s Operation Protective Edge than in the 2006 Lebanon War. Yet recovery times were faster and treatment much more effective this time, thanks to faster evacuation to hospital and technology to stop bleeding.

Prize for life. Israel’s Prize4Life is funding $1million prizes for research and treatment for ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). At Tel Aviv’s BrainTech 2015 conference, every delegate stood up to applaud Prize4Life’s CEO and ALS sufferer Shay Rishoni, who demonstrated a device that translates eye movements into computerized voice.


Do you really think that World War II’s Holocaust has taught the world a lesson?

I think not. It clearly appears, to me, that much of the world has not learned. If we do not honestly face facts now, in this nuclear age, we are doomed to endure even greater horrors.

There are “Holocaust Deniers” and“ “Revisionists” who claim there’s no evidence the Holocaust ever occurred. They claim there are only false tales of “gas chambers disguised as shower rooms, factious wartime barbaric sadistic atrocities forms of mass murder designed to exterminate all European Jewry. They claim the Holocaust is the biggest lie ever foisted upon humanity.


Too bad the “framework” of a nuclear weapons deal with Iran didn’t come four days earlier on April Fools’ Day. It would have been more appropriate.

The United States is being asked to foolishly believe promises by a regime that is religiously motivated to eliminate Israel and ultimately the United States, is the premier sponsor of terrorism in the world, has a record of breaking promises, including past promises about nuclear weapons, and still holds American prisoners, including a Christian minister, a Washington Post reporter, a former Marine and Robert Levinson, a retired Drug Enforcement Administration agent taken hostage in 2007.

Keeping Hillary Clinton’s Testimony Private is a Strategy Sure to Fail: Jed Babbin

After Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, Sandy “the burglar” Berger stealing documents from the National Archives and Bill’s dalliance with Monica Lewinsky, political reporters got a bit lazy because they had to sit back and wait for the next scandal to break. The cascading Clintons always served one up.

Some reporters I know openly yearn for a return to the Clinton days. They miss remarks like what then-Sen. Fritz Hollings of South Carolina said when Bill’s poll numbers were falling. There was no reason to worry, Mr. Hollings said, because, “If they reach 60 percent, then he can start dating again.” The joke illustrated the big difference between the Clintons: Bill’s scandals were for the tabloids, and Hillary’s for the business page or the police blotter. His were perverse fun, hers not so much.

Now that the former senator and secretary of state is about to declare her run for the presidency, happy days for political reporters may be here again.

First Amendment Freedoms Losing Ground By Molly Pitcher

Please note the author is using a pen name because of concerns of retribution at her place of employment:Molly Pitcher is the pen-name for an established opinion editorialist and career educator who, for fear of workplace retribution, chose to assume the voice of this American Revolutionary War heroine. Pitcher not only brought water to soldiers during the War for Independence, but she helped man the cannons. She is sometimes referred to as Captain Molly or Sergeant Molly because General Washington issued her a warrant as an officer, in recognition of her efforts during battle.

According to the discussion around the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act”, the bill is intended to reaffirm religious freedom guaranteed by the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution. The law’s main objective is to prohibit the passage of any state or local laws that “substantially burden” the religious beliefs of an individual, business or religious institution. If the general public actually understood what the 1st Amendment truly says – that the government cannot prohibit the free exercise of religion, not only would there be an understanding of the redundancy of such a law (hence the word “restoration”), there would be a realization that a law reaffirming our commitment to the 1st Amendment should be unnecessary. To this date, there haven’t been any amendments to the Constitution which are contrary to this extremely important 1st freedom.

Once again, Conservatives, i.e. Republicans, look like clumsy bigots because the message – the argument – is framed wrong. Pundits should be saying, “While we may not like it and are perhaps offended by it, businesses that are not publicly funded have the prerogative to allow religious beliefs to influence their profit making decisions.


Most of the great wars of the past would have been far less bloody had they begun sooner. That emphatically is true of the First World War: if Germany had launched a preemptive assault on France during the First Morocco Crisis of 1905, before Britain had signed the Entente Cordiale with France and while Russia was busy with an internal rebellion, the result would have been a repeat of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 rather than the ghastly war of attrition that all but ruined Western civilization. It was a tragedy that the vacillating Kaiser Wilhelm II rejected the counsel of his general staff and kept the peace. I do not mean to impute moral superiority to Wilhelmine Germany, but to argue, simply, that swift victory by one side was preferable to what followed. It is hardly controversial to argue that Britain and France should have prepared for war with Germany and preempted Hitler’s ambitions no later than the 1936 re-occupation of the Rhineland.